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The New Law on General Administrative Procedure and Second Instance Procedure in Administrative Property Matters

dc.creatorLilić, Stevan
dc.description.abstractOsnovni razlozi za donošenje novog ZUP-a proizilaze iz potrebe za povećanjem opšte pravne sigurnosti i zaštite legitimnih prava, interesa i očekivanja stranaka u postupku, smanjenju broja posebnih upravnih postupaka, kao i usklađivanja odlučivanja u upravnom postupku sa principima Evropskog upravnog prostora i drugim savremenim tendencijama, što je od posebnog značaja za proces evropske integracije Srbije. Opšti upravni postupak podrazumeva jedinstvena opšta pravila upravnog postupanja u procesu donošenja upravnih odluka, dok poseban upravni postupak podrazumeva posebna pravila upravnog postupanja u procesu donošenja upravnih odluka. Poseban upravni postupak predstavlja odstupanje od opšteg upravnog postupka. Kako odstupanja od opšteg upravnog postupka mogu biti brojna i različita (što zavisi od konkretne situacije), to i posebni upravni postupci mogu biti brojni i različiti. Za Sektor za imovinsko-pravne poslove Ministarstva finansija posebno je značajna odredba novog ZUP-a koja se odnosi na međusobne odnose opšteg i posebnog upravnog postupka pošto u predmetima drugostepenog postupka Sektor postupa po brojnim zakonima koji regulišu posebne imovinsko-pravne oblasti, ali istovremeno i po procesnim odredbama Zakona o opštem upravnom postupku.sr
dc.description.abstractThe main motive for adopting a new Law on General Administrative Procedure are enhancing general legal security and protection of the legitimate rights, interests and obligations of the parties in the procedure, decreasing the number of particular administrative procedures, as well as harmonizing decision-making in the administrative procedure with the principles of the European Space and other contemporary tendencies, which is of particular significance in the process of the European integration of Serbia. The general administrative procedure rests on unified general rules of administrative procedure in the process of adopting administrative decisions, while a special administrative procedure rests on special rules of administrative procedure in the process of adopting administrative decisions. Special administrative procedures represent exceptions from the general administrative procedure. As these exceptions from the general administrative procedure can be numerous and various (depending on the specific situation), the result is that special administrative procedures specific are also numerous and various. For the Department for Administrative Property Matters of the Ministry of Finance, of particular significance in the provision of the new Law on General Administrative Procedure which regulates the relationship between general and the special and procedures, as the Department decides in the second instance in regards to numerous laws that deal with administrative property matters, but also on the basis of the Law on General Administrative Procedure.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanjesr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179059/RS//sr
dc.sourcePerspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 7 / Perspectives of Implementa tion of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume VIIsr
dc.subjectOpšti upravni postupaksr
dc.subjectPoseban upravni postupaksr
dc.subjectDrugostepeni upravni postupaksr
dc.subjectSektor za imovinsko-pravne poslove Ministarstva finansijasr
dc.subjectGeneral administrative proceduresr
dc.subjectSpecial administrative proceduresr
dc.subjectSecond instance administrative proceduresr
dc.subjectDepartment for Administrative Property Matters of the Ministry of Financesr
dc.titleNov Zakon o opštem upravnom postupku i drugostepeno postupanje u imovinsko-pravnim upravnim stvarimasr
dc.titleThe New Law on General Administrative Procedure and Second Instance Procedure in Administrative Property Matterssr



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