Radovi istraživača / Researchers’ publications: Recent submissions
Prikaz rezultata 141-160 od 1606
Delić Nataša: Krivično pravo - posebni deo, Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd, 2021
(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2021) -
Foreword by the Editors
(Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law, 2021) -
Dobrovoljno ograničenje slobode transfera sredstava u poslovanju privrednih subjekata u uslovima pandemije / Voluntary abstention of business entities from enjoying free transfer of funds during pandemic
(Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd, 2021) -
Pravni aspekti pandemije Covid-19 i uticaj na postupak pred košarkaškim arbitražnim tribunalom (BAT) / Legal aspects of the Covid-19 pandemic and impact on the proceedings before Basketball Arbitral Tribunal (BAT)
(Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, 2021) -
Forever Young: The Gap-Filling Mechanism of the CISG As a Factor of Its Modernization
(Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law, 2021) -
Divlja gradnja u sferi jezika / Illegal construction in the language sphere
(Sociološko društvo Srbije, Beograd, 2021) -
Eu asylum system in and after the Covid-19 pandemic: disclosing the weaknesses of the current rules and assessing the prospects of the new pact on migration and asylum
(Josip Juraj Strossmayer Univ Osijek, Osijek, 2021) -
(European Public Procurement, 2021) -
Lemšat srpskog srednjovekovnog prava / Lemšat of Serbian medieval law
(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2021) -
Prekovremeni rad kao vid radne eksploatacije / Overtime work as a form of work exploitation
(Sociološko društvo Srbije, Beograd, 2021) -
Osiguranje u doba korone - katastrofalni rizici u doba pandemije / Insurance in the time of corona virus: Catastrophic risks in the light of pandemic
(Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd, 2021) -
Položaj zaposlenih sa porodičnim dužnostima u evropskom pravu / The position of employees with family duties in European law
(Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, 2021) -
Neprobojni zid ćutanja uprave u srbiji / The impenetrable wall of administrative silence in Serbia
(Univerzitet u Nišu - Pravni fakultet, Niš, 2021) -
Garcia-Carriazo A.J., Ilešič M., Gutiérrez N.M., Pavliha M., Hojnik Janja, Vlačič Patrick: Transport Law on Passenger Rights, Routledge, London + New York, 2021
(Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd, 2021) -
Uticaj epidemije na javnobeležničku delatnost / The influence of the epidemic on notary service
(Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd, 2021) -
Normativnost međunarodnog prava / Normativity of international law
(Univerzitet Union - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2021) -
Transposition and transitional provisions
(European Public Procurement, 2021) -
Kahneman Daniel, Olivier Sibony, Cass R. Sunstein: Noise: A flaw in human judgement, The little, brown spark, New York-Boston-London, 2021
(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2021) -
Prvi posleratni upravnik Gradske biblioteke u Pančevu - Mihovil Tomandl: Autobiografija, Matica srpska, Novi Sad, 2021
(Gradska biblioteka, Pančevo, 2021)