Koreni delikata iniuria i convicium
The roots of iniuria and convicium delicts
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U radu se dokazuje da je injurija od svojih početaka bila neka vrsta opšteg pojma protivpravnosti. Ovaj delikt je podrazumevao ugrožavanje onoga što se smatralo sferom privatnih interesa pater familijasa, kao osnove društvenog poretka. Kriterijum sfera privatnih interesa pater familijasa (pojedinca) je i u kasnijim etapama razvoja rimskog prava bio ključni za određivanje opsega delikta injurije. Jedino je pater familijas sve manje predstavljao glavni oslonac društvenog poretka. S druge starne, magija je smatrana velikom pretnjom društvu i samim tim vrstom javnog prestupa. Zbog toga odredbe o magiji, odvojeno od injurije, egzistiraju već u Zakonu XII tablica. Pošto su pojmovi occentare, excantare i incantare bili usko vezani za zlonamerna vračanja i kletve, oni su na izvestan način bili i svojevrsni koreni vrebalnog delikta - uvrede, odnosno kasnijeg delikta convicium. S napredovanjem procesa oslobađanja prava od religije, uvreda se oslobađa od magije i ulazi u interesnu sferu pojedinca.... .
The early delict of iniuria represented a wrongful act, wrongfulness. It was the act which put in danger private interests of pater familias, who was the pillar of social establishment. The role of pater familias in Roman society started to gradually deteriorate. Nevertheless, the requirement of the endangered goods being in the sphere of pater familias private interests, remained crucial for determining the scope of the delict. On the other hand, black magic was considered a great threat to the society. It was differentiated from the delict of iniuria very early. The Law on XII Tables contains special provisions sanctioning the use of magic as a separate delict. Roman concepts of occentare, excantare and incantare were narrowly connected to the malicious fortune-telling and curses. Each of them represented a kind of verbal delict (insult), and had its place in the history of another delict, convicium. When Roman law started to loose its close relation to religion, the delict of insult... was liberated from elements of magic, and moved to the sphere of protection of private interests of the individual. .