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Distinction between right to compensation for damages and right to the insured amount according to Mihailo Konstantinović: Classic institutes and modern law

dc.creatorPetrović-Tomić, Nataša
dc.description.abstractAutorka nastoji da dokaže da razlikovanje prava na naknadu štete i prava na osiguranu svotu, kao preduslov održivog razvoja osiguranja, postoji u delu profesora Kontantinovića. Iako u Skici za zakonik o obligacijama i ugovorima nisu regulisane sve vrste osiguranja koje čine aktuelnu pravnu stvarnost, naš uvaženi profesor kristalno jasno objašnjava da "osigurana suma koju oštećenik dobija od Državnog osiguravajućeg zavoda ne zamenjuje naknadu na koju on ima pravo po opštim pravilima o naknadi prouzrokovane štete od onoga koji je odgovoran za tu štetu". Ta formulacija predstavlja azbuku osiguranja, čija se aktuelnost nije izgubila ni danas. Štaviše, u fokusu je više nego ikada. Osloncem u delu profesora Konstantinovića, autorka argumentuje da je srpski regulatorni okvir - koji sva osiguranja posmatra iz skučene vizure imovinskih ili osiguranja lica - ograničavajući faktor razvitka tržišta osiguranja. Favorabilan pravni okvir ne ograničava usluge osiguranja prema vrsti osiguranja već uvažava tip pokrića i karakter ugovorene prestacije.sr
dc.description.abstractAuthor arguments that the distinction between the right to compensation for damage and the right to the insured amount originates from the work of Mihailo Konstantinović. Although the Draft Law on Obligations and Contracts does not regulate all types of insurance, Konstantinović has clearly and precisely stated that "the insured amount received by the insured party from the insurance company does not replace compensation for damage to which the party is entitled, according to the general rules on compensation for damage." This wording has not lost its relevance today. Conversely, it is more relevant than ever. Based on the work of Mihailo Konstantinović, the author presents the argument that the Serbian regulatory framework is a limiting factor to the development of the insurance market. A favorable legal framework does not limit insurance according to the type of insurance, but recognizes the type of coverage and the nature of contracted obligation.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectskica za zakonik o obligacijama i ugovorimasr
dc.subjectpravo na osiguranu svotusr
dc.subjectpravo na naknadu štetesr
dc.subjectodrživi razvoj osiguranjasr
dc.subjectkarakter prestacijesr
dc.subjectsustainable development of insuranceen
dc.subjectright to insured amounten
dc.subjectright to compensation for damageen
dc.subjectnature of obligationen
dc.subjectdraft code on obligations and contractsen
dc.titleAktuelnost razlikovanja prava na naknadu štete i prava na osiguranu sumu u delu Mihaila Konstantinovića - klasični instituti i moderno pravo osiguranjasr
dc.titleDistinction between right to compensation for damages and right to the insured amount according to Mihailo Konstantinović: Classic institutes and modern lawen
dc.citation.other70(poseban): 563-589



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