Vuković, Igor

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  • Vuković, Igor (27)

Author's Bibliography

Kolizija dužnosti kao osnov opravdanja u okolnostima pandemije

Vuković, Igor

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd, 2020)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Globalna kriza povodom pandemije virusa Covid-19 pokrenula je izvesna pitanja od značaja i za krivično pravo. Iz više zemalja stižu uznemirujuće vesti o smrti velikog broja ljudi usled nemogućnosti zdravstvenih radnika da im zbog nedostatka uređaja za mehaničku ventilaciju pluća pruže adekvatnu medicinsku pomoć. U tom smislu, postavlja se pitanje koji su uopšte kriterijumi prema kojima bi se odlučivalo o tome ko će biti priključen na ventilator i kako se može olakšati odlučivanje lekara u ovim tragičnim pitanjima života i smrti. U radu se razmatra institut tzv. kolizije dužnosti, koja u nekim pravnim sistemima predstavlja samostalan osnov isključenja protivpravnosti, a negde podvrstu krajnje nužde. U uporednom pravu se sreće više različitih kriterijuma prema kojima bi trebalo vršiti trijažu pacijenata u situacijama katastrofe. Autor zaključuje da donošenje odgovarajućih smernica može uspostaviti standard dužnog postupanja u katastrofama, koji bi sa lekara donekle skinuo teret odlučivanja.
AB  - The global crisis over the Covid-19 virus pandemic has raised some questions that are relevant to criminal law as well. Disturbing news are coming from several countries about the deaths of many people because of the inability of healthcare professionals to provide them with adequate medical care due to a lack of mechanical ventilation devices. In this regard, the question arises as to what are the criteria by which to decide who will be connected to the ventilator and how the decision-making of doctors in these tragic life and death issues can be facilitated. The paper deals with the institute of the so-called collision of duties, which in some legal systems constitutes an independent cause for the exclusion of unlawfulness and, in some cases, a type of necessity. In comparative law, a number of different criteria are met by which patients should be triaged in disaster situations. The author concludes that the adoption of appropriate guidelines can establish a standard of due diligence that would to some extent remove the burden of decision making from physicians.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd
T2  - Crimen (Beograd)
T1  - Kolizija dužnosti kao osnov opravdanja u okolnostima pandemije
T1  - Collision of duties as a defence of justification in the circumstances of pandemic
EP  - 144
IS  - 2
SP  - 132
VL  - 11
DO  - 10.5937/crimen2002132V
UR  - conv_2795
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Globalna kriza povodom pandemije virusa Covid-19 pokrenula je izvesna pitanja od značaja i za krivično pravo. Iz više zemalja stižu uznemirujuće vesti o smrti velikog broja ljudi usled nemogućnosti zdravstvenih radnika da im zbog nedostatka uređaja za mehaničku ventilaciju pluća pruže adekvatnu medicinsku pomoć. U tom smislu, postavlja se pitanje koji su uopšte kriterijumi prema kojima bi se odlučivalo o tome ko će biti priključen na ventilator i kako se može olakšati odlučivanje lekara u ovim tragičnim pitanjima života i smrti. U radu se razmatra institut tzv. kolizije dužnosti, koja u nekim pravnim sistemima predstavlja samostalan osnov isključenja protivpravnosti, a negde podvrstu krajnje nužde. U uporednom pravu se sreće više različitih kriterijuma prema kojima bi trebalo vršiti trijažu pacijenata u situacijama katastrofe. Autor zaključuje da donošenje odgovarajućih smernica može uspostaviti standard dužnog postupanja u katastrofama, koji bi sa lekara donekle skinuo teret odlučivanja., The global crisis over the Covid-19 virus pandemic has raised some questions that are relevant to criminal law as well. Disturbing news are coming from several countries about the deaths of many people because of the inability of healthcare professionals to provide them with adequate medical care due to a lack of mechanical ventilation devices. In this regard, the question arises as to what are the criteria by which to decide who will be connected to the ventilator and how the decision-making of doctors in these tragic life and death issues can be facilitated. The paper deals with the institute of the so-called collision of duties, which in some legal systems constitutes an independent cause for the exclusion of unlawfulness and, in some cases, a type of necessity. In comparative law, a number of different criteria are met by which patients should be triaged in disaster situations. The author concludes that the adoption of appropriate guidelines can establish a standard of due diligence that would to some extent remove the burden of decision making from physicians.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd",
journal = "Crimen (Beograd)",
title = "Kolizija dužnosti kao osnov opravdanja u okolnostima pandemije, Collision of duties as a defence of justification in the circumstances of pandemic",
pages = "144-132",
number = "2",
volume = "11",
doi = "10.5937/crimen2002132V",
url = "conv_2795"
Vuković, I.. (2020). Kolizija dužnosti kao osnov opravdanja u okolnostima pandemije. in Crimen (Beograd)
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd., 11(2), 132-144.
Vuković I. Kolizija dužnosti kao osnov opravdanja u okolnostima pandemije. in Crimen (Beograd). 2020;11(2):132-144.
conv_2795 .
Vuković, Igor, "Kolizija dužnosti kao osnov opravdanja u okolnostima pandemije" in Crimen (Beograd), 11, no. 2 (2020):132-144, .,
conv_2795 .

O izvesnim nedoumicama u pogledu krivičnopravne zaštite od pranja novca

Vuković, Igor

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd, 2019)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - I pored više radova posvećenih poslednjih godina krivičnom delu pranja novca, pojedina pitanja granica njegove kriminalne zone i dalje su aktuelna. Pored podsećanja na najznačajnije tačke sporenja, autor naročito razmatra pitanja subjektivne strane dela i oblik koji podrazumeva da pranje novca može biti učinjeno i sa imovinom koju je učinilac sam pribavio kriminalnom delatnošću. Posebna pažnja posvećena je i pitanju eventualnog sukoba interesa branioca, u slučaju da postoji sumnja da primljeni honorar potiče od kriminalne delatnosti okrivljenog.
AB  - Despite several works devoted in recent years to the criminal offense of money laundering, certain issues of the boundaries of its criminal zone continue to intrigue. In addition to reminding of the most important points of dispute, the author particularly considers the subjective side of this crime and especially its form that implies that money laundering can be done with the property that the perpetrator himself has acquired through previous criminal activity. Special attention is also paid to the issue of possible conflicts of interest of the defense attorney, in case there is a suspicion that the received fee comes from the criminal activity of the defendant.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd
T2  - Crimen (Beograd)
T1  - O izvesnim nedoumicama u pogledu krivičnopravne zaštite od pranja novca
T1  - About certain dilemmas concerning criminal protection against money laundering
EP  - 143
IS  - 2
SP  - 122
VL  - 10
DO  - 10.5937/crimen1902122V
UR  - conv_2790
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor",
year = "2019",
abstract = "I pored više radova posvećenih poslednjih godina krivičnom delu pranja novca, pojedina pitanja granica njegove kriminalne zone i dalje su aktuelna. Pored podsećanja na najznačajnije tačke sporenja, autor naročito razmatra pitanja subjektivne strane dela i oblik koji podrazumeva da pranje novca može biti učinjeno i sa imovinom koju je učinilac sam pribavio kriminalnom delatnošću. Posebna pažnja posvećena je i pitanju eventualnog sukoba interesa branioca, u slučaju da postoji sumnja da primljeni honorar potiče od kriminalne delatnosti okrivljenog., Despite several works devoted in recent years to the criminal offense of money laundering, certain issues of the boundaries of its criminal zone continue to intrigue. In addition to reminding of the most important points of dispute, the author particularly considers the subjective side of this crime and especially its form that implies that money laundering can be done with the property that the perpetrator himself has acquired through previous criminal activity. Special attention is also paid to the issue of possible conflicts of interest of the defense attorney, in case there is a suspicion that the received fee comes from the criminal activity of the defendant.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd",
journal = "Crimen (Beograd)",
title = "O izvesnim nedoumicama u pogledu krivičnopravne zaštite od pranja novca, About certain dilemmas concerning criminal protection against money laundering",
pages = "143-122",
number = "2",
volume = "10",
doi = "10.5937/crimen1902122V",
url = "conv_2790"
Vuković, I.. (2019). O izvesnim nedoumicama u pogledu krivičnopravne zaštite od pranja novca. in Crimen (Beograd)
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd., 10(2), 122-143.
Vuković I. O izvesnim nedoumicama u pogledu krivičnopravne zaštite od pranja novca. in Crimen (Beograd). 2019;10(2):122-143.
conv_2790 .
Vuković, Igor, "O izvesnim nedoumicama u pogledu krivičnopravne zaštite od pranja novca" in Crimen (Beograd), 10, no. 2 (2019):122-143, .,
conv_2790 .

Blasfemija i krivično pravo - sloboda izražavanja naspram vređanja religioznih osećanja

Vuković, Igor

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - U uporednoj krivičnoj literaturi kažnjavanje blasfemije odbacuje se iz više razloga. Najveći broj teoretičara religiozna osećanja uopšte ne smatra podobnim objektom krivičnopravne zaštite, dok se, s druge strane, kažnjavanje po ovom osnovu smatra neprihvatljivim ograničavanjem slobode izražavanja. Autor iznosi najvažnije argumente u ovoj raspravi, zauzimajući stav da bitni sadržaj priznatih veroispovesti zaslužuje da predstavlja predmet ograničene krivičnopravne zaštite.
AB  - In comparative criminal literature, punishment of blasphemy is being rejected for several reasons. The largest number of theorists point to the importance of freedom of speech, where in order to communicate and exchange ideas, it must be allowed that the manner of expression is sometimes provocative. This particularly refers to those forms of (artistic) expression characterized by the humorous processing of certain social and political themes (caricature, satire). Defining a crime of blasphemy as well encounters difficulties on the dogmatic plan, because of the undefined object of protection and the fact that it is not easy to distinguish the circle of religious systems that deserve protection. In addition, the question arises as to why similar protection would not enjoy beliefs in the sphere of culture, politics, sports, etc. A restrictive approach on this issue is also affected by radical criminal-law protection in this matter in Islamic states. On the other hand, it is not possible to dispute the particular interest of a society to protect certain values whose violation carries an increased risk for the functioning of the legal order, especially in multinational environments. The author presents the most important arguments in this discussion, taking the view that the essential content of the recognized religions deserves to be a subject of limited criminal protection.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd
T2  - Crimen (Beograd)
T1  - Blasfemija i krivično pravo - sloboda izražavanja naspram vređanja religioznih osećanja
T1  - Blasphemy and criminal law: Freedom of expression vs. offending religious feelings
EP  - 266
IS  - 3
SP  - 247
VL  - 9
UR  - conv_2788
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor",
year = "2018",
abstract = "U uporednoj krivičnoj literaturi kažnjavanje blasfemije odbacuje se iz više razloga. Najveći broj teoretičara religiozna osećanja uopšte ne smatra podobnim objektom krivičnopravne zaštite, dok se, s druge strane, kažnjavanje po ovom osnovu smatra neprihvatljivim ograničavanjem slobode izražavanja. Autor iznosi najvažnije argumente u ovoj raspravi, zauzimajući stav da bitni sadržaj priznatih veroispovesti zaslužuje da predstavlja predmet ograničene krivičnopravne zaštite., In comparative criminal literature, punishment of blasphemy is being rejected for several reasons. The largest number of theorists point to the importance of freedom of speech, where in order to communicate and exchange ideas, it must be allowed that the manner of expression is sometimes provocative. This particularly refers to those forms of (artistic) expression characterized by the humorous processing of certain social and political themes (caricature, satire). Defining a crime of blasphemy as well encounters difficulties on the dogmatic plan, because of the undefined object of protection and the fact that it is not easy to distinguish the circle of religious systems that deserve protection. In addition, the question arises as to why similar protection would not enjoy beliefs in the sphere of culture, politics, sports, etc. A restrictive approach on this issue is also affected by radical criminal-law protection in this matter in Islamic states. On the other hand, it is not possible to dispute the particular interest of a society to protect certain values whose violation carries an increased risk for the functioning of the legal order, especially in multinational environments. The author presents the most important arguments in this discussion, taking the view that the essential content of the recognized religions deserves to be a subject of limited criminal protection.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd",
journal = "Crimen (Beograd)",
title = "Blasfemija i krivično pravo - sloboda izražavanja naspram vređanja religioznih osećanja, Blasphemy and criminal law: Freedom of expression vs. offending religious feelings",
pages = "266-247",
number = "3",
volume = "9",
url = "conv_2788"
Vuković, I.. (2018). Blasfemija i krivično pravo - sloboda izražavanja naspram vređanja religioznih osećanja. in Crimen (Beograd)
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd., 9(3), 247-266.
Vuković I. Blasfemija i krivično pravo - sloboda izražavanja naspram vređanja religioznih osećanja. in Crimen (Beograd). 2018;9(3):247-266.
conv_2788 .
Vuković, Igor, "Blasfemija i krivično pravo - sloboda izražavanja naspram vređanja religioznih osećanja" in Crimen (Beograd), 9, no. 3 (2018):247-266,
conv_2788 .

