Prof. dr Albert Vajs i Nirnberški proces
Professor Albert Weiss and the Nuremberg trials
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Autor predstavlja rad prof. dr Alberta Vajsa, člana jugoslovenske delegacije pred Međunarodnim vojnim sudom u Nirnbergu u vremenu od 20. novembra 1945. do 1. oktobra 1946. godine. Vajs je tada bio pravni referent Državne komisije za utvrđivanje zločina okupatora i njihovih pomagača, i kao stručnjak za krivično pravo i poliglota, određen je za člana jugoslovenske delegacije. Vajs je pratio suđenje pred Međunarodnim vojnim sudom u Nirnbergu i sarađivao sa savezničkim tužiocima prilikom predaje naših dokumenata o izvršenim nemačkim ratnim zločinima u Jugoslaviji. O svom radu Vajs je poslao Državnoj komisiji za utvrđivanje zločina okupatora i njihovih pomagača u Beogradu preko 200 izveštaja, predloga, analiza, raznih pisama i dopisa. U ovom tekstu su prvi put u našoj literaturi prikazani deo izveštaja, predloga i analiza Vajsa, na osnovu istraživanja i proučavanja njegovih radova koji se nalaze u Arhivu Jugoslavije i koji su bili potpuno nepoznati našoj naučnoj, stručnoj i najširoj javnost...i. Navedeni izveštaji su veoma važni kako s pravnog, tako i s političkog aspekta, za proučavanje toka samog suđenja pred Međunarodnim vojnim sudom u Nirnbergu, jer je Jugoslavija bila saveznička država koja je za vreme Drugog svetskog rata pretrpela ogromne ljudske žrtve i ogromna razaranja. Ubrzo po povratku iz Nirnberga 1947. godine Vajs postaje profesor na Pravnom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu.
This article deals with engagement of Professor Dr. Albert Weiss, who was member of the Yugoslav Delegation at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, Germany in the period from November 20, 1945 until October 1, 1946. At that time he was legal officer of the State Commission for Investigating the Crimes of the Occupying Forces and their Collaborators. As an expert in Criminal Law and a multilingual person he was appointed as a member of the Yugoslav Delegation. He followed the trial before the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, cooperated with the Allied Prosecutors at handing over documents about German war crimes performed in Yugoslavia. He sent to the State Commission for Investigating the Crimes of the Occupying Forces and their Collaborators in Belgrade over 200 reports, proposals, analysis, various letters and memos analyzed here, some of them for the first time in the literature. They are deposited in the Archives of Yugoslavia, and were completely unknown the academic and public in general. These reports are very important both from legal and political point of view for acquiring better insight in the course of the trial before International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. After his successful work done in Nuremberg, Albert Weiss became a professor at the University of Belgrade Law Faculty in 1947 and stayed there untill his death in 1964, teaching Legal History.