author = "Mirković, Zoran",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Tekst je posvećen kazni lišenja slobode u Srbiji u prvoj polovini XIX veka, tj. od početka Prvog srpskog ustanka 1804. godine do donošenja Krivičnog zakonika 1860. godine. Do 1804. godine nije postojala kazna lišenja slobode u novovekovnom smislu reči. U vremenu od 1804. do 1813. godine postojao je 'haps', a ustaničke vlasti su gradile i prave tamnice radi kažnjavanja. Od početka 20-tih godina XIX veka, kada su nastali prvi srpski sudovi, pored hapsa, pojavljuje se i robija, u teškom gvožđu. Međutim, kvalitativne razlike između hapsa i robije nije bilo. Ustrojstvo okružnih sudova, od 26. januara 1840. godine, predvidelo je više oblika kazne lišenja slobode, ali u praksi se izricanje kazne lišenja slobode svodilo na večnu robiju ili vremensku robiju. Od početka 40-tih godina XIX kazna lišenja slobode sve se učestalije primenjivala i širilo se polje njene primene. Za najteža krivična dela, umesto zaprećene smrtne kazne i kazne trčanja kroz šibe, često je izricana kazna lišenja slobode, bilo od sudova bilo od najviše vlasti u postupku pomilovanja. Kazna lišenja slobode izvršavala se ili kod policijskih vlasti (kazne kraćeg trajanja) ili u kaznenim zavodima, kad su osnovani (kazna lišenja slobode u dužem trajanju). Krajem tridesetih godina otvorio se problem izdržavanja kazne lišenja slobode ženskih osoba i problem umobolnih lica počinilaca krivičnih dela. Rano se pojavljuju i množe propisi o izvršenju kazni lišenja slobode, koji su trebalo da reše brojna praktična i načelna pitanja u vezi izvršenja ove kazne. Konačno, 20. decembra 1851. godine je izdato Ustrojstvo ogledne ekonomije i kaznenog zavoda u Topčideru, koje je propisalo postupak prema osuđenicima, njihovom radu, kaznama, ophođenju stražara itd. Uočava se novi kazneni cilj - prinudno obrazovanje i popravljanje kroz rad. Na kraju ovog perioda, 1858. godine pojavio se prvi teorijski rad o kaznenim zavodima i Projekat zakona o izvršenju kazni lišenja slobode. Ovaj projekat bio je izrađen na širokoj osnovi, sa pravilima za izvršenje svake kazne lišenja slobode, ali nije usvojen zbog nedostatka sredstava., This text is on freedom deprivation punishment in Serbia during the first half of 19th century, i.e. since the beginning of the First Serbian uprising in 1804 and till passing the Criminal law in 1860. Author first emphasises that the freedom deprivation punishment doesn't have long tradition, although in medieval Serbia and under Turkish rule existed imprisonment in dungeon, but it was foremost some form of custody before a trial, and subsequently as keeping a prisoner after the verdict until its effectuation. It wasn't a freedom deprivation punishment in modern sense. During 1804 - 1813 there was so called 'haps' i.e. apprehension, though Uprising authorities built also 'real' prisons for punishment purpose. Imprisonment of culprits was a condition for compulsory labour, which could be very useful utilized under given circumstances. Since the beginning 1820-ties when first Serbian courts were established, beside 'haps' appears also imprisonment in heavy shackles. However there was no substantial difference between apprehension and imprisonment. In this time the sentence to imprisonment was combined with the punishment with beating (or sometimes with the flogging at the end of imprisonment). The Regulation of County courts from January 26th 1840 mentions several forms of freedom deprivation punishment, but in praxis freedom deprivation was reduced on either 'eternal' imprisonment or time-sentenced imprisonment. Since the beginning of 1840-ties freedom deprivation was more frequently used as punishment and its implementation was continually spreading. For heaviest crimes was instead death penalty and running gauntlet sentenced freedom deprivation, either from courts or from supreme authority in the amnesty process. Imprisonment was effectuated either at police reformatories (for shorter penalties) or at the penitentiary institutions (for longer imprisonment). By the end of 1830-ties an issue of imprisonment of female perpetrators emerged, together with the problem of freedom deprivation punishment for mentally ill committers of criminal acts. Relatively early and in increasing number appeared regulations on effectuation of freedom deprivation punishments, intended to solve numerous practical and principle questions about realization of this penalty. Finally on December 20th 1851 was issued the Structure of Experimental Economy in Topčider Penitentiary, which regulated treatment of convicts, their work, penalties, behavior of guards etc. A new punishment purpose has become noticeable - compulsory re-education and remission through work, as a difference to previous aims: sheer intimidation and neutralization of public danger. At the end of herein observed time, in the year 1858 appeared first theoretical work on penitentiary institutions and Project of Law on Effectuation of Freedom Deprivation Penalties. This project was elaborated on broad fundaments, with regulations for each form of freedom deprivation penalty, but wasn't accepted due to the lack of financial means.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad",
title = "Kazna lišenja slobode u Srbiji 1804-1860. godine, Freedom deprivation punishment in Serbia during 1804-1860",
pages = "170-155",
number = "1",
volume = "47",
doi = "10.5937/zrpfns47-3637",
url = "conv_2563"