Struktura sudskih veća u krivičnim sudovima
Composition of the criminal courts
Sastav sudećih veća jedno je od najinteresantnijih pitanja današnjice, pogotovo u vremenu velikih reformskih poduhvata. Različita shvatanja potrebe za učešćem građana-laika u savremenom krivičnom postupku doprinela su zanimljivim pristupima u regulisanju tog pitanja. Na prvom mestu, postoje pravi porotni sistemi, koji su odlika prevashodno angloameričkog pravnog sistema, ali su njegove ideje našle mesto i u evropskim zakonodavstvima. Postoje i države u kojima sudeće veće predstavlja jedno telo, sastavljeno od sudija profesionalaca i sudija porotnika, dok u pojedinim imamo, takođe, i sudije profesionalce i porotnike, ali su prvi zaduženi za rešavanje pravnih, a drugi za rešavanje činjeničnih pitanja. Autori u radu porede strukturu sudskih veća u krivičnim postupcima za punoletna lica u pojedinim balkanskim zemljama, od kojih su, primera radi, Slovenija i Hrvatska članice Evropske unije, dok su druge u procesu pridruživanja. Neke od njih teže profesionalizaciji sudstva, izbacujući građ iz sastava sudskog veća, dok su ih druge zadržale, pri čemu obim njihove nadležnosti varira od države do države.
The composition of a criminal court stands as one of the most interesting issues in the comparative law. Different viewpoints when it comes to the need of including non-professional citizens in the contemporary criminal procedure have contributed to interesting approaches related to regulating this issue. First of all, there are original jury systems that are a feature related mainly to the Anglo-American legal systems, but whose ideas have found their place in the European legislature as well. Furthermore, there are countries where the trial body stands as a separate authority, which consists of professional judges and lay judges, whereas some of the countries have both professional judges and lay judges, the first being in charge of resolving legal issues, and the second ones being in charge of factual issues. There are many articles devoted to the jury systems in the world, but in a very small proportion of them we could find solutions from the mixed court of the Balkan countries. M...ixed court is one of the features continental countries. The authors compare Balkan countries, where Slovenia and Croatia being the European Union Members, whereas the rest of them are in the process of accession. Thereby, some of the countries strive to get their courts become more professional by leaving out citizens non-professional from the composition of trial chamber, while some of them have kept them, whereby the scope of their jurisdiction varies from one country to another. Today, it is a great question whether a mixed court will survive legislative changes, due to the criticism of the jurists and non-jurists.
Sudija profesionalac / Sudija porotnik / Porota / Građani-laici / Professional judges / Mixed court / Lay judges / JurySource:
Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 2018, 66, 2, 187-219Institution/Community
Pravni fakultet / Faculty of Law University of BelgradeTY - JOUR AU - Turanjanin, Veljko AU - Čvorović, Dragana PY - 2018 UR - AB - Sastav sudećih veća jedno je od najinteresantnijih pitanja današnjice, pogotovo u vremenu velikih reformskih poduhvata. Različita shvatanja potrebe za učešćem građana-laika u savremenom krivičnom postupku doprinela su zanimljivim pristupima u regulisanju tog pitanja. Na prvom mestu, postoje pravi porotni sistemi, koji su odlika prevashodno angloameričkog pravnog sistema, ali su njegove ideje našle mesto i u evropskim zakonodavstvima. Postoje i države u kojima sudeće veće predstavlja jedno telo, sastavljeno od sudija profesionalaca i sudija porotnika, dok u pojedinim imamo, takođe, i sudije profesionalce i porotnike, ali su prvi zaduženi za rešavanje pravnih, a drugi za rešavanje činjeničnih pitanja. Autori u radu porede strukturu sudskih veća u krivičnim postupcima za punoletna lica u pojedinim balkanskim zemljama, od kojih su, primera radi, Slovenija i Hrvatska članice Evropske unije, dok su druge u procesu pridruživanja. Neke od njih teže profesionalizaciji sudstva, izbacujući građane-laike iz sastava sudskog veća, dok su ih druge zadržale, pri čemu obim njihove nadležnosti varira od države do države. AB - The composition of a criminal court stands as one of the most interesting issues in the comparative law. Different viewpoints when it comes to the need of including non-professional citizens in the contemporary criminal procedure have contributed to interesting approaches related to regulating this issue. First of all, there are original jury systems that are a feature related mainly to the Anglo-American legal systems, but whose ideas have found their place in the European legislature as well. Furthermore, there are countries where the trial body stands as a separate authority, which