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Functions of the in rem security rights

dc.creatorŽivković, Miloš
dc.description.abstractRadovi pravnika o založnom pravu tradicionalno ne pridaju poseban značaj izučavanju funkcija založnog prava. Funkcije založnog prava, međutim, od značaja su kako za pravilnu primenu i tumačenje pravila založnog prava tako i za ocenu pravnog režima založnog prava s aspekta njegove podobnosti da ispuni funkcije koje ovaj institut ima. Obezbeđujuća funkcija predstavlja pojmovno obeležje založnih prava jer založno pravo služi za obezbeđenje naplate potraživanja koje obezbeđuje. Još pre jednog veka istaknuta je i funkcija pribavljanja kredita, jer ako dužnik nije u situaciji da ponudi zalogu kao obezbeđenje, poverilac mu po pravilu uopšte neće odobriti kredit ili će ga odobriti pod znatno nepovoljnijim uslovima. U savremenom periodu mogu se uočiti još dve funkcije zaloge: rasterećenje profesionalnih davalaca kredita, prevashodno banaka, i olakšavanje refinansiranja profesionalnih kreditora. Ove dve funkcije zaloge, koje su u pravnoj teoriji neretko manje naglašene ili se uopšte ne ističu, posledica su značaja zaloge kao sredstva obezbeđenja za makroekonomsku stabilnost i valjano funkcionisanje finansijskog sistema.sr
dc.description.abstractThe works of lawyers on the in rem security rights traditionally do not attach much attention to the analysis of the functions of security rights. The functions of such security rights, however, are of importance for due application and interpretation of the rules on security rights in property, as well as for the assessment of the legal regime of the in rem security rights from the point of view of their ability to fulfill the tasks of this legal institution. The security function is embedded in the very notion of the in rem security rights, because the purpose of such rights is securing the collection of the secured claim. As far back as a century ago, the function of obtaining credit was emphasized, because if the debtor cannot offer in rem security, the creditor shall, as a rule, deny him the credit, or award the credit under significantly less favorable conditions. In the modern times two more functions of the in rem security rights can be identified: unburdening the professional creditors, primarily banks, and making refinancing of professional creditors easier. These two functions of the in rem security rights, which are either less emphasized or not identified at all in the legal doctrine, are a consequence of the significance of the in rem security rights for the macroeconomic stability and proper operation of the financial system.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Nišu, Niš
dc.subjectzaložno pravosr
dc.subjectobezbeđujuća funkcijasr
dc.subjectfunkcija rasterećenjasr
dc.subjectfunkcija pribavljanja kreditasr
dc.subjectfunkcija olakšanja refinansiranjasr
dc.subjectunburdening functionen
dc.subjectsecurity functionen
dc.subjectrefinancing functionen
dc.subjectin rem security rightsen
dc.subjectfunction of obtaining crediten
dc.titleFunkcije založnog pravasr
dc.titleFunctions of the in rem security rightsen
dc.citation.other40(2): 645-659



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