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The Law on restitution – the analysis of the 2011 draft

dc.creatorTrkulja, Jovica
dc.description.abstractRestitucija je jedan od najvažnijih koraka demokratske vlasti posle obaranja autoritarnog režima. Ona je važna pretpostavka za politički i moralni oporavak srpskog društva i uslov za izgradnju modernog demokratskog društva. Zakon o restituciji i prateći zakoni koji treba da označe raskid sa praksom kršenja ljudskih prava u prošlosti odavno su postali stvarnost u drugim državama u tranziciji. U Srbiji još uvek nije uspostavljen konsenzus u pogledu donošenja Zakona o restituciji, tako da je Srbija danas jedina postkomunistička zemlja u jugoistočnoj Evropi koja nije donela zakon o restituciji. U tom kontekstu, Vlada Republike Srbije je 28. jula 2011. godine uputila na javnu raspravu Nacrt zakona o vraćanju oduzete imovine i obeštećenju i, nakon javne rasprave, Predlog tog zakona dala u skupštinsku proceduru (6. septembra 2011). To je važan dugoočekivani korak u uspostavljanju pravne države i tzv. tranzicione pravde u Srbiji. U ovom radu autor razmatra pitanje restitucije kao mere pravnog savladavanja autoritarne prošlosti u Srbiji i daje ocenu predloženog Nacrta, odnosno Predloga zakona. U Srbiji je proteklih 20 godina na delu bio neuspešan pokušaj restitucije. Sa ovakvim Zakonom o restituciji u Srbiji će narednih 20 godina biti na delu polovična
dc.description.abstractRestitution is one of the most important steps of the democratic authorities after the authoritarian regime had fallen. It represents an important hypothesis for the political and moral recuperation of the Serbian society and a condition for the building of the modern democratic society. The Law on restitution and its complementary laws, which should indicate a break-up with the practice of the human rights violation in the past, have become a reality in other states in transition long time ago. Consensus about the adoption of the Law on restitution has not been reached in Serbia yet. Therefore, Serbia is the only post-communist country in the today’s South-eastern Europe that has not adopted the Law on restitution. In this context, on July 28th, 2011, the Government of the Republic of Serbia forwarded the Draft of the Law on returning the confiscated properties and compensation for public discussion. After the public discussion had been finished, the Draft of this Law was forwarded to Parliament procedure (September 6th, 2011). This is an important long-expected step towards establishing the state of law and the so-called transitional justice in Serbia. In this paper the author observes the issue of restitution as the measures of the legal dealing with the authoritarian past in Serbia and he estimates the proposed Draft of the Law, that is, the Bill. The unsuccessful attempt of restitution was ongoing in Serbia for the last twenty years. With this Law on restitution the impartial restitution will be ongoing in Serbia for the next twenty
dc.publisherBeograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanjesr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179059/RS//
dc.sourcePerspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 1 / Perspectives of Implementation of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume Isr
dc.subjectPravno savladavanje autoritarne prošlosti u Srbijisr
dc.subjectPravna državasr
dc.subjectPravo na restitucijusr
dc.subjectLegal dealing with the authoritarian past in Serbiasr
dc.subjectThe state of lawsr
dc.subjectA right to restitutionsr
dc.titleZakon o restituciji – analiza nacrta iz 2011. godinesr
dc.titleThe Law on restitution – the analysis of the 2011 draftsr



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