Crkveni pristanak za nastavnike teologije - razmišljanja sa strane
Church consent for theology professors: An external perspective

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Dosadašnja diskusija o potrebi crkvenog blagoslova za univerzitetske nastavnike teologije u Srbiji ukazala je na pravne elemente i probleme tog pitanja. Međutim, postoji i teološka dimenzija koja je povezana sa samorazumevanjem teologije kao nauke: kad se teologija razume kao nauka, onda za nju, u epistemološkom i teorijskom smislu, važe isti uslovi kao i za bilo koju drugu granu nauke, što ne isključuje posebnu ulogu crkve. I druge nauke funkcionišu u određenim društvenim i političkim kontekstima i u određenoj meri su zavisne od njih. Uloga teologije, prema tome, nije tako izuzetna. Pravo je svake crkve da očuva svoju teološku tradiciju, ali je otvoreno pitanje kako se to najbolje postiže. U interesu je teologije, ali i same crkve, da se kontrola nad teologijom prepušta najviše naučnom diskursu.
The past discussion on the necessity of church blessing for university theology instructors in Serbia has highlighted the legal elements and problems related to this issue. However, there is a theological dimension that is linked to the self-understanding of theology as a scholarly discipline: when theology is understood as a scholarly discipline, the same epistemological and theoretical conditions apply to it as to any other discipline - which does not exclude a special role of the church. Other scholarly disciplines also function in certain social and political contexts and are dependent on them to a certain extent. The role of theology is therefore not that exceptional. It is the right of every church to preserve its theological tradition, but the question remains open how this is best achieved. It is in the interest of theology, as well as of the church itself, to cede control over theology mostly to the scholarly discourse.