Odnos izvršne i zakonodavne vlasti u Trećoj francuskoj republici
The relation between the executive and the legislature in the Third French Republic
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Rad daje pravni i istorijski pogled na odnos grana vlasti Treće francuske republike. Posmatranjem njenog nastanka i razvoja pruža se osnova za razumevanje ustava od 1875, kao i revizija i konvencija koje su ga izmenile. Dopunjujući ovaj okvir primerima ustavne prakse, autor opisuje prirodu sistema vlasti Treće republike i pokazuje u čemu je njen značaj za ustavno pravo i pravnu istoriju.
This paper encompasses historical and legal analysis of the relationship between the executive and the legislative branch of the Third French Republic. The examination of the inception and development of that relationship provides a basis for understanding the origins of the Constitution of 1875 and the nature of its transformation. By exploring the constitutional framework and the examples of its application, the paper aims at defining the nature of the Third Republic and its relevance to legal history and the general theory of Constitutional Law.