Legal status of whistle-blowers in the republic of Serbia: from fragmented protection of civil servants to the full-scale protection model

Vuković, Igor; Kovačević, Ljubinka; Radović, Vuk

(Babes-Bolyai Univ, Cluj-Napoca, 2018)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
AU  - Kovačević, Ljubinka
AU  - Radović, Vuk
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The role of a whistle-blower is most commonly taken on by an employee, whose duty of loyalty to the employer is in conflict with disclosure of the employer's wrongdoing. This requires a balance between the interests of the parties to the employment relationship, on the one hand, and the public interest, on the other hand. It was taken into account in Serbian law when defining the legal status of whistle-blowers, from the fragmented protection of civil servants to the adoption of the Law on Protection of Whistle-blowers (2014). After elaboration of the evolution of protection, authors identify and analyze essential elements of the whistle-blowing concept, as well as its basic functions in Serbian and foreign law. This is followed by critical re-evaluation of the key aspects of protection of whistle-blowers in the legislation and case law of the Republic of Serbia (the circle of protected persons, motives for disclosure of information, damaging actions, the burden of proof and the gradual approach in whistle-blowing). The conclusion is that Serbia has achieved a slow but steady progress in the legal protection of whistle-blowers, and that there is need for further improvement, since certain legal solutions may separate the guarantee of protection of whistle-blowers from the purpose for which it was established.
PB  - Babes-Bolyai Univ, Cluj-Napoca
T2  - Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences
T1  - Legal status of whistle-blowers in the republic of Serbia: from fragmented protection of civil servants to the full-scale protection model
EP  - 122
IS  - 53E
SP  - 107
DO  - 10.24193/tras.53E.7
UR  - conv_2938
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor and Kovačević, Ljubinka and Radović, Vuk",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The role of a whistle-blower is most commonly taken on by an employee, whose duty of loyalty to the employer is in conflict with disclosure of the employer's wrongdoing. This requires a balance between the interests of the parties to the employment relationship, on the one hand, and the public interest, on the other hand. It was taken into account in Serbian law when defining the legal status of whistle-blowers, from the fragmented protection of civil servants to the adoption of the Law on Protection of Whistle-blowers (2014). After elaboration of the evolution of protection, authors identify and analyze essential elements of the whistle-blowing concept, as well as its basic functions in Serbian and foreign law. This is followed by critical re-evaluation of the key aspects of protection of whistle-blowers in the legislation and case law of the Republic of Serbia (the circle of protected persons, motives for disclosure of information, damaging actions, the burden of proof and the gradual approach in whistle-blowing). The conclusion is that Serbia has achieved a slow but steady progress in the legal protection of whistle-blowers, and that there is need for further improvement, since certain legal solutions may separate the guarantee of protection of whistle-blowers from the purpose for which it was established.",
publisher = "Babes-Bolyai Univ, Cluj-Napoca",
journal = "Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences",
title = "Legal status of whistle-blowers in the republic of Serbia: from fragmented protection of civil servants to the full-scale protection model",
pages = "122-107",
number = "53E",
doi = "10.24193/tras.53E.7",
url = "conv_2938"
Vuković, I., Kovačević, L.,& Radović, V.. (2018). Legal status of whistle-blowers in the republic of Serbia: from fragmented protection of civil servants to the full-scale protection model. in Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences
Babes-Bolyai Univ, Cluj-Napoca.(53E), 107-122.
Vuković I, Kovačević L, Radović V. Legal status of whistle-blowers in the republic of Serbia: from fragmented protection of civil servants to the full-scale protection model. in Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences. 2018;(53E):107-122.
conv_2938 .
Vuković, Igor, Kovačević, Ljubinka, Radović, Vuk, "Legal status of whistle-blowers in the republic of Serbia: from fragmented protection of civil servants to the full-scale protection model" in Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, no. 53E (2018):107-122, .,
conv_2938 .

Blasfemija i krivično pravo - uporedno zakonodavstvo i judikatura

Vuković, Igor

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Iako se dostojanstvo božanstva u uporednom zakonodavstvu više uglavnom ne smatra podobnim objektom krivično pravne zaštite, u savremenim pravnim sistemima se i danas sreću krivična dela kojima se štite verska osećanja građana. Međutim, nalik drugim krivičnim delima koja povređuju čast i ugled, protivpravnost takvih ponašanja često se dovodi u pitanje ako je uvredljivo izlaganje imalo kritičku notu, naročito ukoliko je bilo izneto u okviru nekog književnog ili umetničkog dela. U radu se prikazuje vrlo bogata uporedna sudska praksa nacionalnih sudova i Evropskog suda za ljudska prava koja se odnosi na blasfemno izražavanje, kao i relevantni međunarodni dokumenti.
AB  - Although the dignity of the deity is in comparative legislation no longer considered as an adequate object of criminal law protection, contemporary legal systems still contain crimes that protect the religious feelings of citizens. However, like other offenses that violate honor and reputation, the unlawfulness of such behavior is often called into question if offensive exposure has had a critical note, especially if it was revealed in a literary or artistic work. The paper presents a very rich comparative case law of the national courts and the European Court of Human Rights concerning blasphemous expression, as well as relevant international documents. Despite the strong efforts to promote the absolute inviolability of freedom of expression, at the cost of offending the religious feelings of citizens, existing international documents and current case-law show some caution in defining the limits of this freedom. If the European Convention on Human Rights already allows a number of restrictions on the freedom of expression, including the interests of public security, the prevention of disorder, protection of morals or the protection of reputation, it would be completely unreasonable if legislative bodies in one society, often multi confessional and vulnerable to incidents that shake religious feelings and the fragile stability of the community, would completely ignore the mockery of the essential content of a religious belief. On the other hand, one can not argue that the need for criminal justice protection of such values is less and less felt in modern irreligious European societies, where possible incriminations are more related to the potential consequences to the public order and peace. An extreme approach, which would ignore the existing normative framework, advocating for unlimited freedom of expression, would certainly not be a good starting point.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd
T2  - Crimen (Beograd)
T1  - Blasfemija i krivično pravo - uporedno zakonodavstvo i judikatura
T1  - Blasphemy and criminal law: Comparative legislation and judiciary
EP  - 154
IS  - 2
SP  - 133
VL  - 9
UR  - conv_2786
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Iako se dostojanstvo božanstva u uporednom zakonodavstvu više uglavnom ne smatra podobnim objektom krivično pravne zaštite, u savremenim pravnim sistemima se i danas sreću krivična dela kojima se štite verska osećanja građana. Međutim, nalik drugim krivičnim delima koja povređuju čast i ugled, protivpravnost takvih ponašanja često se dovodi u pitanje ako je uvredljivo izlaganje imalo kritičku notu, naročito ukoliko je bilo izneto u okviru nekog književnog ili umetničkog dela. U radu se prikazuje vrlo bogata uporedna sudska praksa nacionalnih sudova i Evropskog suda za ljudska prava koja se odnosi na blasfemno izražavanje, kao i relevantni međunarodni dokumenti., Although the dignity of the deity is in comparative legislation no longer considered as an adequate object of criminal law protection, contemporary legal systems still contain crimes that protect the religious feelings of citizens. However, like other offenses that violate honor and reputation, the unlawfulness of such behavior is often called into question if offensive exposure has had a critical note, especially if it was revealed in a literary or artistic work. The paper presents a very rich comparative case law of the national courts and the European Court of Human Rights concerning blasphemous expression, as well as relevant international documents. Despite the strong efforts to promote the absolute inviolability of freedom of expression, at the cost of offending the religious feelings of citizens, existing international documents and current case-law show some caution in defining the limits of this freedom. If the European Convention on Human Rights already allows a number of restrictions on the freedom of expression, including the interests of public security, the prevention of disorder, protection of morals or the protection of reputation, it would be completely unreasonable if legislative bodies in one society, often multi confessional and vulnerable to incidents that shake religious feelings and the fragile stability of the community, would completely ignore the mockery of the essential content of a religious belief. On the other hand, one can not argue that the need for criminal justice protection of such values is less and less felt in modern irreligious European societies, where possible incriminations are more related to the potential consequences to the public order and peace. An extreme approach, which would ignore the existing normative framework, advocating for unlimited freedom of expression, would certainly not be a good starting point.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd",
journal = "Crimen (Beograd)",
title = "Blasfemija i krivično pravo - uporedno zakonodavstvo i judikatura, Blasphemy and criminal law: Comparative legislation and judiciary",
pages = "154-133",
number = "2",
volume = "9",
url = "conv_2786"
Vuković, I.. (2018). Blasfemija i krivično pravo - uporedno zakonodavstvo i judikatura. in Crimen (Beograd)
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd., 9(2), 133-154.
Vuković I. Blasfemija i krivično pravo - uporedno zakonodavstvo i judikatura. in Crimen (Beograd). 2018;9(2):133-154.
conv_2786 .
Vuković, Igor, "Blasfemija i krivično pravo - uporedno zakonodavstvo i judikatura" in Crimen (Beograd), 9, no. 2 (2018):133-154,
conv_2786 .

Sadržina pomilovanja i pojedine nedoumice u njegovoj primeni

Vuković, Igor; Bajović, Vanja

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
AU  - Bajović, Vanja
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Pomilovanje predstavlja akt 'milosti' predsednika Srbije, kojim se određeno lice poimenično oslobađa od krivičnog gonjenja, potpuno ili delimično oslobađa od izvršenja kazne, izrečena kazna mu se zamenjuje blažom kaznom ili uslovnom osudom ili mu se daje rehabilitacija. U radu se razmatraju pojedina sporna pitanja u vezi sa tim institutom i njegovom praktičnom primenom. Da li se delimično oslobađanje od izvršenja kazne mora kretati u granicama predviđenim Krivičnim zakonikom za ublažavanje kazne po meri? Može li se aktom pomilovanja odrediti izvršenje izrečene kazne zatvora u kućnim uslovima? Da li se abolicija odnosno oslobađanje od krivičnog gonjenja može opravdati pravnim argumentima ili je zasnovana prevashodno na razlozima političke prirode? Da li se izrečena kazna može zameniti kaznom blažom po meri ili se taj vid milosti odnosi samo na zamenu izrečene kazne blažom vrstom kazne? Može li se aktom pomilovanja izrečena zatvorska kazna zameniti uslovnom osudom? Cilj analize je da odgovorom na ta pitanja pruži određene smernice za primenu i bolje razumevanje instituta pomilovanja.
AB  - The granting of a pardon to a person who has committed a criminal offence or who has been convicted of a criminal offence is an act of mercy vested in heads of the President of Republic. According to the Criminal Code, pardon shall release a specifically named person from criminal prosecution and grant full or partial remittance of punishment, replace the pronounced penalty by a lighter penalty or suspended sentence, grant rehabilitation, order shorter duration of legal consequences of conviction or repeal particular or all legal consequences of conviction. Contrary to many comparative jurisdictions, Serbian President is vested with the power to release defendant from criminal prosecution, what is considered as a special form of pardon, so-called 'abolition'. Although rarely implemented in the practice, such solution is strongly criticized by the author, given the fact that it is motivated more with political than with the legal reasons, and practically means intrusion of executive power in the domain of judicial branches. In the paper are further analyzed particular forms of pardon mentioned above and certain disputable issues related to them. The pardon is mainly granted in the form of partial remittance from the execution of punishment, but the question is whether such remittance must be within the limits prescribed by the CC related to the mitigation of punishment? Whether is possible for the President to grant by the act of pardon execution of prison sentence at prisoner home, under certain condition? Whether is possible to substitute pronounced prison sentence with suspended sentence by an act of pardon? In addition to that, the authors also deal with issues of pardon that repeal or order shorter duration of certain security measures, grant rehabilitation or alter legal consequences of conviction.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - Sadržina pomilovanja i pojedine nedoumice u njegovoj primeni
T1  - Content of pardon and some doubts regarding its implementation
EP  - 81
IS  - 1
SP  - 59
VL  - 65
DO  - 10.5937/AnaliPFB1701059V
UR  - conv_416
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor and Bajović, Vanja",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Pomilovanje predstavlja akt 'milosti' predsednika Srbije, kojim se određeno lice poimenično oslobađa od krivičnog gonjenja, potpuno ili delimično oslobađa od izvršenja kazne, izrečena kazna mu se zamenjuje blažom kaznom ili uslovnom osudom ili mu se daje rehabilitacija. U radu se razmatraju pojedina sporna pitanja u vezi sa tim institutom i njegovom praktičnom primenom. Da li se delimično oslobađanje od izvršenja kazne mora kretati u granicama predviđenim Krivičnim zakonikom za ublažavanje kazne po meri? Može li se aktom pomilovanja odrediti izvršenje izrečene kazne zatvora u kućnim uslovima? Da li se abolicija odnosno oslobađanje od krivičnog gonjenja može opravdati pravnim argumentima ili je zasnovana prevashodno na razlozima političke prirode? Da li se izrečena kazna može zameniti kaznom blažom po meri ili se taj vid milosti odnosi samo na zamenu izrečene kazne blažom vrstom kazne? Može li se aktom pomilovanja izrečena zatvorska kazna zameniti uslovnom osudom? Cilj analize je da odgovorom na ta pitanja pruži određene smernice za primenu i bolje razumevanje instituta pomilovanja., The granting of a pardon to a person who has committed a criminal offence or who has been convicted of a criminal offence is an act of mercy vested in heads of the President of Republic. According to the Criminal Code, pardon shall release a specifically named person from criminal prosecution and grant full or partial remittance of punishment, replace the pronounced penalty by a lighter penalty or suspended sentence, grant rehabilitation, order shorter duration of legal consequences of conviction or repeal particular or all legal consequences of conviction. Contrary to many comparative jurisdictions, Serbian President is vested with the power to release defendant from criminal prosecution, what is considered as a special form of pardon, so-called 'abolition'. Although rarely implemented in the practice, such solution is strongly criticized by the author, given the fact that it is motivated more with political than with the legal reasons, and practically means intrusion of executive power in the domain of judicial branches. In the paper are further analyzed particular forms of pardon mentioned above and certain disputable issues related to them. The pardon is mainly granted in the form of partial remittance from the execution of punishment, but the question is whether such remittance must be within the limits prescribed by the CC related to the mitigation of punishment? Whether is possible for the President to grant by the act of pardon execution of prison sentence at prisoner home, under certain condition? Whether is possible to substitute pronounced prison sentence with suspended sentence by an act of pardon? In addition to that, the authors also deal with issues of pardon that repeal or order shorter duration of certain security measures, grant rehabilitation or alter legal consequences of conviction.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "Sadržina pomilovanja i pojedine nedoumice u njegovoj primeni, Content of pardon and some doubts regarding its implementation",
pages = "81-59",
number = "1",
volume = "65",
doi = "10.5937/AnaliPFB1701059V",
url = "conv_416"
Vuković, I.,& Bajović, V.. (2017). Sadržina pomilovanja i pojedine nedoumice u njegovoj primeni. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 65(1), 59-81.
Vuković I, Bajović V. Sadržina pomilovanja i pojedine nedoumice u njegovoj primeni. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2017;65(1):59-81.
conv_416 .
Vuković, Igor, Bajović, Vanja, "Sadržina pomilovanja i pojedine nedoumice u njegovoj primeni" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 65, no. 1 (2017):59-81, .,
conv_416 .

