Društvena stigmatizacija kao generator diskriminativnog postupanja policije - teorijske osnove
Social stigmatization as a generator of discriminatory treatment in policing: Theoretical basis

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Opšte postavke teorija socijalnog interakcionizma, a posebno društvena stigmatizacija i etiketiranje kao konkretizacije ovog naučnog diskursa, mogu poslužiti kao polazna osnova za objašnjenje uslovljenosti određenih vidova protivpravnog postupanja policije, a pre svih ponašanja koja imaju karakter diskriminacije. Upravo taj problem i predstavlja ključnu temu ovog rada, a koji smo nastojali obrazložiti posmatrajući ga u svetlosti tri različite, ali međusobno povezane teorijske koncepcije - teoriji o društvenoj stigmatizaciji Ervina Gofmana, teoriji o autsajderima Hauarda Bekera i teoriji o stereotipu kriminalca Denisa Čepmena. Na taj način smo ujedno hteli pronaći njihovu praktičnu primenu u konkretnoj društvenoj pojavi ili kako se to popularno kaže staviti teoriju u pogon.
We can easily come to the conclusion that the general settings of the theory of social interactionism, and especially the process of social labeling and stigmatization, as a concretization of those theories, can serve as a basis for explaining certain aspects of discriminatory activities in policing. And this problem is a key subject of this work, which we tried to explain in the light of three different but inter-related labeling theory. In this way, we also wanted to find their practical application in a particular social phenomenon or as it is popularly said to put theory into operation. In fact, the key purpose of this paper is to show how the interaction of social subjects, which takes place at a general level, particularly categorization, classification, social stigma and stereotypes that result from these interactions, significantly shape the way the police behave. Moreover, if we take into consideration that police officers have a significant level of power to label others from... the position of professional authority this theoretical concept becomes more important. To what extent (of course, empirically speaking) this social process affects in such a way and creates such consequences, it should be established by a scientific investigation of individual cases. It is certain, however, that our life often assures us of this outcome, confirming that it is not a coincidence, but the unwritten rules. And such examples should serve us as a starting point for scientific research of this phenomenon.