Integracionistički pristup oporezivanju dobiti korporacija
Integration approach of corporate income taxation
Sistemi poreza na dobit korporacija razlikuju se u zavisnosti od toga da li je ovaj porez uopšte, odnosno u kojoj meri i na kojem nivou integrisan sa porezom na dohodak fizičkih lica, koji plaćaju akcionari. Cilj ovog rada je da ukaže na različite mere poreske integracije, kako na nivou korporacije tako i na nivou akcionara, sa aspekta njihovog uticaja na ublažavanje ili eliminisanje ekonomskog dvostrukog oporezivanja dividendi. U tom smislu posebna pažnja će se posvetiti faktorima koji opredeljuju izbor određenog sistema poreske integracije, što ima poseban uticaj na direktna ulaganja kapitala.
Corporate income tax systems differ regarding the extent and type of their integration with the personal income tax systems applicable to shareholders. This paper reviews alternative tax integration systems, both on the corporate and the shareholder side, with a view of lowering and-or ultimately eliminating the double taxation of dividends. Special attention is paid to factors that determine the choice of the type and level of tax integration as this has a major impact on direct capital (equity) investment. The integration approach to taxation of corporate profits helps mitigate and/or eliminate the problems of double taxation of distributed profits. Integration may be carried out either at the company level (e.g. through a split-rate system and a partial dividend deduction system) or at the shareholder's level (e.g. through an imputation system, partial shareholder relief scheme or dividend exemption system). Company level systems assume the introduction of high dividend with-holding... taxes, which is not well received in the double taxation treaties. The imputation systems are more sophisticated as they permit shareholders to credit all or part of their imputed corporate income tax against income tax liability due on the dividend. The complexity of imputation systems hampers their implementation. In Serbia, the corporate profits tax follows a partial shareholder relief model, whereby resident individual shareholders are entitled to exclude from their taxable income up to 50% of dividends received in Serbia.
Кључне речи:
olakšica za akcionare / imputacioni kredit / ekonomsko dvostruko oporezivanje / delimična integracija / shareholder's allowance / partial tax integration / imputation credit / double taxationИзвор:
Finansije, 2003, 58, 1-6, 87-98Издавач:
- Ministarstvo finansija Republike Srbije, Beograd