An Order of Crime The Criminal Law of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) 1941-1945

Vuković, Igor

(Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti SANU - Balkanološki institut, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - The system of criminal law norms passed in the so-called Independent State of Croatia (NDH) from its inception in 1941 was aimed at creating and maintaining an atmosphere of terror implemented by the Ustasha government. Although the framework of substantive and procedural rules of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was formally retained, immediately after the establishment of the NDH regulations introducing many new crimes punishable by death were enacted. Defining the "honour and vital interests of the Croatian people" as an appropriate object of criminal law protection enabled the creation of a regime of legalized repression against non-Croat populations, with an extensive jurisdiction of martial criminal justice. In addition to abuse of the court martial mechanism, the criminal character of government was also manifested in the wide application of administrative and punitive measures of sending to concentration camps as well as collective punishment. In line with Radbruch's thought, the author denies the legal character of the system of criminal law formally established in the territory of the NDH in the circumstances of genocide.
PB  - Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti SANU - Balkanološki institut, Beograd
T2  - Balcanica
T1  - An Order of Crime The Criminal Law of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) 1941-1945
EP  - 342
IS  - 48
SP  - 289
DO  - 10.2298/BALC1748289V
UR  - conv_2983
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The system of criminal law norms passed in the so-called Independent State of Croatia (NDH) from its inception in 1941 was aimed at creating and maintaining an atmosphere of terror implemented by the Ustasha government. Although the framework of substantive and procedural rules of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was formally retained, immediately after the establishment of the NDH regulations introducing many new crimes punishable by death were enacted. Defining the "honour and vital interests of the Croatian people" as an appropriate object of criminal law protection enabled the creation of a regime of legalized repression against non-Croat populations, with an extensive jurisdiction of martial criminal justice. In addition to abuse of the court martial mechanism, the criminal character of government was also manifested in the wide application of administrative and punitive measures of sending to concentration camps as well as collective punishment. In line with Radbruch's thought, the author denies the legal character of the system of criminal law formally established in the territory of the NDH in the circumstances of genocide.",
publisher = "Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti SANU - Balkanološki institut, Beograd",
journal = "Balcanica",
title = "An Order of Crime The Criminal Law of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) 1941-1945",
pages = "342-289",
number = "48",
doi = "10.2298/BALC1748289V",
url = "conv_2983"
Vuković, I.. (2017). An Order of Crime The Criminal Law of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) 1941-1945. in Balcanica
Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti SANU - Balkanološki institut, Beograd.(48), 289-342.
Vuković I. An Order of Crime The Criminal Law of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) 1941-1945. in Balcanica. 2017;(48):289-342.
conv_2983 .
Vuković, Igor, "An Order of Crime The Criminal Law of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) 1941-1945" in Balcanica, no. 48 (2017):289-342, .,
conv_2983 .

Doktrine 'stand your ground' i 'castle' - nužna odbrana stana i drugih prostora iz ugla angloameričkog i evropskog prava

Vuković, Igor

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Iako nužna odbrana spada u klasične institute krivičnog prava, poslednjih nekoliko decenija u zakonodavstvu i uporednoj sudskoj praksi dolazi do preispitivanja njenih granica. Dok evropsko pravo tradicionalno smatra da napadnuti nije obavezan da se povlači pred napadačem, ovo pravilo je u angloameričkom pravu važilo samo ukoliko se radilo o odbrani u prostoru mesta stanovanja. Početkom XXI veka dolazi do reforme nužne odbrane u jednom broju američkih država, uz uvođenje subjektivnog kriterijuma kada je odbijanje napada upotrebom smrtonosne sile nužno i uvođenje većeg broja zakonskih pretpostavki, što je znatno povećalo broj slučajeva u praksi u kojima je ubistvo napadača bilo opravdano. Iako se proširivanjem prava na nužnu odbranu uvećava verovatnoća mogućih zloupotreba, ne ohrabruje činjenica da se u srpskoj judikaturi opravdanje po ovom osnovu prihvata vrlo restriktivno. Autor ukazuje na opravdanost izdvajanja nužne odbrane u mestu stanovanja iz opšteg režima i na neophodnost da se inercija sudova po tom osnovu prevaziđe drugačijim zakonodavnim pristupom.
AB  - Although self-defense belongs to the classical criminal justice institutes, over the last few decades its boundaries have been re-examined in the legislation and comparative case law. While European law traditionally consider that the attacked person is not obligated to retreat from the attacker, in Anglo-American law this rule was only effective when it came to the defense of dwellings. At the beginning of the 21st century, the self-defense was reformed in many US states, with the introduction of a subjective criterion, when the rejection of the attack by the deadly force is to be considered necessary, and the introduction of several legal assumptions, which, in effect, greatly increased the number of cases where the murder of the attacker was justified. While extending the right to a self-defense increases the likelihood of possible abuse, the fact that in the Serbian judiciary the justification on this basis applies very restrictively does not encourage. The author points out that it is necessary to allocate defense of dwellings from the general regime of self-defense, and to overcome the inertia of courts on that basis by a different legislative approach.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd
T2  - Crimen (Beograd)
T1  - Doktrine 'stand your ground' i 'castle' - nužna odbrana stana i drugih prostora iz ugla angloameričkog i evropskog prava
T1  - 'Stand your ground' and 'castle' doctrines: Defense of a dwelling or other places from Anglo-American and European legal perspective
EP  - 117
IS  - 2
SP  - 95
VL  - 8
UR  - conv_2778
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Iako nužna odbrana spada u klasične institute krivičnog prava, poslednjih nekoliko decenija u zakonodavstvu i uporednoj sudskoj praksi dolazi do preispitivanja njenih granica. Dok evropsko pravo tradicionalno smatra da napadnuti nije obavezan da se povlači pred napadačem, ovo pravilo je u angloameričkom pravu važilo samo ukoliko se radilo o odbrani u prostoru mesta stanovanja. Početkom XXI veka dolazi do reforme nužne odbrane u jednom broju američkih država, uz uvođenje subjektivnog kriterijuma kada je odbijanje napada upotrebom smrtonosne sile nužno i uvođenje većeg broja zakonskih pretpostavki, što je znatno povećalo broj slučajeva u praksi u kojima je ubistvo napadača bilo opravdano. Iako se proširivanjem prava na nužnu odbranu uvećava verovatnoća mogućih zloupotreba, ne ohrabruje činjenica da se u srpskoj judikaturi opravdanje po ovom osnovu prihvata vrlo restriktivno. Autor ukazuje na opravdanost izdvajanja nužne odbrane u mestu stanovanja iz opšteg režima i na neophodnost da se inercija sudova po tom osnovu prevaziđe drugačijim zakonodavnim pristupom., Although self-defense belongs to the classical criminal justice institutes, over the last few decades its boundaries have been re-examined in the legislation and comparative case law. While European law traditionally consider that the attacked person is not obligated to retreat from the attacker, in Anglo-American law this rule was only effective when it came to the defense of dwellings. At the beginning of the 21st century, the self-defense was reformed in many US states, with the introduction of a subjective criterion, when the rejection of the attack by the deadly force is to be considered necessary, and the introduction of several legal assumptions, which, in effect, greatly increased the number of cases where the murder of the attacker was justified. While extending the right to a self-defense increases the likelihood of possible abuse, the fact that in the Serbian judiciary the justification on this basis applies very restrictively does not encourage. The author points out that it is necessary to allocate defense of dwellings from the general regime of self-defense, and to overcome the inertia of courts on that basis by a different legislative approach.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd",
journal = "Crimen (Beograd)",
title = "Doktrine 'stand your ground' i 'castle' - nužna odbrana stana i drugih prostora iz ugla angloameričkog i evropskog prava, 'Stand your ground' and 'castle' doctrines: Defense of a dwelling or other places from Anglo-American and European legal perspective",
pages = "117-95",
number = "2",
volume = "8",
url = "conv_2778"
Vuković, I.. (2017). Doktrine 'stand your ground' i 'castle' - nužna odbrana stana i drugih prostora iz ugla angloameričkog i evropskog prava. in Crimen (Beograd)
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd., 8(2), 95-117.
Vuković I. Doktrine 'stand your ground' i 'castle' - nužna odbrana stana i drugih prostora iz ugla angloameričkog i evropskog prava. in Crimen (Beograd). 2017;8(2):95-117.
conv_2778 .
Vuković, Igor, "Doktrine 'stand your ground' i 'castle' - nužna odbrana stana i drugih prostora iz ugla angloameričkog i evropskog prava" in Crimen (Beograd), 8, no. 2 (2017):95-117,
conv_2778 .

Materijalni pojam krivice iz ugla krivičnog prava

Vuković, Igor

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Danas se u krivičnom pravu krivica pretežno razume kao moralni prekor koji se upućuje učiniocu krivičnog dela. Objašnjenje, na čemu ovaj prekor zapravo počiva, uglavnom se kreće u okviru klasičnog razumevanja krivice, kao mogućnosti učinioca da u datim okolnostima učini drugačiji izbor, i da se umesto vršenja zločina opredeli za poštovanje prava. Iako se pravna odgovornost teško uopšte može objasniti bez ove pretpostavke, i danas se povremeno, naročito na temelju navodnih rezultata novijih medicinskih istraživanja, dovodi u pitanje da li je vršenje krivičnih dela ipak kauzalno determinisano. Autor ukazuje na najvažnija stanovišta u novijoj nemačkoj i srpskoj doktrini i zaključuje da ne postoje dovoljni razlozi da se napusti klasično materijalno objašnjenje krivice.
AB  - In today's criminal law, blameworthiness is largely understood as a moral reproach against the perpetrator of the crime. The explanation on which this reproach rests mainly moves within a classical understanding of blameworthiness, as the possibility for the perpetrator to make a different choice in the circumstances, and, instead of committing a crime, to decide to respect the law. Although legal liability can hardly be explained at all without this presumption, today, occasionally, especially based on the alleged results of recent medical research, some authors question whether the commission of criminal offenses is causally determined. The author points out the most important views in recent German and Serbian doctrine, and concludes that there are not enough reasons to leave the classical material explanation of blameworthiness.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd
T2  - Crimen (Beograd)
T1  - Materijalni pojam krivice iz ugla krivičnog prava
T1  - Material concept of blameworthiness from the criminal law perspective
EP  - 516
IS  - 3
SP  - 501
VL  - 8
UR  - conv_2780
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Danas se u krivičnom pravu krivica pretežno razume kao moralni prekor koji se upućuje učiniocu krivičnog dela. Objašnjenje, na čemu ovaj prekor zapravo počiva, uglavnom se kreće u okviru klasičnog razumevanja krivice, kao mogućnosti učinioca da u datim okolnostima učini drugačiji izbor, i da se umesto vršenja zločina opredeli za poštovanje prava. Iako se pravna odgovornost teško uopšte može objasniti bez ove pretpostavke, i danas se povremeno, naročito na temelju navodnih rezultata novijih medicinskih istraživanja, dovodi u pitanje da li je vršenje krivičnih dela ipak kauzalno determinisano. Autor ukazuje na najvažnija stanovišta u novijoj nemačkoj i srpskoj doktrini i zaključuje da ne postoje dovoljni razlozi da se napusti klasično materijalno objašnjenje krivice., In today's criminal law, blameworthiness is largely understood as a moral reproach against the perpetrator of the crime. The explanation on which this reproach rests mainly moves within a classical understanding of blameworthiness, as the possibility for the perpetrator to make a different choice in the circumstances, and, instead of committing a crime, to decide to respect the law. Although legal liability can hardly be explained at all without this presumption, today, occasionally, especially based on the alleged results of recent medical research, some authors question whether the commission of criminal offenses is causally determined. The author points out the most important views in recent German and Serbian doctrine, and concludes that there are not enough reasons to leave the classical material explanation of blameworthiness.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd",
journal = "Crimen (Beograd)",
title = "Materijalni pojam krivice iz ugla krivičnog prava, Material concept of blameworthiness from the criminal law perspective",
pages = "516-501",
number = "3",
volume = "8",
url = "conv_2780"
Vuković, I.. (2017). Materijalni pojam krivice iz ugla krivičnog prava. in Crimen (Beograd)
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd., 8(3), 501-516.
Vuković I. Materijalni pojam krivice iz ugla krivičnog prava. in Crimen (Beograd). 2017;8(3):501-516.
conv_2780 .
Vuković, Igor, "Materijalni pojam krivice iz ugla krivičnog prava" in Crimen (Beograd), 8, no. 3 (2017):501-516,
conv_2780 .

