An early critique of Kelsens pure theory of law: Slobodan Jovanović on the basic norm and primacy of international law
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The keystone of Kelsen s Pure Theory of Law is his doctrine of the basic norm. The basic norm is therefore the subject of Jovanović s critique of Kelsen s entire theory. According to Kelsen, the basic norm precedes the authority of a state, since it is positioned between the factual social force, which establishes the authority of the state, and the state. According to Jovanović, there is neither the law without a state, nor a state without the law; hence neither can Kelsenian legal norm, perceived as a norm prior to the state, be a positive legal norm, but an abstract, natural law norm. Jovanović discusses and criticizes Kelsen s solution to the problem of the relationship between national and international law, which depends on the establishment of the basic norm.
Кључне речи:
State law / Sovereignty / Pure Theory of Law / Philosophy of Law / International law / Basic normИзвор:
Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 2013, 61, 3, 151-167Финансирање / пројекти:
- Историја политичких идеја и институција на Балкану у XIX и XX веку (RS-MESTD-Basic Research (BR or ON)-177011)