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Subjective element of a criminal offence in English law

dc.contributor.advisorStojanović, Zoran
dc.contributor.otherDelić, Nataša
dc.contributor.otherDrakić, Dragiša
dc.creatorĐokić, Ivan S.
dc.description.abstractDoktorska disertacija pod naslovom „Subjektivni element krivičnog dela u engleskom pravu“ za predmet ima analizu pitanja krivice i s njom povezanih instituta u engleskom (anglosaksonskom) krivičnom pravu. Osnovni cilj koji je istraživanjem postavljen je utvrđivanje načina na koji je oblikovan jedan od najvažnijih krivičnopravnih pojmova u anglosaksonskoj doktrini i u kojoj meri se anglosaksonsko učenje razlikuje od vladajućeg shvatanja u zemljama koje pripadaju grčko-romansko-germanskoj pravnoj tradiciji. Krivično pravo u Engleskoj je, kao i pravila iz oblasti drugih grana prava, pre svega spontano stvoreno u dugotrajnom postupku sudskog odlučivanja i tradicionalno je više okrenuto procesnopravnim nego materijalnopravnim pravilima i institutima. Način vođenja krivičnog postupka, uz značajno učešće laičkog elementa i načelna orijentisanost ka praktičnim pitanjima u pokušaju da se spor pravedno razreši bez preteranog pozivanja na složene teorijske konstrukcije, razlog su što je anglosaksonska nauka krivičnog prava na nižem stupnju dogmatskog razvoja u poređenju sa evrokontinentalnom krivičnopravnom misli. Anglosaksonsko učenje o krivici je koncepcijski pojednostavljeno i uklopljeno je u okvire tradicionalno subjektivističkog i psihološkog učenja. Iako se krivica smatra konstitutivnim elementom opšteg pojma krivičnog dela, njena struktura je uprošćena (svedena je samo na oblike ili stepene krivice) i za razliku od evrokontinentalnog shvatanja ne obuhvata elemente normativne sadržine (svest o protivpravnosti).sr
dc.description.abstractThe subject matter of a doctoral thesis titled „Subjective Element of a Criminal Offence in English Law” is the analysis of guilt and guilt-related legal institutes in English (Anglo-Saxon) criminal law. The main purpose of this research is to establish the manner in which one of most important criminal and legal concepts of the Anglo-Saxon law was formed and to which extent the Anglo-Saxon body of law differs from prevailing concepts in the countries influenced by the Greco – Roman – Germanic legal tradition. Criminal Law in England, as well as the rules from other branches of law, evolved in the first place spontaneously from a long lasting process of judicial decision making, and is traditionally more inclined toward procedural rather than toward substantive law rules and institutes. The manner of conducting a criminal proceedings with significant presence of layman’s terms, and general orientation towards practical issues in an attempt to justly resolve a dispute without ample referral to complex theoretical constructs, stand behind the fact that the Anglo-Saxon system of criminal jurisprudence is at a lower level of dogmatic development than the European-Continental system of criminal jurisprudence. The Anglo-Saxon concept of guilt is conceptually simplified and fits into the framework of traditional subjective and psychological learning. Despite the fact that guilt is considered a constitutive element of a general term of criminal offence, its structure is simplified (it is reduced only to the forms and degrees of guilt) and unlike the European- Continental understanding, it does not include the normative content (awareness of unlawfulness of the act).en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179051/RS//
dc.titleSubjektivni element krivičnog dela u engleskom pravusr
dc.titleSubjective element of a criminal offence in English lawen

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