Petrušić, Nevena

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  • Petrušić, Nevena (2)

Author's Bibliography

Uvođenje rodne perspektive u pravničko obrazovanje u Srbiji : pilot analiza studijskih programa i udžbenika

Vujadinović, Dragica; Petrušić, Nevena

(Beograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanje, 2017)

AU  - Vujadinović, Dragica
AU  - Petrušić, Nevena
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Fokus teksta u opštem smislu je na potrebi dugoročnog i sistematskog preispitivanja
visokog obrazovanja u Srbiji sa stanovišta rodne ravnopravnosti i
urodnjavanja1 obrazovnog procesa i da se ponude bazični inputi za buduće
građenje akcionih planova i politika za rodnu senzitivizaciju visokog obrazovanja.
Glavni cilj je da se inicira sistematski dugotrajni proces preispitivanja
pravničkog obrazovanja iz rodne perspektive. Tekst, naravno, može da ostvari
samo skromne rezultate kroz preliminarnu analizu pravničkih studijskih programa,
i to na ograničenom ali reprezentativnom uzorku. Sprovedena je, dakle,
pilot analiza dva akreditovana studijska programa prava na dva državna univerziteta
– na Pravnom fakultetu u Beogradu i Pravnom fakultetu u Nišu. Ova
pilot analiza se zasniva na utvrđenoj metodologiji za rodno senzitivnu analizu
studijskih programa (kurikuluma i pojedinačnih silabusa), kao i udžbenika za
neke od pravničkih predmeta. Pomenuta metodologija uvodi određene indikatore
rodne senzitivnosti i tri kategorije procene sadržaja udžbenika i ishoda
učenja zacrtanih u silabusima – rodno negativan, rodno neutralan i rodno senzitivan.
Fokus je na pilot istraživanju kurikuluma i silabusa, kao i udžbenika
za predmete: Sociologija prava, Ustavno pravo, Porodično pravo, Radno pravo
i Krivično pravo. U uvodnim napomena teksta obrazlaže se smisao i značaj integrisanja rodne perspektive u visoko obrazovanje. U drugom poglavlju je
izložen normativni i strateški okvir koji čini neophodnim urodnjavanje visokog
obrazovanja u Srbiji. Glavni fokus analize – vezan za preispitivanje silabusa
i udžbenika – elaboriran je u sledeća tri poglavlja. Treće poglavlje prezentuje
glavne indikatore za rodno senzitivnu analizu pravničkog obrazovanja. Četvrto
je posvećeno analitičkom okviru i metodologiji istraživanja, a u petom su izloženi
i tumačeni dobijeni rezultati. U završnom delu teksta su date preporuke,
koje bi mogle da doprinesu unapređenju kurikuluma i udžbenika i, uopšte uzev,
pravničkog i visokog obrazovanja.
AB  - The general aim of this text is to initiate a long-lasting systemic process of
reconsidering higher education in Serbia from a gender sensitive point of view,
and to offer initial input for building action plans and policies oriented towards
this goal. The main focus is on reconsidering gender mainstreaming within law
schools. However, this text can aspire only to modest achievements, dealing only
with preliminary research of legal studies with a restricted but representative sample.
Namely, only two accredited study programs at two public universities’ faculties
of law in Serbia – Faculty of Law in Belgrade and Faculty of Law in Niš – were
taken into consideration. This pilot analysis is based on established methodology
for gender sensitive analysis of the curricula as well as of syllabi and textbooks
for certain legal courses. The mentioned methodology introduces specific gender
sensitive indicators as well as three categories for estimating learning outcomes of
study programs, syllabi and textbooks: gender negative, gender neutral and gender
sensitive. The focus of the investigation was on of the following courses: Sociology
of Law, Constitutional Law, Family Law, Labor Law and Criminal Law. The
meaning and importance of gender mainstreaming in law schools is explained in
the Introduction. The normative and strategic framework for gender mainstreaming
of higher education in Serbia is presented in the second chapter. The main focus
of analysis – related to reconsidering curricula and textbooks from gender perspective
– is elaborated through the next three chapters: the third chapter explores
the main indicators of gender sensitive analysis of legal education; the fourth one
is devoted to the analytical framework and methodology of investigation; chapter
five presents the research results and their interpretation. Concluding notes clarify
discrepancies between the normative and strategic international and national
framework for gender mainstreaming of higher education, on the one hand, and
the given state of affairs in Serbian legal education, on the other. The text includes
recommendations for gender action plans, which could contribute to an improvement
of legal and higher education in general.
PB  - Beograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanje
T2  - Perspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 7 / Perspectives of Implementa                  tion of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume VII
T1  - Uvođenje rodne perspektive u pravničko obrazovanje u Srbiji : pilot analiza studijskih programa i udžbenika
T1  - Gender Mainstreaming in Legal Education in Serbia : Pilot Analysis of Curricula and Textbooks
EP  - 103
SP  - 84
ER  - 
author = "Vujadinović, Dragica and Petrušić, Nevena",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Fokus teksta u opštem smislu je na potrebi dugoročnog i sistematskog preispitivanja
visokog obrazovanja u Srbiji sa stanovišta rodne ravnopravnosti i
urodnjavanja1 obrazovnog procesa i da se ponude bazični inputi za buduće
građenje akcionih planova i politika za rodnu senzitivizaciju visokog obrazovanja.