consists of professional judges and lay judges, whereas some of the countries have both professional judges and lay judges, the first being in charge of resolving legal issues, and the second ones being in charge of factual issues. There are many articles devoted to the jury systems in the world, but in a very small proportion of them we could find solutions from the mixed court of the Balkan countries. Mixed court is one of the features continental countries. The authors compare Balkan countries, where Slovenia and Croatia being the European Union Members, whereas the rest of them are in the process of accession. Thereby, some of the countries strive to get their courts become more professional by leaving out citizens non-professional from the composition of trial chamber, while some of them have kept them, whereby the scope of their jurisdiction varies from one country to another. Today, it is a great question whether a mixed court will survive legislative changes, due to the criticism of the jurists and non-jurists. T2 - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu T1 - Struktura sudskih veća u krivičnim sudovima T1 - Composition of the criminal courts EP - 219 IS - 2 SP - 187 VL - 66 DO - 10.5937/AlaniPFB1802187T UR - conv_3030 ER -
@article{ author = "Turanjanin, Veljko and Čvorović, Dragana", year = "2018", abstract = "Sastav sudećih veća jedno je od najinteresantnijih pitanja današnjice, pogotovo u vremenu velikih reformskih poduhvata. Različita shvatanja potrebe za učešćem građana-laika u savremenom krivičnom postupku doprinela su zanimljivim pristupima u regulisanju tog pitanja. Na prvom mestu, postoje pravi porotni sistemi, koji su odlika prevashodno angloameričkog pravnog sistema, ali su njegove ideje našle mesto i u evropskim zakonodavstvima. Postoje i države u kojima sudeće veće predstavlja jedno telo, sastavljeno od sudija profesionalaca i sudija porotnika, dok u pojedinim imamo, takođe, i sudije profesionalce i porotnike, ali su prvi zaduženi za rešavanje pravnih, a drugi za rešavanje činjeničnih pitanja. Autori u radu porede strukturu sudskih veća u krivičnim postupcima za punoletna lica u pojedinim balkanskim zemljama, od kojih su, primera radi, Slovenija i Hrvatska članice Evropske unije, dok su druge u procesu pridruživanja. Neke od njih teže profesionalizaciji sudstva, izbacujući građane-laike iz sastava sudskog veća, dok su ih druge zadržale, pri čemu obim njihove nadležnosti varira od države do države., The composition of a criminal court stands as one of the most interesting issues in the comparative law. Different viewpoints when it comes to the need of including non-professional citizens in the contemporary criminal procedure have contributed to interesting approaches related to regulating this issue. First of all, there are original jury systems that are a feature related mainly to the Anglo-American legal systems, but whose ideas have found their place in the European legislature as well. Furthermore, there are countries where the trial body stands as a separate authority, which consists of professional judges and lay judges, whereas some of the countries have both professional judges and lay judges, the first being in charge of resolving legal issues, and the second ones being in charge of factual issues. There are many articles devoted to the jury systems in the world, but in a very small proportion of them we could find solutions from the mixed court of the Balkan countries. Mixed court is one of the features continental countries. The authors compare Balkan countries, where Slovenia and Croatia being the European Union Members, whereas the rest of them are in the process of accession. Thereby, some of the countries strive to get their courts become more professional by leaving out citizens non-professional from the composition of trial chamber, while some of them have kept them, whereby the scope of their jurisdiction varies from one country to another. Today, it is a great question whether a mixed court will survive legislative changes, due to the criticism of the jurists and non-jurists.", journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu", title = "Struktura sudskih veća u krivičnim sudovima, Composition of the criminal courts", pages = "219-187", number = "2", volume = "66", doi = "10.5937/AlaniPFB1802187T", url = "conv_3030" }
Turanjanin, V.,& Čvorović, D.. (2018). Struktura sudskih veća u krivičnim sudovima. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 66(2), 187-219. conv_3030
Turanjanin V, Čvorović D. Struktura sudskih veća u krivičnim sudovima. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2018;66(2):187-219. doi:10.5937/AlaniPFB1802187T conv_3030 .
Turanjanin, Veljko, Čvorović, Dragana, "Struktura sudskih veća u krivičnim sudovima" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 66, no. 2 (2018):187-219, ., conv_3030 .