Predlozi za reformu ustava u delu koji se odnosi na pravosuđe - preispitivanje nacionalne strategije
Proposals for Constitutional reform in the part relating to the judiciary: The review of the national strategy

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Nacionalna strategija za reformu pravosuđa (za period 2013-2018) usvojena je u Narodnoj skupštini jula 2013. godine. U njoj se navodi da 'pojedina opredeljenja ove strategije zahtevaju promenu Ustava'. Autor analizira deo Strategije koji se odnosi na promenu tzv. ustavnog okvira o pravosuđu. Među definisanim ciljevima, koje treba ostvariti do 2018. godine, on naročito spornim smatra predviđanje Pravosudne akademije kao obaveznog uslova za prvi izbor na sudijsku i tužilačku funkciju. Ne osporavajući značaj Pravosudne akademije i neophodnost njene reforme, autor je mišljenja da Akademija ne može biti ustavna kategorija, kao što ni uslovi za izbor sudija i javnih tužilaca nisu ustavna materija. S druge strane, on se zalaže za vraćanje u Ustav osnova za prestanak sudijske i javnotužilačke funkcije, kao i razloga za njihovo razrešenje, što je, prema važećem ustavnom rešenju, zakonska materija.
The National Strategy for the Reform of the Judiciary (2013 - 2018) is adopted in the National Assembly in June 2013. It is said that 'some commitments of this Strategy demand the revision of the Constitution'. The author analizes the part of the Strategy relating to the change of so-called constitutional framework of the judiciary. Among defined goals, which should be realized by 2018, he considers particularly disputable the prediction of the Judical Academy as a mandatory condition for the first election of judges and prosecutors. Without denying the importance of the Judicial Academy and the necessity of its reform, the author believes that the Academy should not be a constitutional category, just as the conditions for the election of judges and prosecutors are not a constitutional matter. On the other hand, the author advocates a return of the basis for the termination of judicial and prosecutorial functions, as well as the reasons for their dismissal, into the Constitution which ...are currently in the law.
Ključne reči:
Visoki savet sudstva / Reforma pravosuđa / Pravosudna akademija / Odluka Ustavnog suda o neustavnosti odredaba Zakona o Pravosudnoj akademiji / izbor sudija i prestanak sudijske funkcije / izbor javnih tužilaca i prestanak javnotužilačke funkcije / The Judicial reform / The Judicial Academy / The High Judicial Council / The election of public prosecutors and the termination of their function / The election of judges and dismissal of judges / The Decision of the Constitutional Court on the unconstitutionaIzvor:
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu, 2014, 68, 97-108Izdavač:
- Univerzitet u Nišu - Pravni fakultet, Niš