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"The nature of things" and the range of administrative dispute

dc.creatorTomić, Zoran
dc.description.abstractU članku autor nastoji da ispita neophodnost kategorije "priroda stvari", kovanice upotrebljene na više mesta u ovdašnjem Zakonu o upravnim sporovima. Ona se poglavito, ali ne i isključivo, vezuje za omeđivanje spora pune sudske jurisdikcije. Upravno-sudska stvar, kao sporna, izrasta iz upravne stvari, kao vansporne, čija se zakonitost ispituje u upravnom sporu. A u domaćem pravu, domet spora pune jurisdikcije - kod kojeg sud, pored klasičnih upravno-sudskih ovlašćenja kasacije, poseduje i koristi i druga, za njega netipična (upravna, parnična disciplinska...), ima dva zakonska noseća stuba čiju ispunjenost, u rangu uslova, ceni sud: "prirodu stvari" i raspoloživo neophodno činjenično stanje. Inače, sudska puna jurisdikcija u upravnom sporu ne remeti načelo podele vlasti: njen cilj je potpuna, delotvorna i ekonomična, osobito blagovremena zaštita subjektivnih javnih prava i na zakonu zasnovanih interesa. Upravno sudstvo kao sistem je u načelu zaštitno-operativni. Autor nalazi da je preko potrebna jedna principijelna sudska lista - u obliku pravnog stava Upravnog suda - orijentaciono izuzetih od odlučivanja u punoj jurisdikciji. No, izvan toga, sud ne bi smeo da izgubi i domen sopstvene ocene kada će se upuštati u punu sudsku jurisdikciju, a kada ne. Razume se, izvan diskrecionih upravnih stvari, tuđih sudskom meritornom rešavanju, kao i onih situacija kada je puna sudska jurisdikcija zakonski obavezna. U datom miljeu, zaključuje autor, kategorija "prirode stvari" je suvišna kao nejasni ograničavajući faktor pune sudske jurisdikcije.sr
dc.description.abstractJudicial full jurisdiction in administrative dispute does not disturb the principle of separation of powers: its objective is complete, effective, economic, and timely protection of subjective rights and interests. Firstly, it goes without saying that administrative jurisdiction is in principle protective-operational mechanism. At the same time public administration should do its job, and in everything legally and properly - not to hide behind the hypothetical complete intervention of the administrative judiciary (both judicial and administrative, in two steps). It is necessary to adopt general catalogue - in the form of legal position of the administrative court - of administrative matters that are exempted from full jurisdiction. Apart this, the Court reserves the right to assess when to engage in full jurisdiction and when not. De lege ferenda, Law on administrative disputes should not refer to the possibility that lex specialis laws exclude full jurisdiction in specific administrative matters. It should be the issue of discretionary powers. It is also legitimate to prevent ping pong in the field of administrative-judicial disputes. De lege ferenda, it would be necessary that after one cancellation of the contested administrative act (the same is the case when establishing that the silence was unfounded) and the non-compliance with that judgement, the court's full jurisdiction would be mandatory, regardless of the nature of the matter, except when there is an administrative discretionary assessment. Summa summarum, in the entire given milieu, the category of "nature of the things" is redundant, i.e. it represents unclear limiting factor of full jurisdiction.en
dc.publisherInstitut za uporedno pravo, Beograd
dc.sourceStrani pravni život
dc.subjectupravni sporsr
dc.subjectpuna jurisdikcijasr
dc.subjectpriroda stvarisr
dc.subjectdiskreciona ocenasr
dc.subjectnature of thingsen
dc.subjectfull jurisdictionen
dc.subjectdiscretionary poweren
dc.subjectadministrative disputeen
dc.title"Priroda stvari" i domet upravnog sporasr
dc.title"The nature of things" and the range of administrative disputeen
dc.citation.other67(1): 1-16



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