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Breach of contract: The draft code on obligations and contracts and the law on obligations

dc.creatorMožina, Damjan
dc.description.abstractČlanak sadrži analizu regulisanja raskida ugovora zbog povrede u jugoslovenskom Zakonu o obligacionim odnosima (1978) i njegovom nacrtu, tzv. Skici (1969), koju je pripremio Mihailo Konstantinović. U oblasti raskida ugovora Konstantinović se u Skici ugleda prvenstveno na Jednoobrazni zakon o međunarodnoj prodaji pokretnih stvari (ULIS 1964), koji je za ono vreme predstavljao modernu regulativu. Osim toga, Konstantinović je u Skicu uvrstio i prestanak ugovora zbog nemogućnosti ispunjenja ugovora koji savremena zakonodavstva danas više ne poznaju. Regulativa u Skici se ne zasniva na jednoobraznom pojmu povrede ugovora već posebno tretira neispunjenje ugovora (docnju), ispunjenje ugovora s nedostatkom i nemogućnost ispunjenja ugovora. Zakonodavna komisija, koja je prerađivala Skicu očuvala je njenu osnovnu strukturu, uključujući razlikovanje nekoliko vrsta povrede ugovora, a u regulisanju raskida načinila je nekoliko izmena koje, u poređenju sa savremenim uređenjima ugovornog prava, spadaju u nedostatke
dc.description.abstractThe paper presents an analysis of the regulation of termination of contract due to a breach in the Yugoslav Law on Obligations (1978) and the Draft Code on Obligations and Contracts (1969), prepared by Mihailo Konstantinović. In the area of termination of contract, Konstantinovićs primary source of inspiration was the Uniform Law on the International Sale of Goods (ULIS, 1964). The regulation of breach of contract in the Draft Code is not based on a uniform notion of breach of contract, rather, there are different types of breaches: non-performance (debtors default), defective performance, and impossibility of performance. The Legislative Commission, making changes to the Draft Code, retained its structure, including the regulation of different types of breaches, but made changes with regard to termination of contract. Compared to modern model laws, these changes represent some of the key shortcomings of the regulation of this area in the Law on Obligations.en
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectraskid ugovorasr
dc.subjectpovreda ugovorasr
dc.subjectnemogućnost ispunjenja ugovorasr
dc.subjectdocnja dužnikasr
dc.subjectbitna povreda ugovorasr
dc.subjecttermination of contracten
dc.subjectimpossibility of performance of contracten
dc.subjectfundamental breach of contracten
dc.subjectdebtors defaulten
dc.subjectbreach of contracten
dc.titleRaskid ugovora - skica i zakon o obligacionim odnosimasr
dc.titleBreach of contract: The draft code on obligations and contracts and the law on obligationsen
dc.rights.licenseCC BY
dc.citation.other70(poseban): 479-503

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