Pomaganje kao oblik saučesništva u krivičnom pravu
Aiding as a form of complicity in criminal law
Doktorska disertacija pod nazivom „Pomaganje kao oblik saučesništva u krivičnom pravu“ za predmet ima analizu postojećeg zakonodavnog rešenja i njegove primene u praksi, uz preispitivanje odgovarajućih teorijskih postavki. Metodološki pristup ovoj temi stoga obuhvata uporednopravni, dogmatski, normativni i statistički metod. Cilj rada je da se prikažu i kritički ispitaju kako stare (razgraničenje sa podstrekavanjem i saizvršilaštvom, neophodnost i kvalitet uzročnosti, itd), tako i nove dileme (krivičnopravna ocena neutralnih radnji, razvoj u međunarodnom i u okviru Evropske unije) koje su postavljene pred ovaj institut, a koje otvaraju mnoga praktična pitanja. Kod nas je to značajno, između ostalog, jer je pomaganje jedini oblik saučesništva koji predstavlja fakultativni osnov za ublažavanje kazne. Na osnovu istraživanja je doneto nekoliko zaključaka i formulisan određen broj predloga. Najpre, važeće legislativno-tehničko rešenje iz člana 35. KZ sa egzemplarnim navođenjem tipičnih radn...ji pomaganja ocenjeno je kao dobro, dok je prihvaćeno shvatanje u pogledu uzročnosti konkretizovano kriterijumom povećanja rizika, definišući pomaganje kao akcesorni, posredni napad na pravno dobro putem kauzalnog povećanja rizika. Vrednovanje tzv. neutralnih radnji učinjeno je na subjektivnom planu, gde se došlo do njihove načelne nekažnjivosti. Utvrđen nejednak tretman pomagača u odnosu na ostale kažnjive aktere kod dobrovoljnog odustanka rezultirao je predlogom de lege ferenda da se u članu 32. KZ predvidi obavezno oslobođenje od kazne za pomagača.
The subject matter of the doctoral thesis „Aiding as a Form of Complicity in Criminal Law“ is the analysis of the current legal framework and its implementation, reviewing also the relevant theoretical foundations. Hence, the methodological approach on this topic includes the comparative, dogmatical, normative and statistical method. The aim of the dissertation is to show and critically examine old (distinction in regard to incitement and co-perpetration, necessity and quality of causality, etc), as well as new dilemmas (evaluation of neutral acts from the perspective of criminal law, development in international context and within the European Union), which emerged upon this institute, opening many practical questions. In Serbia it is, among other reasons, relevant because aiding is the only form of complicity that allows mitigation of punishment. The following conclusions have been drawn and various proposals made upon the results of the research. First of all, the legislative approa...ch in art. 35 CC, with the exemplary listing of typical acts of aiding has been approved. The notion of causality has been concretized by the criterion of risk increase, defining aiding as an accessory, indirect attack against the legally protected right by causal risk increase. The valuation of the so-called neutral acts has been made within the subjective field, coming to the conclusion that they are basically not to be punished. The assessed unequal treatment of the assistant in regard to other punishable actors at withdrawal, resulted in the de lege ferenda proposal to introduce in art. 32 CC obligatory remittance of punishment for the aider. After proving that, besides perpetration, also complicity in omissive offences is possible, three proposals have been made on how to equalize the disparity of the unlawfulness; two of them relating to interpretation and one to implementing in art.
- Univerzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet