Doprinos Mihaila Konstantinovića modernizaciji jugoslovenske privrede - stvaranje Spoljnotrgovinske arbitraže
Contribution of Mihailo Konstantinović to the modernization of the Yugoslav economy: The establishment of the Foreign Trade Court of Arbitration
Spoljnotrgovinska arbitraža u Beogradu predstavlja jedno od velikih i trajnih dela koja su ostala iza profesora Mihaila Konstantinovića. On je bio jedan od glavnih proponenata njenog osnivanja i njen prvi predsednik. U tom svojstvu, bio je u prilici da usmerava rad Spoljnotrgovinske arbitraže tako da ona što pre dobije poverenje privrednih subjekata i izgradi autoritet i u zemlji i u inostranstvu. Statistike potvrđuju da se beogradska Arbitraža veoma brzo svrstala među vodeće svetske arbitražne institucije i da je postala uticajna i na nacionalnom i na međunarodnom planu. U radu se predstavljaju i analiziraju različiti načini na koje je profesor Konstantinović animirao rad Spoljnotrgovinske arbitraže i njenim uspešnim rukovođenjem započeo moderno doba razvoja jugoslovenskog i srpskog arbitražnog prava.
The Foreign Trade Court of Arbitration in Belgrade is one of the historic landmarks left behind by Mihailo Konstantinović. Professor Konstantinović was one of the main proponents of the establishment of this institution and he served as its first president. In that capacity he was in a position to steer the work of the FTCA so that it gained the trust of the business community as quickly as possible and became a reputable arbitral institution both in Yugoslavia and abroad. Records show that the Belgrade Court of Arbitration soon became a leading arbitral institution worldwide and its influence spread far beyond the Yugoslav market. The article presents and analyzes different methods and instruments that Professor Konstantinović used to develop the FTCA and shows how the successful establishment of this institution brought arbitration in Yugoslavia and Serbia into the modern era.
Кључне речи:
Spoljnotrgovinska arbitraža u Beogradu / Pravilnik Spoljnotrgovinske arbitraže / Mihailo Konstantinović / istorija arbitraže / arbitražni postupak / Rules of the Foreign Trade Court of Arbitration / Mihailo Konstantinović / history of arbitration / Foreign Trade Court of Arbitration in Belgrade / arbitral procedureИзвор:
Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 2022, 70, poseban, 159-182Издавач:
- Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
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