Ustavnosudsko i zakonsko uobličavanje normativne nadležnosti Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine
Constitutional shaping of the regulatory powers of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina: Ten years of application of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia

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Ustavom Republike Srbije iz 2006. godine, položaj Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine, uz određena odstupanja, uređen je na temeljima ustavnih rešenja iz 1990. godine. Važeći ustav sadrži znatno veći broj normi koje regulišu položaj autonomnih pokrajina (zapravo, AP Vojvodine, kao jedine autonomne pokrajine u pravnom sistemu Republike Srbije): normativne nadležnosti proširene su na nove društvene oblasti, uneta su ustavna jemstva u pogledu svojine autonomne pokrajine, vrste i visine njenih prihoda, kao i zaštite pokrajinske autonomije od moguće uzurpacije nadležnosti od Republike Srbije ili jedinica lokalne samouprave. Bez obzira na formalno proširenje ustavnih garancija u vezi s položajem AP Vojvodine, stvarni značaj i domašaj ustavnih normi, naročito onih koje predstavljaju novinu u pravnom sistemu, možemo oceniti tek putem analize ustavnopravne prakse. U ovom radu data je analiza nadležnosti AP Vojvodine u oblasti pravnog normiranja. Analiza obuhvata različita rešenja u zakonima kojima su... utvrđene nadležnosti AP Vojvodine za uređivanje pojedinih pitanja, kao i shvatanja, tumačenja i stavove Ustavnog suda Republike Srbije o okvirima i ograničenjima tih normativnih nadležnosti. Kada je reč o zakonskom određivanju normativne nadležnosti AP Vojvodine, može se konstatovati da postoji šarenilo rešenja, te da su - uprkos činjenici da je u okvirima važećeg Ustava na različite načine moguće ostvarivanje prava AP Vojvodine da skupštinskim aktima uredi pojedina pitanja društvenog života - zakonodavna praksa i shvatanje Ustavnog suda Republike Srbije doveli do toga da, nakon deset godina od donošenja Ustava, to pravo gotovo da i ne postoji.
Provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia from 2006 concerning the position of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina are essentially based on constitutional solutions from 1990 with some differences. Compared to the previous one, the present Constitution contains numerically more norms regulating the position of autonomous provinces (actually the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina being the only autonomous province in the legal system of the Republic of Serbia): regulatory powers have been extended to new social fields, there are constitutional guarantees of property of the autonomous province, types and degree of its incomes, as well as protection of the autonomous province from potential usurpation of its competences by the State and local municipalities. Notwithstanding the formal extension of constitutional guaranties concerning the position of the AP Vojvodina real weight and scope of these constitutional provisions, especially those being a novelty in the legal system... of Serbia, might be evaluated only through analysis of the constitutional practice. This paper is going to analyze competences of AP Vojvodina in the field of regulation, law-making. The analysis involves different solutions in laws regulating competences of AP Vojvodina as well as interpretations and standings of the Constitutional Court on the scope and limitations of these regulatory powers. It has been found that laws contain colorful solutions concerning determination of the regulatory powers of the AP Vojvodina, and still, ten years after the enactment of the Constitution, owing to juridical practice and interpretations of the Constitutional Court the AP Vojvodina has practically no right to regulate issues of social life by the regulations of the Provincial Assembly, even though it would be possible in different ways even within current constitutional framework and limits.