Značaj određenosti dela izvršioca za postojanje podstrekavanja i javno pozivanje na vršenje krivičnog dela

Vuković, Igor

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd, 2016)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Pored podstrekavanja kao oblika saučesništva, srpsko krivično pravo nekada podstrekavanje definiše i kao samostalno krivično delo. Podstrekavanje kao oblik saučesništva može postojati samo ukoliko se odluka da se učini krivično delo stvara kod određenog lica, ili kod pripadnika određene grupe lica. Ako su potencijalni izvršioci dela potpuno neodređeni, kao u slučaju javnog pozivanja na vršenje nekog zločina putem medija, podstrekavanje kao oblik saučesništva ne može postojati, ali zato u uporednim evropskim zakonodavstvima postoje posebna krivična dela koja pokrivaju ove situacije. Za razliku od ovih zakonodavstava, u srpskom krivičnom pravu takvo krivično delo ne postoji. Autor razmatra ovu pravnu prazninu i predlaže uvođenje nove inkriminacije.
AB  - In addition to incitement as a form of complicity, the Serbian criminal law sometimes defines incitement as a separate criminal offense. Incitement, as a form of complicity, can only exist if it is aimed at a specific person, or at the members of a certain group of persons. If potential principal offenders are completely undefined, as in the case of public incitement through the media, incitement as a form of complicity cannot exist, but, therefore, there are specific offenses in the comparative European jurisdictions that cover this situation. In contrast to these legislations, in the Serbian criminal law such an offense does not exist. The author considers this legal gap and proposes the introduction of new crime.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd
T2  - Crimen (Beograd)
T1  - Značaj određenosti dela izvršioca za postojanje podstrekavanja i javno pozivanje na vršenje krivičnog dela
T1  - Definition of the perpetrator's act, it's importance for abetting and public incitement to an offence
EP  - 326
IS  - 3
SP  - 311
VL  - 7
UR  - conv_2777
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Pored podstrekavanja kao oblika saučesništva, srpsko krivično pravo nekada podstrekavanje definiše i kao samostalno krivično delo. Podstrekavanje kao oblik saučesništva može postojati samo ukoliko se odluka da se učini krivično delo stvara kod određenog lica, ili kod pripadnika određene grupe lica. Ako su potencijalni izvršioci dela potpuno neodređeni, kao u slučaju javnog pozivanja na vršenje nekog zločina putem medija, podstrekavanje kao oblik saučesništva ne može postojati, ali zato u uporednim evropskim zakonodavstvima postoje posebna krivična dela koja pokrivaju ove situacije. Za razliku od ovih zakonodavstava, u srpskom krivičnom pravu takvo krivično delo ne postoji. Autor razmatra ovu pravnu prazninu i predlaže uvođenje nove inkriminacije., In addition to incitement as a form of complicity, the Serbian criminal law sometimes defines incitement as a separate criminal offense. Incitement, as a form of complicity, can only exist if it is aimed at a specific person, or at the members of a certain group of persons. If potential principal offenders are completely undefined, as in the case of public incitement through the media, incitement as a form of complicity cannot exist, but, therefore, there are specific offenses in the comparative European jurisdictions that cover this situation. In contrast to these legislations, in the Serbian criminal law such an offense does not exist. The author considers this legal gap and proposes the introduction of new crime.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd",
journal = "Crimen (Beograd)",
title = "Značaj određenosti dela izvršioca za postojanje podstrekavanja i javno pozivanje na vršenje krivičnog dela, Definition of the perpetrator's act, it's importance for abetting and public incitement to an offence",
pages = "326-311",
number = "3",
volume = "7",
url = "conv_2777"
Vuković, I.. (2016). Značaj određenosti dela izvršioca za postojanje podstrekavanja i javno pozivanje na vršenje krivičnog dela. in Crimen (Beograd)
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd., 7(3), 311-326.
Vuković I. Značaj određenosti dela izvršioca za postojanje podstrekavanja i javno pozivanje na vršenje krivičnog dela. in Crimen (Beograd). 2016;7(3):311-326.
conv_2777 .
Vuković, Igor, "Značaj određenosti dela izvršioca za postojanje podstrekavanja i javno pozivanje na vršenje krivičnog dela" in Crimen (Beograd), 7, no. 3 (2016):311-326,
conv_2777 .

Oduzimanje imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela - evropski okvir i srpsko zakonodavstvo

Vuković, Igor

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd, 2016)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Donošenjem Zakona o oduzimanju imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela 2008. godine, u srpsko krivično pravo uvedeno je tzv. prošireno oduzimanje imovinske koristi pribavljene krivičnim delom. Ovo oduzimanje primenjuje se u pogledu onih plodova kriminalne aktivnosti kod kojih nije moguće neposredno dokazati da su pribavljeni krivičnim delom, ali gde postoji očigledna nesrazmera imovine okrivljenog i njegovih zakonitih prihoda. Prošireno oduzimanje postoji u različitim formama u evropskom zakonodavstvu. Od naročitog je značaja Direktiva o zamrzavanju i oduzimanju imovinske koristi pribavljene krivičnim delima u Evropskoj uniji. Međutim, i pored unošenja proširenog oduzimanja u mnoga evropska zakonodavstva, ono je istovremeno praćeno brojnim prigovorima. Autor razmatra najznačajnije prigovore koji se upućuje proširenom oduzimanju u srpskoj i uporednoj literaturi, ukazujući da će i pored brojnih kritika kriminalno-politička potreba nalagati da ovaj institut zadrži svoje mesto u savremenom zakonodavstvu.
AB  - With the adoption of the Law on Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime in 2008, so called extended confiscation was introduced in the Serbian criminal law. This form of forfeiture shall be applied with respect to those fruits of criminal activity, where it is not possible to directly demonstrate that the property in question has derived from criminal conduct, but where obvious disproportion between the assets of the accused and his lawful income is present. Extended confiscation exists in different forms in European legislation. Of particular significance is the Directive on the freezing and confiscation of instrumentalities and proceeds of crime in the European Union. However, despite introduction of extended confiscation in many European countries, it is also accompanied by a number of objections. The author discusses the major complaints referring to extended confiscation in Serbian and comparative literature, noting that despite numerous criticisms criminal-political need to impose similar form of confiscation shall secure its place in modern legislation.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd
T2  - Crimen (Beograd)
T1  - Oduzimanje imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela - evropski okvir i srpsko zakonodavstvo
T1  - Extended confiscation of the proceeds of crime: European framework and Serbian legislation
EP  - 32
IS  - 1
SP  - 3
VL  - 7
UR  - conv_2770
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Donošenjem Zakona o oduzimanju imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela 2008. godine, u srpsko krivično pravo uvedeno je tzv. prošireno oduzimanje imovinske koristi pribavljene krivičnim delom. Ovo oduzimanje primenjuje se u pogledu onih plodova kriminalne aktivnosti kod kojih nije moguće neposredno dokazati da su pribavljeni krivičnim delom, ali gde postoji očigledna nesrazmera imovine okrivljenog i njegovih zakonitih prihoda. Prošireno oduzimanje postoji u različitim formama u evropskom zakonodavstvu. Od naročitog je značaja Direktiva o zamrzavanju i oduzimanju imovinske koristi pribavljene krivičnim delima u Evropskoj uniji. Međutim, i pored unošenja proširenog oduzimanja u mnoga evropska zakonodavstva, ono je istovremeno praćeno brojnim prigovorima. Autor razmatra najznačajnije prigovore koji se upućuje proširenom oduzimanju u srpskoj i uporednoj literaturi, ukazujući da će i pored brojnih kritika kriminalno-politička potreba nalagati da ovaj institut zadrži svoje mesto u savremenom zakonodavstvu., With the adoption of the Law on Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime in 2008, so called extended confiscation was introduced in the Serbian criminal law. This form of forfeiture shall be applied with respect to those fruits of criminal activity, where it is not possible to directly demonstrate that the property in question has derived from criminal conduct, but where obvious disproportion between the assets of the accused and his lawful income is present. Extended confiscation exists in different forms in European legislation. Of particular significance is the Directive on the freezing and confiscation of instrumentalities and proceeds of crime in the European Union. However, despite introduction of extended confiscation in many European countries, it is also accompanied by a number of objections. The author discusses the major complaints referring to extended confiscation in Serbian and comparative literature, noting that despite numerous criticisms criminal-political need to impose similar form of confiscation shall secure its place in modern legislation.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd",
journal = "Crimen (Beograd)",
title = "Oduzimanje imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela - evropski okvir i srpsko zakonodavstvo, Extended confiscation of the proceeds of crime: European framework and Serbian legislation",
pages = "32-3",
number = "1",
volume = "7",
url = "conv_2770"
Vuković, I.. (2016). Oduzimanje imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela - evropski okvir i srpsko zakonodavstvo. in Crimen (Beograd)
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd., 7(1), 3-32.
Vuković I. Oduzimanje imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela - evropski okvir i srpsko zakonodavstvo. in Crimen (Beograd). 2016;7(1):3-32.
conv_2770 .
Vuković, Igor, "Oduzimanje imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela - evropski okvir i srpsko zakonodavstvo" in Crimen (Beograd), 7, no. 1 (2016):3-32,
conv_2770 .

Kauzalnost radnje pomagača u odnosu na delo izvršioca

Vuković, Igor

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd, 2015)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - O eventualnoj kauzalnosti pomagačkih doprinosa u odnosu na delo izvršioca postoji niz različitih shvatanja. Većinsko učenje polazi od toga da prilog pomagača mora predstavljati condicio sine qua non posledice dela. Ipak, ovo shvatanje sudska praksa uglavnom ne prihvata, smatrajući da je dovoljno da se radnjom pomaganja unapređuje radnja izvršioca. Pored ovih osnovnih učenja, u literaturi se zastupaju i mišljenja da pomaganje predstavlja delo apstraktne opasnosti, kao i da se pomagačkim doprinosom uvećava rizik po napadnuto pravno dobro. Autor zaključuje da je u mnogim pitanjima razlika između navedenih shvatanja samo prividna i da se njima u drugi plan pomera centralno obeležje ovog oblika saučesništva, koje podrazumeva da pomaganje mora predstavljati izvesno olakšavanje izvršenja dela.
AB  - There are a number of different views about possible causality of aider's contribution in relation to an act of the perpetrator. Majority understanding assumes that aider's contribution must represent a condicio sine qua non of the consequence of the offense. However, this view is generally not accepted by the jurisprudence, considering that it is sufficient that the act of the aider improves the action of the perpetrator. In addition to these basic notions, in literature are also presented opinions that aiding embodies a deed of abstract endangerment and that the aider's contribution increases risk to the protected good. The author concludes that in many issues the difference between these ideas is only apparent, and that this theoretical debate only conceals the central feature of this form of participation - that assistance must constitute certain facilitation of the offense.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd
T2  - Crimen (Beograd)
T1  - Kauzalnost radnje pomagača u odnosu na delo izvršioca
T1  - Causality of aider's contribution in relation to a perpetrator's act
EP  - 60
IS  - 1
SP  - 46
VL  - 6
UR  - conv_2768
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor",
year = "2015",
abstract = "O eventualnoj kauzalnosti pomagačkih doprinosa u odnosu na delo izvršioca postoji niz različitih shvatanja. Većinsko učenje polazi od toga da prilog pomagača mora predstavljati condicio sine qua non posledice dela. Ipak, ovo shvatanje sudska praksa uglavnom ne prihvata, smatrajući da je dovoljno da se radnjom pomaganja unapređuje radnja izvršioca. Pored ovih osnovnih učenja, u literaturi se zastupaju i mišljenja da pomaganje predstavlja delo apstraktne opasnosti, kao i da se pomagačkim doprinosom uvećava rizik po napadnuto pravno dobro. Autor zaključuje da je u mnogim pitanjima razlika između navedenih shvatanja samo prividna i da se njima u drugi plan pomera centralno obeležje ovog oblika saučesništva, koje podrazumeva da pomaganje mora predstavljati izvesno olakšavanje izvršenja dela., There are a number of different views about possible causality of aider's contribution in relation to an act of the perpetrator. Majority understanding assumes that aider's contribution must represent a condicio sine qua non of the consequence of the offense. However, this view is generally not accepted by the jurisprudence, considering that it is sufficient that the act of the aider improves the action of the perpetrator. In addition to these basic notions, in literature are also presented opinions that aiding embodies a deed of abstract endangerment and that the aider's contribution increases risk to the protected good. The author concludes that in many issues the difference between these ideas is only apparent, and that this theoretical debate only conceals the central feature of this form of participation - that assistance must constitute certain facilitation of the offense.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd",
journal = "Crimen (Beograd)",
title = "Kauzalnost radnje pomagača u odnosu na delo izvršioca, Causality of aider's contribution in relation to a perpetrator's act",
pages = "60-46",
number = "1",
volume = "6",
url = "conv_2768"
Vuković, I.. (2015). Kauzalnost radnje pomagača u odnosu na delo izvršioca. in Crimen (Beograd)
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd., 6(1), 46-60.
Vuković I. Kauzalnost radnje pomagača u odnosu na delo izvršioca. in Crimen (Beograd). 2015;6(1):46-60.
conv_2768 .
Vuković, Igor, "Kauzalnost radnje pomagača u odnosu na delo izvršioca" in Crimen (Beograd), 6, no. 1 (2015):46-60,
conv_2768 .

