AU - Bajović, Vanja
AU - Manojlović, S.
PY - 2015
UR - https://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/838
T2 - Corruption, Economic Growth and Globalization
T1 - Corruption and political party financing: The case of Serbia
EP - 149
SP - 131
DO - 10.4324/9781315776828
UR - conv_3363
ER -
author = "Bajović, Vanja and Manojlović, S.",
year = "2015",
journal = "Corruption, Economic Growth and Globalization",
booktitle = "Corruption and political party financing: The case of Serbia",
pages = "149-131",
doi = "10.4324/9781315776828",
url = "conv_3363"
Bajović, V.,& Manojlović, S.. (2015). Corruption and political party financing: The case of Serbia. in Corruption, Economic Growth and Globalization, 131-149.
Bajović V, Manojlović S. Corruption and political party financing: The case of Serbia. in Corruption, Economic Growth and Globalization. 2015;:131-149.
conv_3363 .
Bajović, Vanja, Manojlović, S., "Corruption and political party financing: The case of Serbia" in Corruption, Economic Growth and Globalization (2015):131-149,
https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315776828 .,
conv_3363 .