Slučajevi nestalih beba - Ustavni sud vs. Evropski sud za ljudska prava?
The missing babies cases: Constitutional court vs. European court of human rights?
Autorka komentara odluke Ustavnog suda u slučaju G. R. skreće pažnju da, iako su navodi i tvrdnje podnosioca ustavne žalbe u ovom slučaju bitno slični sa ocenama i stavovima Evropskog suda za ljudska prava u presudi Zorica Jovanović protiv Srbije, činjenice i okolnosti koje je utvrdio Ustavni sud u predmetu povodom ustavne žalbe G. R. bitno se razlikuju od činjeničnog stanja koje je utvrdio Evropski sud u predmetu Zorica Jovanović protiv Srbije. Stoga je prva i najvažnija posledica odluke Ustavnog suda o kojoj je bilo reči u ovom tekstu saznanje da svi slučajevi pritužbi roditelja - kako pred domaćim organima, tako i pred Evropskim sudom - navodno nestalih beba nisu isti. Za razliku od činjeničnog stanja koje je Evropski sud utvrdio u presudi Zorica Jovanović protiv Srbije (telo sina podnositeljke predstavke nikada nije predato ni podnositeljki predstavke ni njenoj porodici, uzrok smrti nije nikada utvrđen, podnositeljka predstavke nije dobila izveštaj o obdukciji niti je obaveštena ka...da je i gde njen sin navodno sahranjen, a njegova smrt nije nikada zvanično prijavljena), iz dokumentacije koja je bila podneta Ustavnom sudu proizilazi da podnosilac ustavne žalbe nije mogao imati bilo kakve nedoumice povodom izveštaja o smrti svoje dece niti neizvesnosti u pogledu presudnih činjeničnih i pravnih pitanja o tome šta se stvarno dogodilo sa njegovom decom. Ustavni sud je utvrdio je da su podnosiocu ustavne žalbe dostavljeni svi uredno vođeni medicinski protokoli sa podacima o zdravstvenom statusu prevremeno rođenih blizanaca, preduzetim dijagnostičkim i terapijskim procedurama, istorijama bolesti i otpusnim listama. Nažalost, i pored svih napora lekara da spasu dvoje prevremeno rođene dece, koja su rođena sa ozbiljnim deficitima osnovnih životnih funkcija, nastupila je njihova smrt. Ustavni sud je takođe utvrdio da su činjenice rođenja i smrti oboje dece uredno zabeležene u odgovarajućim registrima, kao i u Matičnoj knjizi rođenih i Matičnoj knjizi umrlih, da roditelji nisu odgovorili na poziv zdravstvene ustanove da sahrane svoju decu, te da postoje verodostojni dokazi da je sahrana obavljena u organizaciji na trošak Instituta za neonatologiju, gde su deca lečena i gde je nastupio letalni ishod. Zbog toga je Ustavni sud zaključio da su u konkretnom slučaju neosnovane tvrdnje podnosioca ustavne žalbe da nema nikakvu verodostojnu informaciju o tome šta se dogodilo njegovoj deci, te da je ustavna žalba neosnovana u pogledu tvrdnji o povredi prava na poštovanje porodičnog života iz čl. 8 Evropske konvencije o ljudskim pravima.
The author comments on the decision of the Constitutional Court in the Case of G. R. and draws attention on the fact that although the allegations and claims of the applicant in this case are substantially similar to the assessments of the European Court of Human Rights in the Case of Zorica Jovanovic v. Serbia, the facts and circumstances established by the Constitutional Court in the constitutional appeal Case of G. R. are significantly different from the facts established by the European Court in the Case of Zorica Jovanovic v. Serbia. Therefore, the first and most important consequence of the Constitutional Court decision reviewed in this article is to learn that all so-called missing babies cases - both before the domestic public authorities as well as before the European Court of Human Rights - are not the same. Contrary to the findings of facts by the European Court of Human Rights in the judgment Zorica Jovanovic v. Serbia (it is noted that the body of the applicants son was ne...ver released to the applicant or her family, the cause of death was never determined, the applicant was never provided with an autopsy report or informed of when and where her son had allegedly been buried, and his death was never officially recorded) from the documentation that has been filed with the Constitutional Court follows that the constitutional complainant could not have had any doubts regarding the report on the death of his children or uncertainty about the crucial factual or legal issues i.e. credible information as to what really happened to his children. The Constitutional Court also found that all the neatly guided medical protocols with data on the health status of twins, undertaken diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, anamnesis and discharge lists were delivered to the complainant. Unfortunately, despite all the efforts of doctors to save two premature infants, who were born with serious deficits in their basic functions, a fatal outcome was inevitable. The Constitutional Court also found that the facts of birth and death of both children were properly recorded in the Birth and Death Registers, that the parents did not respond to the call of the medical institution to bury their children, and that there is a credible evidence that funeral was carried out in the organization and at the expense of the Institute for neonatology, where children were treated and where a lethal outcome was performed. Therefore, the foregoing considerations were sufficient to enable the Constitutional Court to conclude that allegations of the complainant that he had no credible information about what happened to his children were unfounded in regard to allegations of violation of the right to respect for family life under Art. 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.