Glavni cilj je da se inicira sistematski dugotrajni proces preispitivanja
pravničkog obrazovanja iz rodne perspektive. Tekst, naravno, može da ostvari
samo skromne rezultate kroz preliminarnu analizu pravničkih studijskih programa,
i to na ograničenom ali reprezentativnom uzorku. Sprovedena je, dakle,
pilot analiza dva akreditovana studijska programa prava na dva državna univerziteta
– na Pravnom fakultetu u Beogradu i Pravnom fakultetu u Nišu. Ova
pilot analiza se zasniva na utvrđenoj metodologiji za rodno senzitivnu analizu
studijskih programa (kurikuluma i pojedinačnih silabusa), kao i udžbenika za
neke od pravničkih predmeta. Pomenuta metodologija uvodi određene indikatore
rodne senzitivnosti i tri kategorije procene sadržaja udžbenika i ishoda
učenja zacrtanih u silabusima – rodno negativan, rodno neutralan i rodno senzitivan.
Fokus je na pilot istraživanju kurikuluma i silabusa, kao i udžbenika
za predmete: Sociologija prava, Ustavno pravo, Porodično pravo, Radno pravo
i Krivično pravo. U uvodnim napomena teksta obrazlaže se smisao i značaj integrisanja rodne perspektive u visoko obrazovanje. U drugom poglavlju je
izložen normativni i strateški okvir koji čini neophodnim urodnjavanje visokog
obrazovanja u Srbiji. Glavni fokus analize – vezan za preispitivanje silabusa
i udžbenika – elaboriran je u sledeća tri poglavlja. Treće poglavlje prezentuje
glavne indikatore za rodno senzitivnu analizu pravničkog obrazovanja. Četvrto
je posvećeno analitičkom okviru i metodologiji istraživanja, a u petom su izloženi
i tumačeni dobijeni rezultati. U završnom delu teksta su date preporuke,
koje bi mogle da doprinesu unapređenju kurikuluma i udžbenika i, uopšte uzev,
pravničkog i visokog obrazovanja., The general aim of this text is to initiate a long-lasting systemic process of
reconsidering higher education in Serbia from a gender sensitive point of view,
and to offer initial input for building action plans and policies oriented towards
this goal. The main focus is on reconsidering gender mainstreaming within law
schools. However, this text can aspire only to modest achievements, dealing only
with preliminary research of legal studies with a restricted but representative sample.
Namely, only two accredited study programs at two public universities’ faculties
of law in Serbia – Faculty of Law in Belgrade and Faculty of Law in Niš – were
taken into consideration. This pilot analysis is based on established methodology
for gender sensitive analysis of the curricula as well as of syllabi and textbooks
for certain legal courses. The mentioned methodology introduces specific gender
sensitive indicators as well as three categories for estimating learning outcomes of
study programs, syllabi and textbooks: gender negative, gender neutral and gender
sensitive. The focus of the investigation was on of the following courses: Sociology
of Law, Constitutional Law, Family Law, Labor Law and Criminal Law. The
meaning and importance of gender mainstreaming in law schools is explained in
the Introduction. The normative and strategic framework for gender mainstreaming
of higher education in Serbia is presented in the second chapter. The main focus
of analysis – related to reconsidering curricula and textbooks from gender perspective
– is elaborated through the next three chapters: the third chapter explores
the main indicators of gender sensitive analysis of legal education; the fourth one
is devoted to the analytical framework and methodology of investigation; chapter
five presents the research results and their interpretation. Concluding notes clarify
discrepancies between the normative and strategic international and national
framework for gender mainstreaming of higher education, on the one hand, and
the given state of affairs in Serbian legal education, on the other. The text includes
recommendations for gender action plans, which could contribute to an improvement
of legal and higher education in general.",
publisher = "Beograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanje",
journal = "Perspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 7 / Perspectives of Implementa                  tion of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume VII",
booktitle = "Uvođenje rodne perspektive u pravničko obrazovanje u Srbiji : pilot analiza studijskih programa i udžbenika, Gender Mainstreaming in Legal Education in Serbia : Pilot Analysis of Curricula and Textbooks",
pages = "103-84"
Vujadinović, D.,& Petrušić, N.. (2017). Uvođenje rodne perspektive u pravničko obrazovanje u Srbiji : pilot analiza studijskih programa i udžbenika. in Perspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 7 / Perspectives of Implementa                  tion of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume VII
Beograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanje., 84-103.
Vujadinović D, Petrušić N. Uvođenje rodne perspektive u pravničko obrazovanje u Srbiji : pilot analiza studijskih programa i udžbenika. in Perspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 7 / Perspectives of Implementa                  tion of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume VII. 2017;:84-103..
Vujadinović, Dragica, Petrušić, Nevena, "Uvođenje rodne perspektive u pravničko obrazovanje u Srbiji : pilot analiza studijskih programa i udžbenika" in Perspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 7 / Perspectives of Implementa                  tion of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume VII (2017):84-103.

