Ciceronovo shvatanje političkih vrlina
Cicero's comprehension of political virtues
Tekst se bavi Ciceronovim političko-filozofskim nasleđem, pre svega njegovim shvatanjem o političkoj mudrosti i vrlinama neophodnim za bavljenje politikom, o građanskoj dužnosti bavljenja politikom i državničkim poslovima na mudar način i za opšte dobro, kao i tome da se političke vrline i građanske dužnosti stiču u dobro uređenom i na dobrim zakonima zasnovanom poretku. Motivi bavljenja ovom temom su političko-filozofski, ali i veoma konkretni praktičko-politički: namera je da se politička i intelektualna javnost u Srbiji podseti na suštinski značaj bavljenja politikom u skladu s političkom mudrošću, političkim vrlinama i građanskim dužnostima, i u svrhu opšteg dobra zajednice, a nikako za ličnu korist.
This text is devoted to the political-philosophical legacy of Cicero, connected with his ideas about the best political order and importance of the best legal system, as presented in De republica and De legibus. However, the special focus is put on his conception of political morality, as considered in his book De officious. There are political virtues conceived as the basis of civic duties, which demand from all citizens (and especially from the most virtuous ones) to devote their life to the politics and governance of the state, and to do that in a wise way and in favor of the common good. Another Cicero's belief is that a well ordered political and legal system contributes to the development and promotion of political virtues and civic duties of the citizens. The author of the text mentions two motives for considering this topic: the first one is political-philosophical theoretical in its character; the second one is concrete historical and practical political, i.e. directly linked ...with the Serbian political practice. Namely, the author intends to remind the intellectual and political elites and the public in general in Serbia to the essential importance of practicing politics in accordance with political morality political virtues and civic duties, and primarily in favor of the common good instead of in favor of the mere personal interests or particularist benefits.
Кључне речи:
vrline / pravednost / moral / dužnosti / virtues / morality / justice / dutiesИзвор:
Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 2007, 55, 1, 100-119Издавач:
- Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
Финансирање / пројекти:
- Projekat Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu: Razvoj pravnog sistema Srbije i harmonizacija s pravom Evropske unije - pravni, ekonomski, politički i sociološki aspekti