Državni savet i knez Aleksandar Karađorđević kao tumači parničnih odredaba sudskih ustrojstava
Prince Aleksandar Karađorđević and the State Council as the interpreters of the civil procedure statutes
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Članak u časopisu (Objavljena verzija)
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U radu su prikazana autentična tumačenja tri propisa o sudovima - Ustrojstva okružnih sudova (1840), Ustrojstva Vrhovnog suda (1846) i Ustrojstva Apelacionog suda (1846), koja su doneta za vreme vladavine kneza Aleksandra Karađorđevića (1842-1858). Autor najpre sagledava uzroke podnošenja molbi za tumačenje tih propisa, a potom izlaže tekstove interpretativnih zakona i analizira ih. Na kraju autor ističe činjenicu da je autentična tumačenja u sva tri slučaja iniciralo Ministarstvo pravde. Iz svega zaključuje da njihova sadržina ukazuje na još uvek slabo razvijen pravni sistem i nedovoljnu stručnost državnih organa, kao i da se kroz ova tumačenja - koja su po svojoj sadržini ne samo precizirala postojeće propise, nego su ih i dopunjavala - osavremenjivao parnični postupak u mladoj srpskoj državi polovinom XIX veka.
The reign of Prince Aleksandar Karađorđević (1842-1858) was marked by the intensive legislative work and creation of judicial system. State bodies in charge with enforcement of the new laws and regulations, had often requested from the legislative branch, i.e. from Prince Aleksandar Karađorđević and the State Council, to issue authentic interpretations of the legislative acts. Among the acts that were construed by Prince and the Council are District Court Statute of 1840, Supreme Court Statute of 1846 and Appellate Court Statute of 1846; with special emphasis to the statutory rules of civil procedure. Statutory interpretations date back to the period between 1849 and 1852. The author carefully scrutinizes these interpretations, considers their advantages and imperfections, and indicates that they only partially abide by the contemporary rules of interpretation. The author concludes that authentic interpretations of the statutory rules of civil procedure, issued by Prince and the State ...Council, played a significant role in development of Serbian civil procedure in XIX century.