Odgovornost roditelja za prekršaje koje učine njihovi potomci
Responsibility of parents for misdemeanors committed by their descendants

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Чланак у часопису (Објављена верзија)
Приказ свих података о документуАпстракт
Predmet pažnje autorâ su pojedina pitanja odgovornosti za radnje drugog u prekršajnom pravu Republike Srbije. Naime, pod određenim uslovi- ma, ukoliko učini prekršaj dete ili maloletnik (potomci), umesto njega ili zajedno s njim mogu da odgovaraju i druga lica, a pre svega njihovi roditelji koji nisu vršili dužni nadzor. Razlikuje se prekršajna odgovornost roditelja čija su deca učinila prekršaj, a koja su uzrasta do 14 godina, dok postoje posebna pravila odgovornosti ukoliko su ona uzrasta od 14 do 18 godina. Dakle, postoji razlika u pogledu odgovornosti roditelja ukoliko prekršaj učini lice koje je u prekršajnopravnom smislu dete i ukoliko je reč o maloletniku. Autori kritički analiziraju odredbe Zakona o prekršajima, koje se tiču odgovornosti roditelja za prekršaje koje su učinili njihovi potomci. Na kraju, zaključuju da je Zakonom o prekršajima grubo narušen osnovni princip u pravu koliko prava, toliko obaveze i isto toliko odgovornosti.
The subject of the authors attention are certain questions concerning the responsibility for the acts of other persons in the misdemeanor law of the Republic of Serbia. Under certain conditions, if a child or a minor (descendants) commits a misdemeanor, instead of him or together with him, other persons can be held responsible as well, foremost his parents who had not exercised due supervision. There is a difference between the responsibility of a parent whose children have committed a misdemeanor and are under 14, and that of a parent whose children are between 14 and 18 years old. Therefore, there is a difference in terms of responsibility of the parent depending on if the person who committed the misdemeanor is, from the perspective of the Misdemeanor Law, a child or a minor. The authors critically analyze the articles of the Misdemeanor Law that concern the responsibility of the parent for the misdemeanors committed by their descendants. In the end, they conclude that the Misdemean...or Law undermines one of the essential legal principle that the scope of rights has to correspond to the scope of obligations and responsibility.