Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

The effects of the ECTHR judgments in Serbian legal system

dc.creatorJakšić, Aleksandar
dc.description.abstractU srpskom pravosuđu postoji problem koji se tiče određenja dejstva presuda ESLjP u unutrašnjem pravnom sistemu. Sudovi su skloni da shvatanju da presuda obavezuje samo državu RS, ali ne i njene organe (klasično dejstvo presude inter partes). Analiza nam, pak, pokazuje da je presuda ESLjP interpretativni deo normi sadržanih u Konvenciji. Otuda, sam njen sadržaj, tj. pravni stavovi Suda postaju sastavni deo norme koja se presudom konkretizuje. Sledstveno tome, domašaj presude ESLjP u unutrašnjem pravnom poretku je daleko širi. Ona obavezuje ne samo tuženu državu, već i sve njene organe. U unutrašnjem pravnom poretku obavezuje ne samo izreka, već i obrazloženje presude (činjenice i pravni stavovi). Otuda dolazimo do rezultata da presuda ESLjP ima dejstvo erga omnes, te, hijerarhijski gledano, viši rang u odnosu na unutrašnje pravo
dc.description.abstractThere is a problem in the Serbian judiciary concerning the effects of the ECTHR judgments in the domestic legal system. The Courts assert that such Judgment bind only the State of Serbia, but not its organs (classic effect of the judgment inter partes). Our analysis shows, however, that the ECTHR judgments represent an interpretative part of the norms contained in the Convention. Hence, its contents, i.e. operative, interpretative part of the judgment become an integral part of the norm and have explanatory character. Consequently, the effects of an ECTHR judgment in the domestic legal order are far broader. It binds not only the respondent State, but also all her organs. Its binding effects relate not only to its dispositive, but also to reasoning of the judgment (facts and legal issues). Hence, as a result the ECHR judgment has effect erga omnes, and hierarchically speaking, the higher rank in relation to the internal law of the Republic of Serbia.en
dc.publisherUdruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourcePravo i privreda
dc.subjectrestitutio in integrumsr
dc.subjectobjektivna odgovornost državesr
dc.subjectnemogućnost egzoneracijesr
dc.subjectinter partessr
dc.subjecterga omnessr
dc.subjectrestitutio in integrumen
dc.subjectresponsibility of a Stateen
dc.subjectinter partesen
dc.subjectimpossibility of exonerationen
dc.subjecterga omnesen
dc.titleDejstva presude Evropskog suda za ljudska prava u pravnom poretku Republike Srbijesr
dc.titleThe effects of the ECTHR judgments in Serbian legal systemen
dc.citation.other53(7-9): 185-204



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