Normative framework for the protection against genetic discrimination in Serbia

Petrušić, Nevena


AU  - Petrušić, Nevena
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - The paper is devoted to a normative framework of protection against genetic discrimination in the legal system of the Republic of Serbia, contained in the Law on Patients Rights, as of 2013 and in the Law on Prevention and diagnostics of genetic disorders, genetically conditioned anomalies and rare diseases, as of 2015. The analysis has shown that the rules on protection of the genetic data and the use of genetic samples, which are crucially important for prevention of genetic discrimination, have not been harmonized with contemporary ethical and legal standards. The contents of the Article 9 of the Law on Prevention and diagnostics of genetic disorders, genetically conditioned anomalies and rare diseases reduces the scope and level of protection against genetic discrimination in relation to the protection, given by the General Antidiscrimination Law. The legal definition of the genetic discrimination notion is not comprehensive, clear or precise, either, so it causes confusions, which, additionally, make the application of anti-discrimination regulations more difficult. Having in mind the harmful effects caused by the genetic discrimination, there is a need to eliminate the observed normative failures in due time and enable people to enjoy the benefits, provided by genetic investigations, without the fear from discrimination. In order to prevent the genetic discrimination, it is necessary to work on both information providing and raising awareness about the genetic privacy and the genetic discrimination problem, but also on promotion of the social justice and development of sensibility for bioethical challenges brought by the new age.
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - Normative framework for the protection against genetic discrimination in Serbia
EP  - 90
IS  - 3
SP  - 75
VL  - 63
DO  - 10.5937/AnaliPFB1503075P
UR  - conv_3289
ER  - 
author = "Petrušić, Nevena",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The paper is devoted to a normative framework of protection against genetic discrimination in the legal system of the Republic of Serbia, contained in the Law on Patients Rights, as of 2013 and in the Law on Prevention and diagnostics of genetic disorders, genetically conditioned anomalies and rare diseases, as of 2015. The analysis has shown that the rules on protection of the genetic data and the use of genetic samples, which are crucially important for prevention of genetic discrimination, have not been harmonized with contemporary ethical and legal standards. The contents of the Article 9 of the Law on Prevention and diagnostics of genetic disorders, genetically conditioned anomalies and rare diseases reduces the scope and level of protection against genetic discrimination in relation to the protection, given by the General Antidiscrimination Law. The legal definition of the genetic discrimination notion is not comprehensive, clear or precise, either, so it causes confusions, which, additionally, make the application of anti-discrimination regulations more difficult. Having in mind the harmful effects caused by the genetic discrimination, there is a need to eliminate the observed normative failures in due time and enable people to enjoy the benefits, provided by genetic investigations, without the fear from discrimination. In order to prevent the genetic discrimination, it is necessary to work on both information providing and raising awareness about the genetic privacy and the genetic discrimination problem, but also on promotion of the social justice and development of sensibility for bioethical challenges brought by the new age.",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "Normative framework for the protection against genetic discrimination in Serbia",
pages = "90-75",
number = "3",
volume = "63",
doi = "10.5937/AnaliPFB1503075P",
url = "conv_3289"
Petrušić, N.. (2015). Normative framework for the protection against genetic discrimination in Serbia. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 63(3), 75-90.
Petrušić N. Normative framework for the protection against genetic discrimination in Serbia. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2015;63(3):75-90.
conv_3289 .
Petrušić, Nevena, "Normative framework for the protection against genetic discrimination in Serbia" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 63, no. 3 (2015):75-90, .,
conv_3289 .