Patrimonium principis
Patrimonium principis
U istraživanjima posvećenim promenama koje je rimskom pravu i shvatanju države donelo uvođenje principata značajno mesto ima rasprava o pravnoj prirodi princepsove blagajne (fiscus) i njegove imovine (patrimonium). Autor razmatra rezultate do kojih se došlo u literaturi i zaključuje da se problem ne može rešiti sa stanovišta rimskog klasičnog prava, jer je sam položaj princepsa, i inače teško uskladiv sa tradicionalnim rimskim shvatanjem države, pravno dograđivan rešenjima samih princepsa, često uz narušavanje tradicionalnih granica javne i privatne sfere. Ovome je doprinosila i unutrašnja organizacija princepsovog domena, koja je sistematski građena kao autonomni pravni prostor izolovan od načela klasičnog prava.
In the studies devoted to the changes the introduction of principate brought to the roman law and the roman comprehension of state, discussion of the legal nature of the princeps treasury (fiscus) and its property (patrimonium) has a significant place. The author reviews results achieved in the literature so far, and concludes that the problem can not be solved from the standpoint of the classical Roman law, because the very position of princeps was hard enough to synchronize with the traditional Roman understanding of the state. Moreover, this position was legally upgraded by the principes themselves, often with the violation of traditional boundaries of public and private spheres. Internal organization of the imperial domains has additionally contributed to this, being systematically constructed as an autonomous legal space isolated from the classical principles of law.