Vreme i kauzalnost bitnog saizvršilačkog doprinosa

Vuković, Igor

(Kriminalističko-policijski univerzitet, Beograd, 2015)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Prema srpskom Krivičnom zakoniku (čl. 33), saizvršilac nije samo onaj ko zajednički sa drugima izvrši krivično delo učestvovanjem u radnji izvršenja, već i onaj ko ostvarujući zajedničku odluku drugom radnjom sa umišljajem bitno doprinese izvršenju dela. Najveći problemi primene ove odredbe tiču se upravo mogućnosti da se saizvršilački doprinos ostvari i nekom drugom radnjom koja ne predstavlja radnju izvršenja. S tim u vezi, postavlja se i pitanje da li ovaj bitan doprinos mora biti pružen u vreme izvršenja dela, ili može nastupiti i u stadijumu njegovog pripremanja. Takođe, nejasno je ida li svaki saizvršilac mora kauzalno sadoprineti nastupanju posledice dela, ili je moguće da takav kauzalni doprinos i izostane. Autor analizira pitanja vremena saizvršilaštva i problematiku kumulativnog i alternativnog saizvršilaštva, naročito uzimajući u obzir prodor teorije vlasti nad delom u našoj teoriji i praksi.
AB  - According to the Serbian Criminal Code (Article 33), a co-perpetrator is not only a person who takes part in committing a criminal offense with others by participating in its execution, but also a person who with intent, and carrying out a jointly made decision, significantly contributes to the commission of the offense. Some of the problems concerning the application of this provision refer to the element of significance of the contribution. In this respect, the question arises whether the significant contribution must be provided at the time when the offense is being committed or it may occur in the stage of its preparation. Although the advocates of the theory of control over the act (Tatherrschaft) mostly believe that co-perpetration is possible only at the time of the commission of a crime, our jurisprudence does not share this view. Also, it is unclear whether each co-perpetrator must cause the consequence of the offense, or if it is possible that such a causal contribution fails to occur. Even here we cannot claim that the provision of Article 33 of the Criminal Code can be interpreted exclusively in the direction which requires that significant contribution represents a condicio sine qua non of the offense. The author analyzes the timing issues of co-perpetration and issues of cumulative and alternative co-perpetration, especially taking into account the theory of control over the act in Serbian doctrine and practice.
PB  - Kriminalističko-policijski univerzitet, Beograd
T2  - NBP. Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - Vreme i kauzalnost bitnog saizvršilačkog doprinosa
T1  - Time and causality of the significant contribution of a co-perpetrator
EP  - 143
IS  - 2
SP  - 127
VL  - 20
DO  - 10.5937/NBP1502127V
UR  - conv_2518
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Prema srpskom Krivičnom zakoniku (čl. 33), saizvršilac nije samo onaj ko zajednički sa drugima izvrši krivično delo učestvovanjem u radnji izvršenja, već i onaj ko ostvarujući zajedničku odluku drugom radnjom sa umišljajem bitno doprinese izvršenju dela. Najveći problemi primene ove odredbe tiču se upravo mogućnosti da se saizvršilački doprinos ostvari i nekom drugom radnjom koja ne predstavlja radnju izvršenja. S tim u vezi, postavlja se i pitanje da li ovaj bitan doprinos mora biti pružen u vreme izvršenja dela, ili može nastupiti i u stadijumu njegovog pripremanja. Takođe, nejasno je ida li svaki saizvršilac mora kauzalno sadoprineti nastupanju posledice dela, ili je moguće da takav kauzalni doprinos i izostane. Autor analizira pitanja vremena saizvršilaštva i problematiku kumulativnog i alternativnog saizvršilaštva, naročito uzimajući u obzir prodor teorije vlasti nad delom u našoj teoriji i praksi., According to the Serbian Criminal Code (Article 33), a co-perpetrator is not only a person who takes part in committing a criminal offense with others by participating in its execution, but also a person who with intent, and carrying out a jointly made decision, significantly contributes to the commission of the offense. Some of the problems concerning the application of this provision refer to the element of significance of the contribution. In this respect, the question arises whether the significant contribution must be provided at the time when the offense is being committed or it may occur in the stage of its preparation. Although the advocates of the theory of control over the act (Tatherrschaft) mostly believe that co-perpetration is possible only at the time of the commission of a crime, our jurisprudence does not share this view. Also, it is unclear whether each co-perpetrator must cause the consequence of the offense, or if it is possible that such a causal contribution fails to occur. Even here we cannot claim that the provision of Article 33 of the Criminal Code can be interpreted exclusively in the direction which requires that significant contribution represents a condicio sine qua non of the offense. The author analyzes the timing issues of co-perpetration and issues of cumulative and alternative co-perpetration, especially taking into account the theory of control over the act in Serbian doctrine and practice.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko-policijski univerzitet, Beograd",
journal = "NBP. Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "Vreme i kauzalnost bitnog saizvršilačkog doprinosa, Time and causality of the significant contribution of a co-perpetrator",
pages = "143-127",
number = "2",
volume = "20",
doi = "10.5937/NBP1502127V",
url = "conv_2518"
Vuković, I.. (2015). Vreme i kauzalnost bitnog saizvršilačkog doprinosa. in NBP. Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko-policijski univerzitet, Beograd., 20(2), 127-143.
Vuković I. Vreme i kauzalnost bitnog saizvršilačkog doprinosa. in NBP. Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2015;20(2):127-143.
conv_2518 .
Vuković, Igor, "Vreme i kauzalnost bitnog saizvršilačkog doprinosa" in NBP. Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 20, no. 2 (2015):127-143, .,
conv_2518 .

Pomaganje u krivičnom delu u obavljanju zanimanja i preduzimanju svakodnevnih poslova

Vuković, Igor

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2015)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Spoljna slika radnje pomaganja u krivičnom delu često ne ukazuje na njen deliktni karakter. Na primer, pozajmljivanje noža prijatelju može predstavljati i pomoć u pripremi prazničnog ručka i pomoć u izvršenju zločina. I pored često dvoznačne slike ovih ponašanja, u sudskoj praksi do sada nije bilo dilema da i vrednosno neutralne radnje mogu predstavljati vid saučesništva. Poslednjih decenija, međutim, u literaturi se živo raspravlja da li radnje preduzete u okviru profesionalne delatnosti mogu predstavljati pomaganje u krivičnom delu. U tom smislu, u literaturi je napisan veliki broj radova sa manje ili više originalnim predlozima kako rešiti pitanje kažnjivosti ovih radnji. Autor razmatra najznačajnija shvatanja o ovom problemu, zauzimajući stav da u pogledu kažnjavanja radnji pomaganja preduzetih u obavljanju zanimanja treba zadržati isti pristup kao i kod drugih radnji pomaganja, koje se obavljaju nezavisno od profesionalne delatnosti.
AB  - External image of an action aiding a criminal offense often does not indicate its criminal character. Thus, for example, lending blade to a friend can pose help in preparing a holiday lunch, as well as assistance in the commission of a crime. Despite the often ambiguous image of similar behaviors, in the jurisprudence so far there was no dilemma that value-neutral acts may constitute this type of complicity in crime. In recent decades, however, there has been a vivid discussion whether the actions undertaken in the framework of a profession may constitute aiding in the commission of a crime. In this sense, it's been written a number of papers with more or less the original proposals to resolve the issue of criminality of these actions. The author considers the most important understandings on this issue, taking the view that with regard to punishment of actions undertaken in the exercise of professions one should keep the same approach as in other situations, where one aids another in crime independently of the professional activity.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - Pomaganje u krivičnom delu u obavljanju zanimanja i preduzimanju svakodnevnih poslova
T1  - Aiding in crime in carrying out occupation and undertaking everyday tasks
EP  - 60
IS  - 2
SP  - 45
VL  - 63
DO  - 10.5937/AnaliPFB1502045V
UR  - conv_369
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Spoljna slika radnje pomaganja u krivičnom delu često ne ukazuje na njen deliktni karakter. Na primer, pozajmljivanje noža prijatelju može predstavljati i pomoć u pripremi prazničnog ručka i pomoć u izvršenju zločina. I pored često dvoznačne slike ovih ponašanja, u sudskoj praksi do sada nije bilo dilema da i vrednosno neutralne radnje mogu predstavljati vid saučesništva. Poslednjih decenija, međutim, u literaturi se živo raspravlja da li radnje preduzete u okviru profesionalne delatnosti mogu predstavljati pomaganje u krivičnom delu. U tom smislu, u literaturi je napisan veliki broj radova sa manje ili više originalnim predlozima kako rešiti pitanje kažnjivosti ovih radnji. Autor razmatra najznačajnija shvatanja o ovom problemu, zauzimajući stav da u pogledu kažnjavanja radnji pomaganja preduzetih u obavljanju zanimanja treba zadržati isti pristup kao i kod drugih radnji pomaganja, koje se obavljaju nezavisno od profesionalne delatnosti., External image of an action aiding a criminal offense often does not indicate its criminal character. Thus, for example, lending blade to a friend can pose help in preparing a holiday lunch, as well as assistance in the commission of a crime. Despite the often ambiguous image of similar behaviors, in the jurisprudence so far there was no dilemma that value-neutral acts may constitute this type of complicity in crime. In recent decades, however, there has been a vivid discussion whether the actions undertaken in the framework of a profession may constitute aiding in the commission of a crime. In this sense, it's been written a number of papers with more or less the original proposals to resolve the issue of criminality of these actions. The author considers the most important understandings on this issue, taking the view that with regard to punishment of actions undertaken in the exercise of professions one should keep the same approach as in other situations, where one aids another in crime independently of the professional activity.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "Pomaganje u krivičnom delu u obavljanju zanimanja i preduzimanju svakodnevnih poslova, Aiding in crime in carrying out occupation and undertaking everyday tasks",
pages = "60-45",
number = "2",
volume = "63",
doi = "10.5937/AnaliPFB1502045V",
url = "conv_369"
Vuković, I.. (2015). Pomaganje u krivičnom delu u obavljanju zanimanja i preduzimanju svakodnevnih poslova. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 63(2), 45-60.
Vuković I. Pomaganje u krivičnom delu u obavljanju zanimanja i preduzimanju svakodnevnih poslova. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2015;63(2):45-60.
conv_369 .
Vuković, Igor, "Pomaganje u krivičnom delu u obavljanju zanimanja i preduzimanju svakodnevnih poslova" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 63, no. 2 (2015):45-60, .,
conv_369 .

Obljuba zloupotrebom položaja nastavnika

Vuković, Igor; Đokić, Ivan

(Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš, 2015)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
AU  - Đokić, Ivan
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - U radu se razmatra pitanje dozvoljenosti seksualnih odnosa između nastavnika i učenika, pre svega iz ugla postojećih krivičnopravnih zabrana. I u slučaju kada je seksualni odnos između nastavnika i učenika pravom dozvoljen, zbog pozicije neravnopravnosti ovih subjekata opravdano se dovodi u sumnju socijalno-etička prihvatljivost takvog odnosa. Pretežni deo rada je posvećen pravno-dogmatskoj analizi zakonskih obeležja krivičnog dela obljube zloupotrebom položaja, kada se kao učinilac pojavljuje nastavnik ili vaspitač. S obzirom na to da inkriminisanje ovog delikta nije nesporno, neophodno je da se njegova kriminalna zona restriktivno tumači, tako da obuhvati samo slučajeve u kojima zaista dolazi do zloupotrebe položaja ili poverenja.
AB  - The paper analyses the question of the permissibility of sexual relationships between teachers and students, primarily from the perspective of existing criminal prohibitions. And in those cases in which the sexual relationship between teacher and student is legally allowed, the position of inequality of these persons reasonably casts doubt on the social- ethical acceptability of such a relationship. Most of the work is devoted to legal-dogmatic analysis of the actus reus and mens rea of the offence of sexual intercourse through abuse of position by teacher or educator. Given the fact that this offence is arguable, it is essential that criminal zone in this case should be interpreted restrictively, so as to cover only cases in which really comes to the abuse of position or trust.
PB  - Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš
T2  - Teme
T1  - Obljuba zloupotrebom položaja nastavnika
T1  - Sexual intercourse through abuse of position by teacher
EP  - 902
IS  - 3
SP  - 887
VL  - 39
UR  - conv_1786
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor and Đokić, Ivan",
year = "2015",
abstract = "U radu se razmatra pitanje dozvoljenosti seksualnih odnosa između nastavnika i učenika, pre svega iz ugla postojećih krivičnopravnih zabrana. I u slučaju kada je seksualni odnos između nastavnika i učenika pravom dozvoljen, zbog pozicije neravnopravnosti ovih subjekata opravdano se dovodi u sumnju socijalno-etička prihvatljivost takvog odnosa. Pretežni deo rada je posvećen pravno-dogmatskoj analizi zakonskih obeležja krivičnog dela obljube zloupotrebom položaja, kada se kao učinilac pojavljuje nastavnik ili vaspitač. S obzirom na to da inkriminisanje ovog delikta nije nesporno, neophodno je da se njegova kriminalna zona restriktivno tumači, tako da obuhvati samo slučajeve u kojima zaista dolazi do zloupotrebe položaja ili poverenja., The paper analyses the question of the permissibility of sexual relationships between teachers and students, primarily from the perspective of existing criminal prohibitions. And in those cases in which the sexual relationship between teacher and student is legally allowed, the position of inequality of these persons reasonably casts doubt on the social- ethical acceptability of such a relationship. Most of the work is devoted to legal-dogmatic analysis of the actus reus and mens rea of the offence of sexual intercourse through abuse of position by teacher or educator. Given the fact that this offence is arguable, it is essential that criminal zone in this case should be interpreted restrictively, so as to cover only cases in which really comes to the abuse of position or trust.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš",
journal = "Teme",
title = "Obljuba zloupotrebom položaja nastavnika, Sexual intercourse through abuse of position by teacher",
pages = "902-887",
number = "3",
volume = "39",
url = "conv_1786"
Vuković, I.,& Đokić, I.. (2015). Obljuba zloupotrebom položaja nastavnika. in Teme
Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš., 39(3), 887-902.
Vuković I, Đokić I. Obljuba zloupotrebom položaja nastavnika. in Teme. 2015;39(3):887-902.
conv_1786 .
Vuković, Igor, Đokić, Ivan, "Obljuba zloupotrebom položaja nastavnika" in Teme, 39, no. 3 (2015):887-902,
conv_1786 .

