Autonomija Vojvodine do 1918. godine - da li je postojala, kada i kakva?
The autonomy of Vojvodina before 1918
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Autorka u radu daje pregled pravnog položaja Srba u Južnoj Ugarskoj, da bi se pokazalo da li je za vreme Habzburške monarhije postojala autonomija Vojvodine. Srbi su odmah posle Velike seobe i kasnije u više navrata tražili posebnu teritoriju, kako bi se obezbedio njihov nacionalni opstanak, ali ti zahtevi nisu bili prihvaćeni. Status Srba je bio regulisan carskim privilegijama, koje su im davale personalnu autonomiju, kao pripadnicima pravoslavne vere i srpskog naroda. Privilegije su postepeno ograničavane, da bi na kraju bile svedene na crkvena i školska pitanja. Srpska Vojvodovina je proglašena na Majskoj skupštini 1848. godine i u toku nekoliko meseci je na delu teritorije koja je proglašena za Vojvodovinu izgrađena srpska organizacija vlasti. Vojvodovina nije bila priznata od strane austrijskog dvora. Posle ugušenja mađarske revolucije, da bi se okrnjio teritorijalni integritet Ugarske, car je proglasio osnivanje Vojvodstva Srbije i Tamiškog Banata. Ono je bilo administrativno-ter...itorijalna jedinica u centralizovanoj i apsolutistički uređenoj državi. Nije postojala nikakva samouprava, a srpsko stanovništvo bilo je u manjini. Vojvodstvo je ukinuto 1860. godine. Na crkveno-narodnom saboru 1861. godine, Blagoveštenskom, formulisan je zahtev za uspostavljanje Vojvodine, kao autonomne teritorije, koji nije prihvaćen. Zaključci Blagoveštenskog sabora su do kraja života Srba pod Austrougarskom ostali njihov politički program, koji nikada nije bio ostvaren. Autorka zaključuje da Vojvodina nije postojala kao oblast sa teritorijalnom autonomijom za vreme habzburške vladavine i da je u to vreme predstavljala samo jednu političku ideju, politički program Srba u Južnoj Ugarskoj.
The main purpose of this article is to review the historical legal position of Serbs in South Hungary, in order to examine whether autonomious Vojvodina existed during the existence of the Habsburg Monarchy or not. Immediately after the Great Migration (1690), as a consequence of the Battle of Vienna and later in several instances, Serbs required a specified territory from the Monarchy to ensure their national survival, endangered by the Turks due to their pro-Austrian actions during the Siege of Vienna. Still, these requests were not accepted. The status of Serbs was regulated by means of the imperial privileges, which gave them personal autonomy. They were considered as representatives of Orthodox faith and Serbian nation. Privileges were gradually limited, and in the end reduced to the ecclesiastical and educational issues. In consequence, the Serbian Vojvodovina (Dukedom) was proclaimed during the May Assembly in 1848. Several months later the Serbian organization of administration... was carried out in the part of the territory proclaimed to be Vojvodina, though it was not recognized by the Monarch. After crushing the Hungarian revolution, the Emperor, in order to curtail the territorial integrity of Hungary proclaimed the foundation of the Dukedom of Serbia and the Timis Banat. It was an administrativeterritorial unit within the centralized absolute Monarchy. There was no self-governance, and Serbian population was considered as minority. The Dukedom was abolished in 1860. During the ecclesiastical-national assembly in 1861 (Annunciation Assembly), the request was formulated for the establishment of Vojvodina as an autonomous territory. This request was refused again, while the conclusions of Annunciation Assembly remained the basic political programme of Serbs in Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, which was never realized. Therefore, the author concludes that Vojvodina did not exist as a region with territorial autonomy during the Habsburg rule. At that time it represented only a political idea a political programme of the Serbs in South Hungary.