Pregovori o konkordatu između Kraljevine SHS i Svete Stolice 1925. godine
Concordat negotiations between the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and the Holy See in 1925

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Prilog se bavi predistorijom, pripremama i tokom pregovora o sklapanju konkordata između Kraljevine SHS i Svete Stolice 1925. godine. Zasnovan je na građi i štampi domaće provenijencije, i novijoj literaturi čiji su autori bili akteri ovih događaja ili su imali uvid u građu poreklom iz vatikanskih arhiva. Ključno pitanje na koje pokušava da se odgovori odnosi se na osnovne razloge neuspeha pregovora.
The Kingdom of SCS and the Holy See established diplomatic relations in March 1920. The Holy See accepted the new country with hostility and hesitation. The nuncio monitored not only the states religious policy but also the political atmosphere. He wanted to achieve unity among Roman Catholics in the civil and political spheres. The authorities of the Kingdom of SCS emphasized the need to maintain religious unity as the primary motivation in preparation for the concordat negotiations. Meanwhile, the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy dissatisfied with the states religious legislation asked the Holy See not to sign a concordat until their conditions were met. Much of the controversy during the talks concerned government ownership of church land, the establishment of religious orders, and the appointment of bishops. The negotiations were postponed with the intention of being continued. The 1925 talks did not achieve the goal but helped to define certain issues.