Prekovremeni rad kao vid radne eksploatacije
Overtime work as a form of work exploitation
Autorka u radu analizira normativni okvir koji reguliše prekovremeni rad na međunarodnom i nacionalnom nivou, ali i pitanje prekovremenog rada u praksi. U radu je postavljena teza da poslodavci pribegavaju prekovremenom radu kako bi smanjili troškove rada, a zaposleni pristaju na prekovremeni rad, čak i kad je nezakonit, u strahu od otkaza, te ovakvom zloupotrebom od strane poslodavaca prekovremeni rad postaje vid radne eksploatacije. Autorka je sprovela istraživanje putem ankete i putem intervjua, kako bi utvrdila u kojoj meri je (ne)zakonit prekovremeni rad prisutan u praksi. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je neplaćeni prekovremeni rad izuzetno zastupljen, a da zaposleni imaju strah da se suprotstave ovakvoj praksi. Zaključak je da postoji raskorak između normativnog i stvarnog kada je reč o prekovremenom radu.
In the paper, the author analyzes the normative framework that regulates overtime work at the international and national level, but also the issue of overtime work in practice. The author puts forward the thesis that employers resort to overtime work in order to reduce labour costs, and employees agree to work overtime, even when it is illegal, due to the fear of dismissal, so by such abuse by employers, overtime work becomes a form of work exploitation. The author has conducted the research through a survey and an interview in order to determine the extent to which (illegal) overtime work is present in practice. The results of the research show that unpaid overtime work is widely present and that employees are afraid to stand up against this practice. In conclusion, there is a discrepancy between the normative and the real when it comes to overtime work.
Кључне речи:
radno vreme / prekovremeni rad / praksa / normativni okvir / mentalno zdravlje zaposlenih / working hours / practice / overtime / normative framework / mental health of employeesИзвор:
Sociološki pregled, 2021, 55, 2, 509-537Издавач:
- Sociološko društvo Srbije, Beograd
Pravni fakultet / Faculty of Law University of BelgradeTY - JOUR AU - Kuzminac, Mina PY - 2021 UR - AB - Autorka u radu analizira normativni okvir koji reguliše prekovremeni rad na međunarodnom i nacionalnom nivou, ali i pitanje prekovremenog rada u praksi. U radu je postavljena teza da poslodavci pribegavaju prekovremenom radu kako bi smanjili troškove rada, a zaposleni pristaju na prekovremeni rad, čak i kad je nezakonit, u strahu od otkaza, te ovakvom zloupotrebom od strane poslodavaca prekovremeni rad postaje vid radne eksploatacije. Autorka je sprovela istraživanje putem ankete i putem intervjua, kako bi utvrdila u kojoj meri je (ne)zakonit prekovremeni rad prisutan u praksi. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je neplaćeni prekovremeni rad izuzetno zastupljen, a da zaposleni imaju strah da se suprotstave ovakvoj praksi. Zaključak je da postoji raskorak između normativnog i stvarnog kada je reč o prekovremenom radu. AB - In the paper, the author analyzes the normative framework that regulates overtime work at the international and national level, but also the issue of overtime work in practice. The author puts forward the thesis that employers resort to overtime work in order to reduce labour costs, and employees agree to work overtime, even when it is illegal, due to the fear of dismissal, so by such abuse by employers, overtime work becomes a form of work exploitation. The author has conducted the research through a survey and an interview in order to determine the extent to which (illegal) overtime work is present in practice. The results of the research show that unpaid overtime work is widely present and that employees are afraid to stand up against this practice. In conclusion, there is a discrepancy between the normative and the real when it comes to overtime work. PB - Sociološko društvo Srbije, Beograd T2 - Sociološki pregled T1 - Prekovremeni rad kao vid radne eksploatacije T1 - Overtime work as a form of work exploitation EP - 537 IS - 2 SP - 509 VL - 55 DO - 10.5937/socpreg55-32108 UR - conv_1261 ER -
@article{ author = "Kuzminac, Mina", year = "2021", abstract = "Autorka u radu analizira normativni okvir koji reguliše prekovremeni rad na međunarodnom i nacionalnom nivou, ali i pitanje prekovremenog rada u praksi. U radu je postavljena teza da poslodavci pribegavaju prekovremenom radu kako bi smanjili troškove rada, a zaposleni pristaju na prekovremeni rad, čak i kad je nezakonit, u strahu od otkaza, te ovakvom zloupotrebom od strane poslodavaca prekovremeni rad postaje vid radne eksploatacije. Autorka je sprovela istraživanje putem ankete i putem intervjua, kako bi utvrdila u kojoj meri je (ne)zakonit prekovremeni rad prisutan u praksi. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je neplaćeni prekovremeni rad izuzetno zastupljen, a da zaposleni imaju strah da se suprotstave ovakvoj praksi. Zaključak je da postoji raskorak između normativnog i stvarnog kada je reč o prekovremenom radu., In the paper, the author analyzes the normative framework that regulates overtime work at the international and national level, but also the issue of overtime work in practice. The author puts forward the thesis that employers resort to overtime work in order to reduce labour costs, and employees agree to work overtime, even when it is illegal, due to the fear of dismissal, so by such abuse by employers, overtime work becomes a form of work exploitation. The author has conducted the research through a survey and an interview in order to determine the extent to which (illegal) overtime work is present in practice. The results of the research show that unpaid overtime work is widely present and that employees are afraid to stand up against this practice. In conclusion, there is a discrepancy between the normative and the real when it comes to overtime work.", publisher = "Sociološko društvo Srbije, Beograd", journal = "Sociološki pregled", title = "Prekovremeni rad kao vid radne eksploatacije, Overtime work as a form of work exploitation", pages = "537-509", number = "2", volume = "55", doi = "10.5937/socpreg55-32108", url = "conv_1261" }
Kuzminac, M.. (2021). Prekovremeni rad kao vid radne eksploatacije. in Sociološki pregled Sociološko društvo Srbije, Beograd., 55(2), 509-537. conv_1261
Kuzminac M. Prekovremeni rad kao vid radne eksploatacije. in Sociološki pregled. 2021;55(2):509-537. doi:10.5937/socpreg55-32108 conv_1261 .
Kuzminac, Mina, "Prekovremeni rad kao vid radne eksploatacije" in Sociološki pregled, 55, no. 2 (2021):509-537, ., conv_1261 .