Procena štete po Akvilijanskoj tužbi u slučaju uništenja predmeta obligacionog odnosa
Assessment of damages by Aquilian lawsuit in case of destruction of the object of obligation
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Чланак у часопису (Објављена верзија)
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U radu se istražuju slučajevi u kojima okolnost da je uništena ili oštećena stvar bila predmet obligacionog odnosa utiče na procenu štete u postupku po tužbi iz Akvilijevog zakona (actio legis Aquiliae), odnosno tužbi zbog protivpravno nanete štete (actio damni iniuriae) u rimskom klasičnom pravu. Nakon uvoda, u kome su definisani ciljevi rada, data je analiza slučajeva koji se pojavljuju u klasičnim izvorima: uništenje stvari obećane pod ugovornom kaznom, uništenje predmeta noksalne odgovornosti, i uništenje manje vredne prestacije u alternativnoj obligaciji.
Cases in which the circumstance that a destroyed or damaged object was the subject of contractual relationship that influences the assessment of damages by Aquilian lawsuit (actio legis Aquiliae; actio damni iniuriae) in classical Roman encompass the following situations: destruction of object promised under contractual penalty, destruction of object of noxal liability and destruction of less valuable prestation in alternative obligation. The common feature for all the stated cases is that the owner suffers damage that surpasses the value of the destroyed object because instead of the delivery of an irreplaceable object, as he will have to execute a financially more difficult prestation from obligation. The damage is therefore assessed to the value of the more difficult prestation. Due to the implementation of the Aquilia law rule that the damage is assessed according to the highest value that the object had during the year, or thirty days prior to destruction, the damage is assessed t...o the amount of the more valuable object even if it is ruined too, and if the obligation will thus be terminated.