Suđenje Damaskinu Hilandarcu na Svetoj gori i međupravoslavni odnosi sredinom XVII veka
The trial of Damaskin of Chilandar on Mount Athos and inter-Orthodox relations in the mid-XVIIth century

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U radu se analizira uticaj sudskog procesa protiv vodećeg srpskog duhovnika na Svetoj gori Damaskina Hilandarca na međupravoslavne odnose sredinom XVII veka. Grčki svetogorski starci sudili su Damaskinu zbog njegovog poštovanja ruskog donikonovskog obreda, čija je glavna karakteristika bila dvoprsto krsno znamenovanje. O ovom procesu, u okviru koga su spaljivane ruske bogoslovske knjige, a ruski donikonovski obred proglašen jeretičkim, detaljno je izvestio poznati ruski diplomata Arsenije Suhanov, u svom spisu Prenija s grekami o vere. Svetogorski sudski proces bio je povod oštrog spora između Suhanova i članova delegacije jerusalimskog patrijarha Pajsija, u Trgovištu 1650. godine. Osnovu spora predstavljala je obredna različitost između Grka i Rusa. Pošto je, u međuvremenu, došlo do progrčke promene kursa u pogledu obrednog pitanja u Moskvi, u vreme patrijarha Nikona, slučaj Damaskina Srbina postao je deo argumentacije staroobredničke opozicije. U drugom delu rada razmatra se pozicija... Srpske crkve u odnosu na svetogorski sudski proces i na rusko obredno pitanje. Posebna pažnja posvećena je stavovima vodećih srpskih arhijereja tog vremena - patrijarha Gavrila I (Rajića) i mitropolita kratovskog Mihaila. Ovi arhijereji su priznali zakonitost Nikonovih obrednih reformi i na taj način indirektno odbacili gledište koje je zastupao Damaskin Hilandarac. Damaskinov slučaj bio je svojevrstan vesnik promena u međupravoslavnim odnosima tog doba, naročito u odnosima između Moskovske Rusije i grčkog Istoka.
The paper analyses the influence of the trial against a leading Serbian spiritual elder on Mount Athos, Damaskin of Chilandar, on the inter-Orthodox relations in the mid-17th century. Greek Athonite elders tried Damaskin for his practicing of the Russian pre-Nicone rite, whose main characteristic was making the sign of the Cross with two fingers. The details of this trial, in which Russian theological books were burnt and the Russian pre-Nicone rite was pronounced a heresy, was reported by a Russian diplomat Arseny Sukhanov in his writing Prenija s grekami o vere. The Athonite trial led to the serious dispute between Sukhanov and the members of the delegation of Paisios, the Patriarch of Jerusalem, in Trgovište, in 1650. The basis of the dispute were the differences between Greek and Russian rites. In the meantime, as the certain pro-Greek changes were introduced regarding the ritual issue in Moscow, at the time of the Patriarch Nicon, the case of Damaskin the Serb became a part of the... arguments of the Old Believers opposition. The second part of the paper deals with the position of the Serbian Church regarding the Athonite trial and the Russian ritual issue. The author pays special attention to the attitudes of the leading Serbian hierarchs of the time - Patriarch Gavrilo I (Rajić) and Metropolitan of Kratovo Mihail. These hierarchs admitted the legitimacy of Nicons ritual reforms, thus indirectly rejecting the standpoint of Damaskin of Chilandar. Damaskins case announced the changes in the inter-Orthodox relations of the time, particularly in the relations between Muscovite Russia and the Greek East.