Pravno-političko opravdanje krivičnog dela korišćenja platnih kartica bez pokrića

Vuković, Igor; Radović, Mirjana

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2014)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
AU  - Radović, Mirjana
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - U ovom radu autori razmatraju pravno-političke razloge za propisivanje krivičnog dela korišćenja platnih kartica bez pokrića (Krivični zakonik, čl. 228, st. 1). U prvom delu rada se objašnjava ratio legis ovog dela, iz koga proizlazi da korišćenje platne kartice bez pokrića zaslužuje da bude krivično sankcionisano samo kada na osnovu upotrebe kartice izdavalac stiče samostalnu obavezu plaćanja prema trećem licu izvan ugovora s imaocem kartice. Nasuprot tome, kažnjavanje ne zaslužuju slučajevi upotrebe debitnih kartica na prodajnim mestima trgovaca, odnosno bankomatima drugih banaka, gde izdavalac preko autorizacije (odobrenja) transakcije plaćanja neposredno učestvuje u sopstvenom preuzimanju obaveze prema trećem licu. Drugi deo rada je posvećen kritičkoj analizi obeležja bića ovog krivičnog dela u važećem srpskom pravu. U tom pogledu autori ukazuju na pojedina odstupanja i nejasnosti iz ugla objašnjene svrhe inkriminacije. Na osnovu svestranog razmatranja pitanja od značaja za širinu kriminalne zone u ovoj oblasti, u završnom delu rada autori daju odgovarajuće predloge de lege ferenda.
AB  - In this paper the authors discuss the legal policy reasons for the crime of non-covered use of payments cards (Criminal Code, Art. 228(1)). In the first part of the paper the ratio legis of this crime is explained. It is concluded that the non-covered use of payment cards deserves to be criminally sanctioned only when, based of the card's use, the card issuer becomes personally liable for payment to the third party not privy to the contract between the issuer and the card-holder. Conversely, criminal proscribing is not justified when debit cards are used at the point-of-sale or the ATM of another bank, since here the issuer authorizes the payment transaction and thereby participates in assuming his own obligation to pay to the third party. The second part of the paper contains critical analysis of the proscribed non-covered use of payment cards in the Serbian Criminal Code. In this respect the authors show the lack of clarity and certain discrepancies with the explained ratio legis of such a crime. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the issues regarding the justification of criminal proscribing in this field, in the last part of the paper the authors suggest possible solutions de lege ferenda.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - Pravno-političko opravdanje krivičnog dela korišćenja platnih kartica bez pokrića
T1  - Legal policy justification for the crime of non-covered use of payment cards
EP  - 85
IS  - 2
SP  - 68
VL  - 62
DO  - 10.5937/AnaliPFB1402068V
UR  - conv_336
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor and Radović, Mirjana",
year = "2014",
abstract = "U ovom radu autori razmatraju pravno-političke razloge za propisivanje krivičnog dela korišćenja platnih kartica bez pokrića (Krivični zakonik, čl. 228, st. 1). U prvom delu rada se objašnjava ratio legis ovog dela, iz koga proizlazi da korišćenje platne kartice bez pokrića zaslužuje da bude krivično sankcionisano samo kada na osnovu upotrebe kartice izdavalac stiče samostalnu obavezu plaćanja prema trećem licu izvan ugovora s imaocem kartice. Nasuprot tome, kažnjavanje ne zaslužuju slučajevi upotrebe debitnih kartica na prodajnim mestima trgovaca, odnosno bankomatima drugih banaka, gde izdavalac preko autorizacije (odobrenja) transakcije plaćanja neposredno učestvuje u sopstvenom preuzimanju obaveze prema trećem licu. Drugi deo rada je posvećen kritičkoj analizi obeležja bića ovog krivičnog dela u važećem srpskom pravu. U tom pogledu autori ukazuju na pojedina odstupanja i nejasnosti iz ugla objašnjene svrhe inkriminacije. Na osnovu svestranog razmatranja pitanja od značaja za širinu kriminalne zone u ovoj oblasti, u završnom delu rada autori daju odgovarajuće predloge de lege ferenda., In this paper the authors discuss the legal policy reasons for the crime of non-covered use of payments cards (Criminal Code, Art. 228(1)). In the first part of the paper the ratio legis of this crime is explained. It is concluded that the non-covered use of payment cards deserves to be criminally sanctioned only when, based of the card's use, the card issuer becomes personally liable for payment to the third party not privy to the contract between the issuer and the card-holder. Conversely, criminal proscribing is not justified when debit cards are used at the point-of-sale or the ATM of another bank, since here the issuer authorizes the payment transaction and thereby participates in assuming his own obligation to pay to the third party. The second part of the paper contains critical analysis of the proscribed non-covered use of payment cards in the Serbian Criminal Code. In this respect the authors show the lack of clarity and certain discrepancies with the explained ratio legis of such a crime. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the issues regarding the justification of criminal proscribing in this field, in the last part of the paper the authors suggest possible solutions de lege ferenda.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "Pravno-političko opravdanje krivičnog dela korišćenja platnih kartica bez pokrića, Legal policy justification for the crime of non-covered use of payment cards",
pages = "85-68",
number = "2",
volume = "62",
doi = "10.5937/AnaliPFB1402068V",
url = "conv_336"
Vuković, I.,& Radović, M.. (2014). Pravno-političko opravdanje krivičnog dela korišćenja platnih kartica bez pokrića. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 62(2), 68-85.
Vuković I, Radović M. Pravno-političko opravdanje krivičnog dela korišćenja platnih kartica bez pokrića. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2014;62(2):68-85.
conv_336 .
Vuković, Igor, Radović, Mirjana, "Pravno-političko opravdanje krivičnog dela korišćenja platnih kartica bez pokrića" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 62, no. 2 (2014):68-85, .,
conv_336 .

Odgovornost pravnog lica za krivična dela sa posledicom smrti (corporate manslaughter) ili teške telesne povrede prema srpskom pravu

Vuković, Igor

(Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd, 2014)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - U uporednoj literaturi i sudskoj praksi, tema eventualne odgovornosti privrednog društva za smrtne posledice prouzrokovane postupanjem njegovih odgovornih lica u vršenju svojih ovlašćenja postaje sve aktuelnija, naročito u anglosaksonskom pravu. Sa sve većim brojem industrijskih nesreća sa tragičnim posledicama, praćenim smrću velikog broja ljudi, iznalaze se nova rešenja i donose novi propisi, koji imaju za cilj da osiguraju da krivična odgovornost ne pogodi samo odgovorna lica u privrednim subjektima, već i same korporacije. Time se pokazuje da važan segment krivične odgovornosti pravnih lica predstavlja njihova odgovornost za nehatna krivična dela. S obzirom da je odgovornost pravnih lica za krivična dela uvedena u srpsko pravo 2008. godine, autor analizira postojeće pretpostavke odgovornosti pravnog lica prema postojećem Zakonu, naročito uslov da odgovorno lice krivično delo učini 'u nameri da za pravno lice ostvari korist'. Autor zaključuje da postojeće rešenje ne može adekvatno da obuhvati odgovornost pravnog lica za nehatna krivična dela, uključujući tu i dela kvalifikovana težim posledicama smrti ili teške telesne povrede. .
AB  - The subject of corporate liability for deadly consequences, caused by employees, becomes even more topical in comparative literature and case law, especially in common law systems. With an increasing number of industrial accidents with tragic consequences, followed by the death of a large number of people, new solutions are being found and new regulations are being brought, with the idea to ensure that criminal liability does not hit only natural persons in the legal entity, but also the corporation itself. This indicates that an important segment of criminal liability of legal persons is their responsibility for negligent offenses. Considering that the liability of legal persons for criminal offenses was introduced in the Serbian law in 2008, the author analyzes the current assumptions of criminal liability of legal entities under the existing law, in particular the requirement that the responsible person commits criminal offence 'for the benefit of the legal person'. The author concludes that existing solutions cannot adequately cover the liability of legal entities for negligent offences, including offences with graver consequences of death or serious bodily harm.
PB  - Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Pravo i privreda
T1  - Odgovornost pravnog lica za krivična dela sa posledicom smrti (corporate manslaughter) ili teške telesne povrede prema srpskom pravu
T1  - Corporate criminal liability for manslaughter and serious bodily harm in Serbian Law
EP  - 287
IS  - 4-6
SP  - 273
VL  - 52
UR  - conv_2123
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor",
year = "2014",
abstract = "U uporednoj literaturi i sudskoj praksi, tema eventualne odgovornosti privrednog društva za smrtne posledice prouzrokovane postupanjem njegovih odgovornih lica u vršenju svojih ovlašćenja postaje sve aktuelnija, naročito u anglosaksonskom pravu. Sa sve većim brojem industrijskih nesreća sa tragičnim posledicama, praćenim smrću velikog broja ljudi, iznalaze se nova rešenja i donose novi propisi, koji imaju za cilj da osiguraju da krivična odgovornost ne pogodi samo odgovorna lica u privrednim subjektima, već i same korporacije. Time se pokazuje da važan segment krivične odgovornosti pravnih lica predstavlja njihova odgovornost za nehatna krivična dela. S obzirom da je odgovornost pravnih lica za krivična dela uvedena u srpsko pravo 2008. godine, autor analizira postojeće pretpostavke odgovornosti pravnog lica prema postojećem Zakonu, naročito uslov da odgovorno lice krivično delo učini 'u nameri da za pravno lice ostvari korist'. Autor zaključuje da postojeće rešenje ne može adekvatno da obuhvati odgovornost pravnog lica za nehatna krivična dela, uključujući tu i dela kvalifikovana težim posledicama smrti ili teške telesne povrede. ., The subject of corporate liability for deadly consequences, caused by employees, becomes even more topical in comparative literature and case law, especially in common law systems. With an increasing number of industrial accidents with tragic consequences, followed by the death of a large number of people, new solutions are being found and new regulations are being brought, with the idea to ensure that criminal liability does not hit only natural persons in the legal entity, but also the corporation itself. This indicates that an important segment of criminal liability of legal persons is their responsibility for negligent offenses. Considering that the liability of legal persons for criminal offenses was introduced in the Serbian law in 2008, the author analyzes the current assumptions of criminal liability of legal entities under the existing law, in particular the requirement that the responsible person commits criminal offence 'for the benefit of the legal person'. The author concludes that existing solutions cannot adequately cover the liability of legal entities for negligent offences, including offences with graver consequences of death or serious bodily harm.",
publisher = "Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Pravo i privreda",
title = "Odgovornost pravnog lica za krivična dela sa posledicom smrti (corporate manslaughter) ili teške telesne povrede prema srpskom pravu, Corporate criminal liability for manslaughter and serious bodily harm in Serbian Law",
pages = "287-273",
number = "4-6",
volume = "52",
url = "conv_2123"
Vuković, I.. (2014). Odgovornost pravnog lica za krivična dela sa posledicom smrti (corporate manslaughter) ili teške telesne povrede prema srpskom pravu. in Pravo i privreda
Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd., 52(4-6), 273-287.
Vuković I. Odgovornost pravnog lica za krivična dela sa posledicom smrti (corporate manslaughter) ili teške telesne povrede prema srpskom pravu. in Pravo i privreda. 2014;52(4-6):273-287.
conv_2123 .
Vuković, Igor, "Odgovornost pravnog lica za krivična dela sa posledicom smrti (corporate manslaughter) ili teške telesne povrede prema srpskom pravu" in Pravo i privreda, 52, no. 4-6 (2014):273-287,
conv_2123 .

Pretpostavljeni pristanak u krivičnom pravu

Vuković, Igor

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd, 2014)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Za razliku od pristanka povređenog, koji se u srpskoj literaturi smatra osnovom isključenja protivpravnosti, pretpostavljeni pristanak se u našim udžbenicima krivičnog prava ne razmatra kao osnov opravdanja. Ovaj institut počiva na ideji da u pojedinim slučajevima ne zaslužuje da bude krivično delo ono ponašanje koje se čini bez izjavljenog pristanka titulara dobra, ili zato što se čini u njegovom interesu, ili zato što se odnosi na bagatelna dobra. Uslov je da se pristanak titulara mogao očekivati. Pretpostavljeni pristanak je uobičajen u sferi medicinskog lečenja, gde je neretko neophodna intervencija u odnosu na nesvesnog pacijenta. Nasuprot vladajućem shvatanju u stranoj literaturi, autor zastupa stanovište da pretpostavljeni pristanak ne zaslužuje svoje samostalno mesto u sistemu krivičnog dela, s obzirom na njegovo preplitanje sa institutom krajnje nužde.
AB  - Unlike the actual consent of the victim, which is in Serbian literature considered as a ground for excluding unlawfulness of a crime, in our textbooks of criminal law presumed consent is not usually considered as an independent ground of justification. This institute is based on the hypothetical will of the victim, on the idea that in some cases, although the holder of the good didn’t actually consent, act which endangers some of his goods does not deserve to be considered a crime, either because it appears to be in the holder’s interest, or because it represents an insignificant value to the holder. The requirement is that the perpetrator could have expected that the holder of the good, if asked, would consent. Presumed consent is common in the field of medical treatment, where an unconscious patient is often in dire need of immediate medical intervention. Contrary to the prevailing theory, the author argues that the presumed consent does not deserve its own place in the structure of crime, given its overlap with the institute of necessity.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd
T2  - Crimen (Beograd)
T1  - Pretpostavljeni pristanak u krivičnom pravu
T1  - Presumed consent in criminal law
EP  - 61
IS  - 1
SP  - 50
VL  - 5
UR  - conv_2763
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Za razliku od pristanka povređenog, koji se u srpskoj literaturi smatra osnovom isključenja protivpravnosti, pretpostavljeni pristanak se u našim udžbenicima krivičnog prava ne razmatra kao osnov opravdanja. Ovaj institut počiva na ideji da u pojedinim slučajevima ne zaslužuje da bude krivično delo ono ponašanje koje se čini bez izjavljenog pristanka titulara dobra, ili zato što se čini u njegovom interesu, ili zato što se odnosi na bagatelna dobra. Uslov je da se pristanak titulara mogao očekivati. Pretpostavljeni pristanak je uobičajen u sferi medicinskog lečenja, gde je neretko neophodna intervencija u odnosu na nesvesnog pacijenta. Nasuprot vladajućem shvatanju u stranoj literaturi, autor zastupa stanovište da pretpostavljeni pristanak ne zaslužuje svoje samostalno mesto u sistemu krivičnog dela, s obzirom na njegovo preplitanje sa institutom krajnje nužde., Unlike the actual consent of the victim, which is in Serbian literature considered as a ground for excluding unlawfulness of a crime, in our textbooks of criminal law presumed consent is not usually considered as an independent ground of justification. This institute is based on the hypothetical will of the victim, on the idea that in some cases, although the holder of the good didn’t actually consent, act which endangers some of his goods does not deserve to be considered a crime, either because it appears to be in the holder’s interest, or because it represents an insignificant value to the holder. The requirement is that the perpetrator could have expected that the holder of the good, if asked, would consent. Presumed consent is common in the field of medical treatment, where an unconscious patient is often in dire need of immediate medical intervention. Contrary to the prevailing theory, the author argues that the presumed consent does not deserve its own place in the structure of crime, given its overlap with the institute of necessity.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd",
journal = "Crimen (Beograd)",
title = "Pretpostavljeni pristanak u krivičnom pravu, Presumed consent in criminal law",
pages = "61-50",
number = "1",
volume = "5",
url = "conv_2763"
Vuković, I.. (2014). Pretpostavljeni pristanak u krivičnom pravu. in Crimen (Beograd)
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd., 5(1), 50-61.
Vuković I. Pretpostavljeni pristanak u krivičnom pravu. in Crimen (Beograd). 2014;5(1):50-61.
conv_2763 .
Vuković, Igor, "Pretpostavljeni pristanak u krivičnom pravu" in Crimen (Beograd), 5, no. 1 (2014):50-61,
conv_2763 .

