Sukcesija odgovornosti u međunarodnom pravu kroz rad Komisije za međunarodno pravo - pristup u izveštajima Pavela Šturme
The succession responsibilities in international law through the work of the International Law Commission: The approach in Pavel Sturma's reports
Ne postoji mnogo tema u međunarodnom pravu koje su kompleksnije, heterogenije, sa više regionalnih i kontekstualnih specifičnosti, ali i više ispolitizovane, od pitanja sukcesije država, pa samim tim i sukcesije odgovornosti. Ako pogledamo samo XXI vek, lako se može uočiti veliki broj (novo)otvorenih političkih pitanja i teritorijalnih nesuglasica između država. Upravo zbog navedenog značaja, ali i aktuelnosti ove teme, autori su u navedenom članku analizirali rad Komisije za međunarodno pravo po pitanju sukcesije odgovornosti država. U radu su konsekutivno analizirani najzanimljiviji delovi četiri izveštaja Pavela Šturme, izvestioca Komisije za međunarodno pravo, uz adekvatan normativni i komparativni osvrt sa ciljem njihove kontekstualizacije i ocene. Fokus rada je na načinu na koji je Komisija pristupila ovom pitanju, koje je jedno od najkomplikovanijih u međunarodnom pravu. Još jednom se pokazao kao dobitan pristup u kome se daju smernice i okviri ali se ostavlja dovoljno prostora ...državama da svoje međusobne odnose regulišu na način koji smatraju najprikladnijim.
There are not many topics in international law which are more complex, more heterogeneous, with more regional and contextual particularities, but also more politicized than the issue of succession of states and therefore the succession of responsibilities. In the 21st century alone, there are numerous open issues, among which the issue of Kosovo* is of particular importance for the Republic of Serbia. The mentioned significance of this topic, alongside its actuality and legal complexity is the reason why the authors decided to analyze the work of the International Law Commission on the issue of the succession of state responsibilities in the above article. The reports of Pavel Šturma, the rapporteur of the International Law Commission, were analyzed consecutively, highlighting the most significant features, with an adequate normative and comparative review. Through the analysis of all four reports provided by the rapporteur, the authors did not focus only on the tasks given to the rapp...orteur and his findings. Instead, they are also emphasizing dilemmas, other views, and opinions that were brought by various countries but also provide a historical and comparative context of both issues and solutions. While this topic could be further analyzed in many more articles and books, a clear overview of the work of the International Law Commission and Mr. Šturma on the topic of the succession of responsibilities in international law was provided. This approach benefits both younger scholars and practitioners looking for a firm basic article to commence research as well as for more experienced researchers and their need for more in-depth analysis. Legal analysis, focused on normative framework, resulted from the work of the Commission, as well as on practical implications is the basis of the authors' approach in this article.
Кључне речи:
sukcesija odgovornosti / restitucija / Pavel Šturma / kompenzacija / komisija za međunarodno pravo / izveštaji / diplomatska zaštita / Succession of responsibility / state responsibility / restitution / International Law Commission / diplomatic protection / compensationИзвор:
Strani pravni život, 2022, 3, 491-506Издавач:
- Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd