Načelo svetovnosti u Republici Srbiji prema Ustavu iz 2006
The principle of secularity in the Republic of Serbia according to the Constitution of 2006

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Glavni cilj ovog rada jeste da ponudi analizu načela svetovnosti prema Ustavu iz 2006, i, u okviru toga, autor nudi argumente u prilog tezi da sadašnji Ustav prihvata model stroge odvojenosti države i crkve. Rad takođe posvećuje pažnju pitanjima od velikog značaja za državno-crkvene odnose: finansiranju crkava i verskih zajednica iz budžeta, verskim obredima u državnim organima i institucijama, te ulozi tradicionalnih crkava i verskih zajednica u sistemu javnog obrazovanja, i daje mišljenje o njihovoj ustavnosti u ustavnom sistemu Republike Srbije.
The main goal of this paper is to offer an analysis of the principle of secularity according to the Constitution of 2006, and, within it, the author proposes arguments in favor of the thesis that current Constitution accepts the model of strict separation of state and church. The paper also focuses on the questions of the great importance for state-church relations: funding of churches and religious communities from the budget, religious rituals in public bodies and institutions, the role of traditional churches and religious communities in public education system, and gives the opinion on their constitutionality in constitutional system of the Republic of Serbia.