Robert Bork i problem sudske diktature
Robert Bork and the issue of judicial dictatorship

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Autor ovog članka se bavi problemom sudske diktature. U pitanju je tendencija sudske vlasti u zapadnim zemljama, a pre svega u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama (SAD), da uzurpira i nelegalno preuzima ingerencije zakonodavne vlasti. Sudije to rade da bi promovisale antitradicionalne levičarske vrednosti. Autor posebno izdvaja rad sudije Roberta Borka koji je pokazao kako se istovremeno odvijaju oba ta procesa i kako veliku ulogu sudije imaju u takozvanim kulturnim ratovima. Detaljno se obrađuju metodi i slučajevi u kojima je Vrhovni sud SAD u poslednjih sedamdeset godina menjao vrednosni, politički pa i ustavni sistem SAD, donošenjem neustavnih odluka. Na kraju se predstavlja i tzv. originalističko tumačenje sudske prakse za koje se Bork zalagao.
The people in this region, thanks to the ICTY Tribunal and the functioning of the judiciary in the protectorates (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo), already have the idea of the so-called political justice or the abuse of the judiciary for political purposes. The novelty to be considered is that this mode of American illness with the support of foreign powers is increasingly beginning to enter into both theory and practice in our countries and legal systems. In this way, our leftist judges will increasingly begin to work with politically correct lawyers to implement the models, solutions and procedures we find in Borks valuable works. Bork emphasized that all technical, political and legal issues always get reduced to two basic ones that people must always ask: Who are we? And how do we live? The position of the judge may be either the position of a dictatorial oligarchy that imposes on the people the answers to the above questions, or the position of real freedom keepers, which enable t...he people to be respected what he has chosen for himself.
Кључне речи:
sudska diktatura / sudije / Robert Bork / originalizam / levica / Robert Bork / originalism / left wing / judicial dictatorship / judgesИзвор:
Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 2018, 66, 3, 185-209Финансирање / пројекти:
- Србија у процесима европских интеграција: глобални контекст, институције, идентитет (RS-MESTD-Basic Research (BR or ON)-179014)