O situacijama posrednog izvršilaštva u srpskom krivičnom pravu

Vuković, Igor

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2013)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - U krivičnom pravu razlikuju se tri forme izvršilaštva: neposredno izvršilaštvo, posredno izvršilaštvo i saizvršilaštvo. Posredni izvršilac je ono lice koje krivično delo vrši preko drugog lica. Posredni izvršilac ima vlast nad drugim licem, jer ima nadmoćnu volju ili znanje u odnosu na njega, što mu omogućava da preko njega ostvaruje svoje zamisli. Tipične primere posrednog izvršilaštva predstavlja iskorišćavanje deteta ili neuračunljivog lica za vršenje krivičnog dela. U srpskoj literaturi još uvek nisu jasno definisane situacije u kojima postoji potreba za ovom konstrukcijom. Naročito je složeno razgraničenje posrednog izvršioca i podstrekača, s obzirom da je, prema srpskom pravu i prihvaćenoj limitiranoj akcesornosti, saučesništvo moguće i bez krivice neposrednog izvršioca. Autor razmatra tipične situacije posrednog izvršilaštva i probleme koje primena ovog instituta podrazumeva u primeni prava.
AB  - Criminal law recognizes three possible forms of perpetration: direct perpetration, indirect perpetration and joint perpetration. Indirect perpetrator (principal by proxy) is a person who commits an offence through another person (agent). Principal controls acts of the agent because he has superior knowledge or superior will, which enables him to effectuate his own ideas through the agent. Typical example of indirect perpetration is exploitation of a child or an insane person for a criminal offence. Situations in which there is a need for this construction have not yet been clearly defined in Serbian literature. The distinction between principal by proxy and abettor is particularly complex, given that, according to Serbian law and accepted principle of limited dependence of the accessory liability on the principal offence, accessory liability is possible without guilt of the direct perpetrator. The author discusses typical situations of indirect perpetration and its possible implications in the application of law.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - O situacijama posrednog izvršilaštva u srpskom krivičnom pravu
T1  - On situations of indirect perpetration in Serbian criminal law
EP  - 121
IS  - 1
SP  - 96
VL  - 61
UR  - conv_287
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor",
year = "2013",
abstract = "U krivičnom pravu razlikuju se tri forme izvršilaštva: neposredno izvršilaštvo, posredno izvršilaštvo i saizvršilaštvo. Posredni izvršilac je ono lice koje krivično delo vrši preko drugog lica. Posredni izvršilac ima vlast nad drugim licem, jer ima nadmoćnu volju ili znanje u odnosu na njega, što mu omogućava da preko njega ostvaruje svoje zamisli. Tipične primere posrednog izvršilaštva predstavlja iskorišćavanje deteta ili neuračunljivog lica za vršenje krivičnog dela. U srpskoj literaturi još uvek nisu jasno definisane situacije u kojima postoji potreba za ovom konstrukcijom. Naročito je složeno razgraničenje posrednog izvršioca i podstrekača, s obzirom da je, prema srpskom pravu i prihvaćenoj limitiranoj akcesornosti, saučesništvo moguće i bez krivice neposrednog izvršioca. Autor razmatra tipične situacije posrednog izvršilaštva i probleme koje primena ovog instituta podrazumeva u primeni prava., Criminal law recognizes three possible forms of perpetration: direct perpetration, indirect perpetration and joint perpetration. Indirect perpetrator (principal by proxy) is a person who commits an offence through another person (agent). Principal controls acts of the agent because he has superior knowledge or superior will, which enables him to effectuate his own ideas through the agent. Typical example of indirect perpetration is exploitation of a child or an insane person for a criminal offence. Situations in which there is a need for this construction have not yet been clearly defined in Serbian literature. The distinction between principal by proxy and abettor is particularly complex, given that, according to Serbian law and accepted principle of limited dependence of the accessory liability on the principal offence, accessory liability is possible without guilt of the direct perpetrator. The author discusses typical situations of indirect perpetration and its possible implications in the application of law.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "O situacijama posrednog izvršilaštva u srpskom krivičnom pravu, On situations of indirect perpetration in Serbian criminal law",
pages = "121-96",
number = "1",
volume = "61",
url = "conv_287"
Vuković, I.. (2013). O situacijama posrednog izvršilaštva u srpskom krivičnom pravu. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 61(1), 96-121.
Vuković I. O situacijama posrednog izvršilaštva u srpskom krivičnom pravu. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2013;61(1):96-121.
conv_287 .
Vuković, Igor, "O situacijama posrednog izvršilaštva u srpskom krivičnom pravu" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 61, no. 1 (2013):96-121,
conv_287 .

Razumevanje krivične odgovornosti i kažnjivosti u srpskom zakonodavstvu i teoriji

Vuković, Igor

(Udruženje za krivično pravo i kriminologiju, Beograd i Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd, 2013)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Poslednjih godina, u srpskoj nauci krivičnog prava pitanje odnosa krivice i krivične odgovornosti bilo je od značaja za drugačije definisanje krivičnog dela, prema Krivičnom zakoniku od 2005. godine. Kako je promenjen pojam krivice, pojam krivične odgovornosti, bar u obliku u kojem je do tada upotrebljavan u literaturi i zakonodavstvu, pokazao se kao suvišan. Kako se međutim u svakodnevnom govoru i dalje sreće sintagma krivične odgovornosti, otvara se pitanje njenog razumevanja unutar aktuelnog sistema krivičnog prava. Jedno od mogućih značenja krivične odgovornosti može se odnositi na samu primenu krivičnih sankcija, pre svih kazne. To otvara pitanje pojma kažnjivosti, naročito u kontekstu instituta oslobođenja od kazne i pojedinih osnova izvinjenja koji se sreću u stranom zakonodavstvu. Autor razmatra pojmove krivične odgovornosti i kažnjivosti, polazeći od aktuelnih teorijskih stanovišta i zakonodavnih rešenja.
AB  - In recent years, in the doctrine of Serbian criminal law, the question of the relation of guilt and criminal responsibility was of significance for the different definition of the criminal offense, introduced by the Criminal Code in 2005. As the concept of guilt has been changed, the notion of criminal responsibility, at least in the form in which it had previously been used in the literature and legislation, proved to be unnecessary. However, as the phrase of criminal responsibility was still in use in everyday discourse, the question of its understanding, within the current criminal justice system, has arisen. One of the possible meanings of criminal responsibility may apply on the application of criminal sanctions, especially penalties. This opens the question of the liability to punishment, particularly in the context of the institute of exemption of punishment and certain excusatory defences encountered in international legislation. The author discusses the concepts of criminal responsibility and liability to punishment, based on current theoretical views and legislative solutions.
PB  - Udruženje za krivično pravo i kriminologiju, Beograd i Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd
T2  - Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo
T1  - Razumevanje krivične odgovornosti i kažnjivosti u srpskom zakonodavstvu i teoriji
T1  - Understanding of criminal responsibility and liability to punishment in Serbian theory and legislature
EP  - 105
IS  - 2
SP  - 93
VL  - 51
UR  - conv_2742
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Poslednjih godina, u srpskoj nauci krivičnog prava pitanje odnosa krivice i krivične odgovornosti bilo je od značaja za drugačije definisanje krivičnog dela, prema Krivičnom zakoniku od 2005. godine. Kako je promenjen pojam krivice, pojam krivične odgovornosti, bar u obliku u kojem je do tada upotrebljavan u literaturi i zakonodavstvu, pokazao se kao suvišan. Kako se međutim u svakodnevnom govoru i dalje sreće sintagma krivične odgovornosti, otvara se pitanje njenog razumevanja unutar aktuelnog sistema krivičnog prava. Jedno od mogućih značenja krivične odgovornosti može se odnositi na samu primenu krivičnih sankcija, pre svih kazne. To otvara pitanje pojma kažnjivosti, naročito u kontekstu instituta oslobođenja od kazne i pojedinih osnova izvinjenja koji se sreću u stranom zakonodavstvu. Autor razmatra pojmove krivične odgovornosti i kažnjivosti, polazeći od aktuelnih teorijskih stanovišta i zakonodavnih rešenja., In recent years, in the doctrine of Serbian criminal law, the question of the relation of guilt and criminal responsibility was of significance for the different definition of the criminal offense, introduced by the Criminal Code in 2005. As the concept of guilt has been changed, the notion of criminal responsibility, at least in the form in which it had previously been used in the literature and legislation, proved to be unnecessary. However, as the phrase of criminal responsibility was still in use in everyday discourse, the question of its understanding, within the current criminal justice system, has arisen. One of the possible meanings of criminal responsibility may apply on the application of criminal sanctions, especially penalties. This opens the question of the liability to punishment, particularly in the context of the institute of exemption of punishment and certain excusatory defences encountered in international legislation. The author discusses the concepts of criminal responsibility and liability to punishment, based on current theoretical views and legislative solutions.",
publisher = "Udruženje za krivično pravo i kriminologiju, Beograd i Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd",
journal = "Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo",
title = "Razumevanje krivične odgovornosti i kažnjivosti u srpskom zakonodavstvu i teoriji, Understanding of criminal responsibility and liability to punishment in Serbian theory and legislature",
pages = "105-93",
number = "2",
volume = "51",
url = "conv_2742"
Vuković, I.. (2013). Razumevanje krivične odgovornosti i kažnjivosti u srpskom zakonodavstvu i teoriji. in Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo
Udruženje za krivično pravo i kriminologiju, Beograd i Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd., 51(2), 93-105.
Vuković I. Razumevanje krivične odgovornosti i kažnjivosti u srpskom zakonodavstvu i teoriji. in Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo. 2013;51(2):93-105.
conv_2742 .
Vuković, Igor, "Razumevanje krivične odgovornosti i kažnjivosti u srpskom zakonodavstvu i teoriji" in Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo, 51, no. 2 (2013):93-105,
conv_2742 .

Stvarna zabluda u širem smislu i srpsko krivično zakonodavstvo - teorijski okvir

Vuković, Igor

(Kriminalističko-policijski univerzitet, Beograd, 2013)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - U srpskoj i ranijoj jugoslovenskoj nauci krivičnog prava uobičajeno su razlikovane stvarna zabluda u širem i u užem smislu. Ovo razlikovanje poznaje i Krivični zakonik, koji u članu 28 govori o stvarnoj zabludi u pogledu neke stvarne okolnosti koja predstavlja obeležje krivičnog dela i o stvarnoj zabludi u pogledu neke stvarne okolnosti koja bi, da je zaista postojala, činila delo dozvoljenim. Mesto stvarne zablude u širem smislu i njena krivičnopravna dejstva, kako u odnosu na stvarnu zabludu u užem smislu, tako i u odnosu na pravnu zabludu, predstavlja predmet različitih teorijskih shvatanja, od kojih su najznačajnija teorija krivice i teorija umišljaja. Autor razmatra ove teorije iz ugla srpskog prava, smatrajući da se srpsko rešenje kreće u okvirima tzv. ograničene teorije krivice.
AB  - The Serbian and earlier Yugoslav doctrine of criminal law usually differentiated mistake of fact 'in a wider' and mistake of law 'in a narrower sense'. This distinction is also recognized by the Serbian Criminal Code, which in Art. 28 differentiates between a mistake of fact about some statutory element of the criminal offence and a mistake of fact about some circumstance, which, had it existed, would have rendered such act permissible. The place of the mistake of fact 'in a wider sense' in the system of criminal offence and its effects, both in terms of its relation to the mistake of fact 'in a narrower sense' and its relation to the mistake of law, is the subject of various theoretical concepts. The most important theories are the theory of guilt and the theory of intent. The author discusses these theories from the perspective of the Serbian law, arguing that the Serbian solution is presented within the so-called limited theory of guilt.
PB  - Kriminalističko-policijski univerzitet, Beograd
T2  - NBP. Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - Stvarna zabluda u širem smislu i srpsko krivično zakonodavstvo - teorijski okvir
T1  - Mistake of fact 'in a wider sense' and Serbian criminal legislation: A theoretical framework
EP  - 26
IS  - 2
SP  - 17
VL  - 18
UR  - conv_2509
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor",
year = "2013",
abstract = "U srpskoj i ranijoj jugoslovenskoj nauci krivičnog prava uobičajeno su razlikovane stvarna zabluda u širem i u užem smislu. Ovo razlikovanje poznaje i Krivični zakonik, koji u članu 28 govori o stvarnoj zabludi u pogledu neke stvarne okolnosti koja predstavlja obeležje krivičnog dela i o stvarnoj zabludi u pogledu neke stvarne okolnosti koja bi, da je zaista postojala, činila delo dozvoljenim. Mesto stvarne zablude u širem smislu i njena krivičnopravna dejstva, kako u odnosu na stvarnu zabludu u užem smislu, tako i u odnosu na pravnu zabludu, predstavlja predmet različitih teorijskih shvatanja, od kojih su najznačajnija teorija krivice i teorija umišljaja. Autor razmatra ove teorije iz ugla srpskog prava, smatrajući da se srpsko rešenje kreće u okvirima tzv. ograničene teorije krivice., The Serbian and earlier Yugoslav doctrine of criminal law usually differentiated mistake of fact 'in a wider' and mistake of law 'in a narrower sense'. This distinction is also recognized by the Serbian Criminal Code, which in Art. 28 differentiates between a mistake of fact about some statutory element of the criminal offence and a mistake of fact about some circumstance, which, had it existed, would have rendered such act permissible. The place of the mistake of fact 'in a wider sense' in the system of criminal offence and its effects, both in terms of its relation to the mistake of fact 'in a narrower sense' and its relation to the mistake of law, is the subject of various theoretical concepts. The most important theories are the theory of guilt and the theory of intent. The author discusses these theories from the perspective of the Serbian law, arguing that the Serbian solution is presented within the so-called limited theory of guilt.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko-policijski univerzitet, Beograd",
journal = "NBP. Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "Stvarna zabluda u širem smislu i srpsko krivično zakonodavstvo - teorijski okvir, Mistake of fact 'in a wider sense' and Serbian criminal legislation: A theoretical framework",
pages = "26-17",
number = "2",
volume = "18",
url = "conv_2509"
Vuković, I.. (2013). Stvarna zabluda u širem smislu i srpsko krivično zakonodavstvo - teorijski okvir. in NBP. Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko-policijski univerzitet, Beograd., 18(2), 17-26.
Vuković I. Stvarna zabluda u širem smislu i srpsko krivično zakonodavstvo - teorijski okvir. in NBP. Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2013;18(2):17-26.
conv_2509 .
Vuković, Igor, "Stvarna zabluda u širem smislu i srpsko krivično zakonodavstvo - teorijski okvir" in NBP. Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 18, no. 2 (2013):17-26,
conv_2509 .

