Koreni latinskog tipa notarijata
Roots of the Latin type of the Notary Public Service

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U radu se razmatra nastanak ustanove notarijata latinskog tipa i pokušava razotkriti njegov pravi koren, trenutak oblikovanja i prerastanja iz privatnog beležništva u javno. Prateći genezu beležništva latinskog tipa i njegov razvoj opovrgavaju se teze o njegovoj utemeljenosti u rimskom pravu, a ukazuje na nemali doprinos vizantijskog prava. U trećem delu rada ukazuje se na ključnu ulogu francuske pravne tradicije u oblikovanju notarijata latinskog tipa i konačnom formiranju javnog beležnika. Ipak, nedovoljna naučna obrada veze između poznovizantijskog prava i francuskog srednjevekovnog prava, a sličnosti u rešavanju pravnih situacija ostavljaju prostor za dalje proučavanje i razradu.
The Paper deals with consideration of creation of the institution of the Latin type of the Notary Public Service and attempts to discover its real roots, the moment of its forming and transformation from private to the Notary Public Service. Following the genesis of the Latin type of the Notary Public Service and its development, thesis on its origin in Roman law is denied relativized, while one points to a not inconsiderable stressing important contribution of the Byzantine Law which was quite neglected in the existing literature. The third part of the paper points to a key role of the French legal tradition in forming the Latin type of Notary Public Service and to a final formation of the Notary Public. Nevertheless, insufficient scientific elaboration of the connection between the Late Byzantine law and the French medieval law and similarities in resolving legal situations leave the space for further studies and elaboration.