Doktorska disertacija pesnika Laze Kostića De legibus serbicis Stephani Uros Dusan
Dissertatio inauguralis of Serbian poet Laza Kostić: De legibus serbicis Stephani Uros Dusan

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Na osnovu arhivske građe koju je nedavno otkrio, autor pruža odgovor na pitanje koje je postavio u svom prethodnom radu Odbrana doktorata pesnika Laze Kostića u Pešti 1866. godine: Dissertatio ili Theses?. Analizom do sada nepoznate sadržine Kostićeve doktorske diplome i originalnih zapisnika sa njegovih doktorskih ispita na Kraljevskom univerzitetu u Pešti (1864-1866), autor zaključuje da je Laza Kostić stekao zvanje doktora sveukupnog prava, i civilnog i kanonskog (doctor universi iuris, utriusque iuris), na osnovu odbrane rada manjeg obima Theses e(x) scientiis juridicis et politicis, ali i izlaganjem dissertatio inauguralis pod nazivom De legibus serbicis Stephani Uros Dusan. Autor smatra da ovaj podatak značajno dopunjuje naša saznanja o izučavanju Dušanovog zakonodavstva sredinom XIX veka i omogućuje bolje sagledavanje ukupnih dometa srpske kulturne elite u Ugarskoj toga doba.
On the basis of the archival material he recently discovered, the author provides the answer to the question he asked in his recently published paper: Defense of doctorate by Serbian poet Laza Kostić in Pest in 1866: Dissertatio or Theses? By analyzing the previously unknown contents of Kostićs doctoral diploma and original records from his doctoral examinations at the Royal University in Pest (1864-1866), the author concludes that Laza Kostić was awarded the title of Doctor of General Law, both civil and canonical (doctor universi iuris, utriusque iuris), on the basis of defending the work of a smaller volume Theses e(x) scientiis juridicis et politicis, but also by the presentation of dissertatio inauguralis called De legibus serbicis Stephani Uros Dusan. The author believes that this information significantly complements our knowledge of the study of Dušans legislation in the mid-nineteenth century and enables us to better understand the overall extent of Serbian cultural elite in H...ungary at that time.