Krivičnopravni pojam i funkcije radnje

Vuković, Igor

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd, 2012)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Sistem krivičnog dela počiva na trostepenoj strukturi koju čine zakonska obeležja dela, protivpravnost i krivica. Ipak, mnogi autori pažnju takođe posvećuju i tzv. krivičnopravnoj radnji, koja bi u sistemu krivičnog dela trebalo da vrši osnovnu, povezujući i razgraničavajuću funkciju. Dugo vremena je vladajuće bilo kauzalno učenje o radnji, koje je radnju definisalo kao voljni telesni pokret ili voljno propuštanje pokreta. Tridesetih godina XX veka ovo shvatanje zamenjuje finalno učenje, koje smatra da je svako ljudsko delovanje ciljno. Socijalna učenja, aktuelna nakon Drugog svetskog rata, u radnji vide socijalnu dimenziju - odnošenje čoveka sa svojom socijalnom sredinom. Autor objašnjava i kritikuje različite poglede, zastupajući shvatanje da je pojam krivičnopravne radnje u sistemu krivičnog dela suvišan.
AB  - The system of criminal offence is based on tripartite structure, consisting of statutory elements of an offence, unlawfulness (absence of justificatory defences) and blameworthiness (absence of excusatory defences). However, many authors also give consideration to so-called criminal act, which should exercise essential, linking and separating function in the system of criminal offence. For a long time, causal theory, which defined criminal act as a voluntary bodily movement or a willing omission of such movement, was dominant. In the 1930s, this concept replaces the theory of finality, which believes that every human action is purposeful. Social theories, leading after the Second World War, in criminal act recognize social dimension - man in relation to his social environment. The author explains and criticizes different views, representing the concept that the notion of criminal act is unnecessary in the system of criminal offence.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd
T2  - Crimen (Beograd)
T1  - Krivičnopravni pojam i funkcije radnje
T1  - Act in criminal law: Notion and functions
EP  - 94
IS  - 1
SP  - 73
VL  - 3
UR  - conv_2758
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Sistem krivičnog dela počiva na trostepenoj strukturi koju čine zakonska obeležja dela, protivpravnost i krivica. Ipak, mnogi autori pažnju takođe posvećuju i tzv. krivičnopravnoj radnji, koja bi u sistemu krivičnog dela trebalo da vrši osnovnu, povezujući i razgraničavajuću funkciju. Dugo vremena je vladajuće bilo kauzalno učenje o radnji, koje je radnju definisalo kao voljni telesni pokret ili voljno propuštanje pokreta. Tridesetih godina XX veka ovo shvatanje zamenjuje finalno učenje, koje smatra da je svako ljudsko delovanje ciljno. Socijalna učenja, aktuelna nakon Drugog svetskog rata, u radnji vide socijalnu dimenziju - odnošenje čoveka sa svojom socijalnom sredinom. Autor objašnjava i kritikuje različite poglede, zastupajući shvatanje da je pojam krivičnopravne radnje u sistemu krivičnog dela suvišan., The system of criminal offence is based on tripartite structure, consisting of statutory elements of an offence, unlawfulness (absence of justificatory defences) and blameworthiness (absence of excusatory defences). However, many authors also give consideration to so-called criminal act, which should exercise essential, linking and separating function in the system of criminal offence. For a long time, causal theory, which defined criminal act as a voluntary bodily movement or a willing omission of such movement, was dominant. In the 1930s, this concept replaces the theory of finality, which believes that every human action is purposeful. Social theories, leading after the Second World War, in criminal act recognize social dimension - man in relation to his social environment. The author explains and criticizes different views, representing the concept that the notion of criminal act is unnecessary in the system of criminal offence.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd",
journal = "Crimen (Beograd)",
title = "Krivičnopravni pojam i funkcije radnje, Act in criminal law: Notion and functions",
pages = "94-73",
number = "1",
volume = "3",
url = "conv_2758"
Vuković, I.. (2012). Krivičnopravni pojam i funkcije radnje. in Crimen (Beograd)
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd., 3(1), 73-94.
Vuković I. Krivičnopravni pojam i funkcije radnje. in Crimen (Beograd). 2012;3(1):73-94.
conv_2758 .
Vuković, Igor, "Krivičnopravni pojam i funkcije radnje" in Crimen (Beograd), 3, no. 1 (2012):73-94,
conv_2758 .

O subjektivnim obeležjima protivpravnosti u krivičnom pravu

Vuković, Igor

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2011)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - Članak razmatra problem subjektivnih elemenata protivpravnosti, odnosno pitanje da li učinilac mora da zna za postojanje okolnosti koje vode isključenju protivpravnosti njegovog dela da bi njegovo delo bilo opravdano. Zamislimo da A puca na B hoteći da ga liši života, a da se kasnije ispostavi da je to učinio upravo u trenutku kada je B podigao oružje kako bi njega usmrtio. Prema objektivnoj teoriji, na protivpravnost dela nema uticaja učiniočeva subjektivna strana. S druge strane, subjektivisti predlažu dva moguća rešenja. Jedno učenje zahteva samo svest o postojanju pozicije opravdanja, dok drugo shvatanje negira postojanje osnova isključenja protivpravnosti ako učinilac nije bio motivisan upravo okolnostima opravdanja. Autor iznosi različite argumente, zastupajući stav da je za isključenje protivpravnosti dovoljna isključivo svest o delovanju unutar osnova opravdanja. Krivičnopravno dejstvo neispunjenja subjektivnog elementa protivpravnosti jeste odgovornost za nepodoban pokušaj krivičnog dela.
AB  - The article deals with the problem of so-called unknowing justification and the question whether an actor must have knowledge of the presence of justificatory circumstances, so his crime could be justified. Suppose that A shoots at B with intent to murder him, and turns out later that, unknown to A, B was about to shoot him dead. Although A killed a man, he unknowingly repelled an attack on his life. According to objective theory, lawful acts should be encouraged and justified regardless of the actor's mental state. On the other hand, subjectivists suggest two possible answers. The weaker version of subjective theory requires merely the awareness of justificatory position, while the stronger variant denies justification if the actor wasn't motivated by justifying circumstances. The author gives arguments on these viewpoints, supporting the idea that justification requires only knowledge of the justificatory circumstances. The consequence is that the unknowing actor isn't liable for the completed offence, but may be liable for impossible attempt.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - O subjektivnim obeležjima protivpravnosti u krivičnom pravu
T1  - On subjective elements of unlawfulness in criminal law
EP  - 141
IS  - 2
SP  - 122
VL  - 59
UR  - conv_233
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Članak razmatra problem subjektivnih elemenata protivpravnosti, odnosno pitanje da li učinilac mora da zna za postojanje okolnosti koje vode isključenju protivpravnosti njegovog dela da bi njegovo delo bilo opravdano. Zamislimo da A puca na B hoteći da ga liši života, a da se kasnije ispostavi da je to učinio upravo u trenutku kada je B podigao oružje kako bi njega usmrtio. Prema objektivnoj teoriji, na protivpravnost dela nema uticaja učiniočeva subjektivna strana. S druge strane, subjektivisti predlažu dva moguća rešenja. Jedno učenje zahteva samo svest o postojanju pozicije opravdanja, dok drugo shvatanje negira postojanje osnova isključenja protivpravnosti ako učinilac nije bio motivisan upravo okolnostima opravdanja. Autor iznosi različite argumente, zastupajući stav da je za isključenje protivpravnosti dovoljna isključivo svest o delovanju unutar osnova opravdanja. Krivičnopravno dejstvo neispunjenja subjektivnog elementa protivpravnosti jeste odgovornost za nepodoban pokušaj krivičnog dela., The article deals with the problem of so-called unknowing justification and the question whether an actor must have knowledge of the presence of justificatory circumstances, so his crime could be justified. Suppose that A shoots at B with intent to murder him, and turns out later that, unknown to A, B was about to shoot him dead. Although A killed a man, he unknowingly repelled an attack on his life. According to objective theory, lawful acts should be encouraged and justified regardless of the actor's mental state. On the other hand, subjectivists suggest two possible answers. The weaker version of subjective theory requires merely the awareness of justificatory position, while the stronger variant denies justification if the actor wasn't motivated by justifying circumstances. The author gives arguments on these viewpoints, supporting the idea that justification requires only knowledge of the justificatory circumstances. The consequence is that the unknowing actor isn't liable for the completed offence, but may be liable for impossible attempt.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "O subjektivnim obeležjima protivpravnosti u krivičnom pravu, On subjective elements of unlawfulness in criminal law",
pages = "141-122",
number = "2",
volume = "59",
url = "conv_233"
Vuković, I.. (2011). O subjektivnim obeležjima protivpravnosti u krivičnom pravu. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 59(2), 122-141.
Vuković I. O subjektivnim obeležjima protivpravnosti u krivičnom pravu. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2011;59(2):122-141.
conv_233 .
Vuković, Igor, "O subjektivnim obeležjima protivpravnosti u krivičnom pravu" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 59, no. 2 (2011):122-141,
conv_233 .

Kolegijalno odlučivanje i krivična odgovornost

Vuković, Igor

(Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd, 2011)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
PY  - 2011
UR  -
PB  - Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
C3  - Pravo i privreda
T1  - Kolegijalno odlučivanje i krivična odgovornost
T1  - Collegial decision-making and criminal liability
EP  - 317
IS  - 7-9
SP  - 302
VL  - 48
UR  - conv_2046
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor",
year = "2011",
publisher = "Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Pravo i privreda",
title = "Kolegijalno odlučivanje i krivična odgovornost, Collegial decision-making and criminal liability",
pages = "317-302",
number = "7-9",
volume = "48",
url = "conv_2046"
Vuković, I.. (2011). Kolegijalno odlučivanje i krivična odgovornost. in Pravo i privreda
Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd., 48(7-9), 302-317.
Vuković I. Kolegijalno odlučivanje i krivična odgovornost. in Pravo i privreda. 2011;48(7-9):302-317.
conv_2046 .
Vuković, Igor, "Kolegijalno odlučivanje i krivična odgovornost" in Pravo i privreda, 48, no. 7-9 (2011):302-317,
conv_2046 .

Materijalno dovršenje krivičnoga dela

Vuković, Igor

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2008)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
PY  - 2008
UR  -
AB  - U savremenoj teoriji kontinentalnog krivičnog prava sreće se shvatanje o tzv. materijalnom dovršenju krivičnog dela. Naime, iako je delikt formalno dovršen kada je učinilac svojim ponašanjem ostvario celokupna objektivna i subjektivna obeležja krivičnog dela, kod pojedinih kategorija krivičnih dela izvesna pravna dejstva (npr. saučesništva) ostvaruju se kao da delo nije dovršeno - sve do konačne istinske materijalne povrede pravnog dobra. Ovaj trenutak pojedini autori nazivaju 'materijalno dovršenje krivičnoga dela' (Beendigung). U radu se analiziraju različite situacije materijalnog dovršenja i kategorije krivičnih dela kod kojih se ovaj institut može primeniti.
AB  - In contemporary theory of continental criminal law one can come across the view of so-called materially completed criminal offences. Namely, although an offence is formally completed when a perpetrator commits all its objective and subjective elements, some legal consequences (e.g. of conspiracy) may appear as if the offence is not completed, until the final substantive material damage to the legal good is done. By certain authors, this moment is called 'material completion of criminal offence' (Beendigung). This article examines different situations of materially completed crimes and various categories of criminal offences by which this institute could apply.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - Materijalno dovršenje krivičnoga dela
T1  - Material completion of criminal offence
EP  - 160
IS  - 2
SP  - 139
VL  - 56
UR  - conv_132
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor",
year = "2008",
abstract = "U savremenoj teoriji kontinentalnog krivičnog prava sreće se shvatanje o tzv. materijalnom dovršenju krivičnog dela. Naime, iako je delikt formalno dovršen kada je učinilac svojim ponašanjem ostvario celokupna objektivna i subjektivna obeležja krivičnog dela, kod pojedinih kategorija krivičnih dela izvesna pravna dejstva (npr. saučesništva) ostvaruju se kao da delo nije dovršeno - sve do konačne istinske materijalne povrede pravnog dobra. Ovaj trenutak pojedini autori nazivaju 'materijalno dovršenje krivičnoga dela' (Beendigung). U radu se analiziraju različite situacije materijalnog dovršenja i kategorije krivičnih dela kod kojih se ovaj institut može primeniti., In contemporary theory of continental criminal law one can come across the view of so-called materially completed criminal offences. Namely, although an offence is formally completed when a perpetrator commits all its objective and subjective elements, some legal consequences (e.g. of conspiracy) may appear as if the offence is not completed, until the final substantive material damage to the legal good is done. By certain authors, this moment is called 'material completion of criminal offence' (Beendigung). This article examines different situations of materially completed crimes and various categories of criminal offences by which this institute could apply.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "Materijalno dovršenje krivičnoga dela, Material completion of criminal offence",
pages = "160-139",
number = "2",
volume = "56",
url = "conv_132"
Vuković, I.. (2008). Materijalno dovršenje krivičnoga dela. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 56(2), 139-160.
Vuković I. Materijalno dovršenje krivičnoga dela. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2008;56(2):139-160.
conv_132 .
Vuković, Igor, "Materijalno dovršenje krivičnoga dela" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 56, no. 2 (2008):139-160,
conv_132 .