Sudska zaštita državine smetane obustavom isporuke električne energije
Judicial possessory protection disturbed by suspension of delivery of electrical energy

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Uočeni problemi u primeni prava povodom sudske zaštite državine usled obustave isporuke električne energije podstakli su autore na razmišljanje o modalitetima njihovog prevazilaženja. Na tom putu se, u vidu prethodnog pitanja, nametnula potreba za analizom večitih teorijskopravnih dilema u vezi sa pravnim institutom državine, a potom i same električne energije kao stvari u pravu. Opšti osvrt na sudski postupak državinske zaštite usled obustave isporuke električne energije u ovom radu nužna je osnova za formulisanje predloga rešenja u vezi sa: smetanjem državine od nalogodavca, pasivnom legitimacijom operatora, sadržinom tužbenog zahteva i primenljivosti podzakonskih akata u tom postupku. Isticanje pomenutih predloga, čiji se kvalitet može potvrditi jedino strogim sudom onih koji pravo primenjuju, krajnji je cilj ovog rada.
Noticed problems within law performing that is related to judicial possessory protection due to suspension of delivery of electrical energy encouraged the authors to think of modes of their overcoming. On that way, as a preliminary issue, a need to analyse everlasting theoretical dilemmas about possession as a legal institute has been imposed, and thereafter dilemmas about electrical energy, as a thing in the objective law. This papers general focus on judicial procedure of possessory protection due to suspension of delivery of electrical energy makes an unavoidable ground to draft suggestions of solutions related to: disturbance of possession by the one who gave order, operators passive legitimation, content of the claim, as well as the applicability of sublegal acts in this procedure. Final goal of this paper is highlighting of mentioned suggestions, whose quality can be experienced only by strict judgement of those who perform law.