Problem određivanja sadržine najboljeg interesa deteta
The best interest of the child: Problem of content determination
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Imajući u vidu stepen rasprostranjenosti i opseg primene, načelo najboljeg interesa deteta danas predstavlja jedan od najznačajnijih pravnih principa, kako unutar nacionalnih pravnih sistema, tako i na međunarodnom planu. Iza navedenog pravnog standarda krije se nekrunisani vladar svih pravnih pravila kojima se na bilo koji način uređuju odnosi koji se tiču dece, odnosno glavni kriterijum za donošenje bilo koje odluke koja je od neposrednog ili posrednog značaja za decu. Međutim, kada se ovaj uzvišeni cilj prevede na teren prava iskrsava krupan problem neodređenosti ili nedovoljne određenosti sadržine najboljeg interesa deteta. U radu se upravo obrađuju različiti pristupi i mehanizmi kojim se navedeni problem može ublažiti, ako se već ne može u potpunosti prevazići. Problem sadržine najboljeg interesa deteta se posebno posmatra u kontekstu našeg pravnog poretka, koji u odsustvu jasnog kulturološkog modela putem sudske prakse poseže za rešenjima engleskog zakonodavstva. Dalje tendencije... se mogu uočiti u Prednacrtu zakona o deci iz 2011. godine, gde se predlaže konkretan pristup problemu sadržine najboljeg interesa deteta, kombinovanjem rešenja iz engleskog Zakona o deci (Children Act) iz 1989. godine sa određenim uticajnim pravnim teorijama.
The best interests of the child notion is one of the most significant legal principles in the contemporary national legal systems, as well as in the international law, particularly due to its wide application. That legal standard is uncrowned ruler of all provisions regulating the relationships concerning children, and the main criterium for reaching any decision influencing them directly or indirectly. However, when this noble goal is transferred to the field of interpretation in legal practice the problem of its not completely clear contents arises. The author analyses different approaches and means that can ease the difficulty, since it is not possible to solve it definitely. The problem of the child’s best interests is particularly analysed in the context of Serbian legal system which, in the absence of defined cultural model, reaches for the solutions given in the British legislation. The Preliminary draft of the Law on the Rights of the Child of 2011, in suggesting the best inter...ests of the child contents, mainly follows the English Children Act (1989) solutions, combined with impact of certain influential legal theories. The author argues that the mentioned concept should include collective social and cultural values. He also advocates that different criteria should be ranked within its content, so that protection of life, health and security of the child should be the principal ones.